After reading about the missing C++, I went to -US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 and downloaded the version I needed for my computer. Deleting and reinstalling didn't work. Turning off my security didn't work. But after the download, I am able to now sign into iCloud for windows.

Now when I try to reconnect to the icloud in enpass the following happens:

- The browser opens with the icloud page where I can put in my login credentials (like before when it was working).

- After I put in my login credentials I get the 2-factor code question on my IOS device (also fine).

- But after I enter my 2-factor code in the browser I get to a page where it sais "Die Anfrage konnte leider nicht abgeschlossen werden. Grund: Invalid Session ID". (screenshot attached)

I'm from Germany so I guess this translates to something like: "Unfortunately, the request could not be completed. Reason: Invalid Session ID"

I already tried to disconnect enpass from the icloud sync but I can't reconnect (same problem).

Hope you can help me out,


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Hi, it's me again - I opened this topic.

Not sure how the enpass support works - is a staff member going to reply here?

I'm not very happy with the situation. I bought this tool specifically to sync my windows machine via icloud with my IOS devices and now this is not working.

I would really appreciate some help or advice.

Some additional Info (not sure if this helps):

In Chrome I can lock into my icloud account without any problems. (Apple Music also no problems).

I also tried to click "I trust this browser" after logging in to my icloud account and then tried to the sync enpass (within the same session).

But also no luck - I get the same error message.

The same thing happened to me when I changed my apple id email account. Everything went haywire and icloud deleted my desktop and documents folders. However, when I go into "all my files" in finder, all of the files that used to be on my desktop are in the all my files section.

Hi guys i Think i found out where you can get all the data back (and i dont know why apple would do somthing like this as it is soo stupid) when you chosse to back up your files on icloud (Which i will never do again in the future) a sperate folder is made on you mac calles "icloud Drive (Archive)" it is located in Users > " your computer user name" > iCLoud Drive (Archive) - here you should find all your files that were just deleted ! (well at least i did) 2351a5e196

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