Tracks and Evaluation Criteria


The ICIP 2023 PCVQA Challenge consists of 5 tracks. The tracks correspond to different use cases in which quality metrics are typically used:



Different performance criteria will be used to rank methods in each track (see below). Each team can participate to one or more tracks. A leaderboard per track will be kept updated as new submissions are received.

Evaluation Criteria

Due to differences in use-cases, we utilize a different evaluation criteria for each track. Here is a quick introduction of the criteria that will be used.

A fitting function will not be applied before the evaluation. No-Reference (NR) and Full-Reference (FR) models will be evaluated separately.

[Krasula, 2016] Krasula, Lukáš, et al. "On the accuracy of objective image and video quality models: New methodology for performance evaluation." 2016 Eighth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). IEEE, 2016.

And below, you can find the use-case specific criteria combinations: 

Generic Use Case - Full Quality Range (Tracks #1 and #2):

Generic Use Case - High Quality Range (Tracks #3 and #4):

Intra-reference (Track #5 - Compression Recipe Optimization Use Case):

Final evaluation: The top 5 submissions (depending on the number of total submissions, this number might be increased) in each category (NR and FR) will be shortlisted for final evaluation on the test set. The teams will submit their models following the instructions provided here: [link to the instructions here or via the button below]. In the final evaluation phase, Runtime Complexity will also be taken into account. A ranking system (similar to Borda Count) will be used to select the best model in each category. Models will be ranked based on the criteria described above. After ranking, the models with ranking [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] will receive [4, 3, 2, 1, 0] points respectively for each criteria. Then for each category (NR and FR), the models will be ranked based on the collected points. 

A computer with a GPU will be used to run the code and evaluate the methods. The hardware characteristics of the machine will be made available at the beginning of the challenge.