Phase II 

Evaluation Results

Evaluation Criteria for the Test Phase

Here, the final results are presented, both in the form of ranking and numerical results. These are the results of the performance metrics (as described in Track and Evaluation Criteria page) on the Test set that none of the participants had access to. Specifically, these metrics are:

To find rankings for individual metrics, statistical significance tests have been applied. Here are the descriptions how rankings were obtained for different metrics:

The results are presented below as a table for each track. The teams are ordered according to their final rankings. The scores for each evaluation criteria and rankings for each criteria are also presented. 

[Krasula, 2016] Krasula, Lukáš, et al. "On the accuracy of objective image and video quality models: New methodology for performance evaluation." 2016 Eighth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). IEEE, 2016.

TRACK #1 - Full Reference Broad-Range Quality Estimation Results

During the development phase, we received submissions from 9 unique teams for Track #1.
4 of these teams succesfully submitted their final model for the test phase.

 Congratulations to the winners! 

TRACK #2 - No Reference Broad-Range Quality Estimation Results

During the development phase, we received submissions from 7 unique teams for Track #2.
5 of these teams succesfully submitted their final model for the test phase.

 Congratulations to the winners! 

TRACK #3 - Full Reference High-Range Quality Estimation Results

During the development phase, we received submissions from 7 unique teams for Track #3.
4 of these teams succesfully submitted their final model for the test phase.

 Congratulations to the winners! 

TRACK #4 - No Reference High-Range Quality Estimation Results

During the development phase, we received submissions from 6 unique teams for Track #4.
5 of these teams succesfully submitted their final model for the test phase.

 Congratulations to the winners! 

TRACK #5 - Intra-Reference Quality Estimation Results

During the development phase, we received submissions from 6 unique teams for Track #5.
4 of these teams succesfully submitted their final model for the test phase.

 Congratulations to the winners!