Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Erol Gelenbe, IITIS, Polish Academy of Science, Poland

Jie Liu, Microsoft Research

Program Chairs

Valeria Cardellini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Song Guo, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Publicity Chairs

Valeria Cardellini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Stefano Forti, University of Pisa, Italy

Workshop and Poster Chair

David Bermbach, TU Berlin

Publication Chairs

Vincenzo De Maio, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Javid Taheri, Karlstad University, Sweden

Steering Committee

Mung Chiang, Purdue University

Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College London

Christos Kozarakis, Stanford University

Hui Lei, IBM

Chenyang Lu, Washington University in St Louis

Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore

Neeraj Suri, TU Darmstadt

Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney