The 23rd Biennial Meeting of
The International Circle of Korean Linguistics
The 23rd Biennial Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics (ICKL 2023) is held at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic on 28-30 June 2023. The theme of ICKL 2023 is 'Empirical approaches to Korean language and linguistics.'
ICKL 2023 is the fifth international academic fest focusing on Korean language and linguistics since the merger of the Harvard-ISOKL (Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics) into the ICKL (International Circle of Korean Linguistics), and also the first ICKL conference in Czech Republic. ICKL 2023 is being planned as a fully in-person event (following COVID-19 protocols dictated by the University).
Important dates
15 January 2023 Abstract submission deadline
late February 2023 Notification of acceptance
15 April 2023 Registration deadline for presenters
15 May 2023 Registration deadline for general audience
28–30 June 2023 Conference ***FINISHED***
tř. Svobody 26, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic