Call for Workshops

Joint IC2E/ICFC 2020 Call for Workshops

As part of the IEEE International Conferences on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) and Fog Computing (ICFC), we are soliciting proposals for affiliated workshops. We seek proposals for workshops on topics likely to be of interest to the fog computing and cloud engineering communities but also topics on the intersection of ICFC and IC2E. The purpose of these workshops is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and preliminary results. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Fog, Edge, and Mobile Cloud Computing
  • Big Data Management (Storage, Platforms, Analytics, Stream Processing)
  • Cloud and Fog Application Domains such as Internet of Things, Autonomous Driving, eHealth, and 5G
  • Serverless Computing
  • Middleware for Cloud and Fog Environments
  • Software Engineering Methods for Cloud and Fog Applications
  • Economics and Business Models for Cloud and Fog Computing
  • Block Chains for Use Cases in Fog, Edge, and Cloud Computing
  • Quality of Service (e.g., Performance, Reliability), Benchmarking, Monitoring, and Service Level Agreements
  • Security, Privacy, Trust, and Compliance
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Computing
  • Virtualisation and Isolation Technologies
  • Software-Defined Systems (XaaS)
  • Microservices and Orchestration/Choreography, DevOps
  • High Performance Computing
  • All areas mentioned in the respective calls for research papers

Submission information

Proposals should not exceed three pages and must include

  • Workshop name and an abstract of no more than 175 words describing the workshop, suitable for the conference web site.
  • A (draft) call for papers. This should include the names, affiliations and contact details of the workshop organizer(s), a preliminary list of program committee members (and an indication whether they accepted the invitation/have been invited/have not yet been invited), workshop URL (if it already exists) and preliminary dates (all workshops will use the same camera-ready deadline as determined by the proceedings chair).
  • Planned workshop format: duration (half or full day), expected number of paper presentations, invited talks/panels, demonstrators, etc.
  • An indication of expected popularity, timeliness of the topic, other related workshops/conferences, workshop history (if any), or further information that might be of interest.

Please, email proposals to david.bermbach [at] with the subject “Workshop Proposal”

Important Dates

  • Workshop proposals due: Nov 11, 2019
  • Notification of proposal acceptance: Nov 15, 2019
  • Conference dates: Apr 21-24, 2020 (workshops will take place during this period, the exact date is to be determined)


For further information, please contact the workshop chair: David Bermbach (david.bermbach [at] You are also welcome to email an initial draft of a workshop idea before preparing the proposal described above. Please, be aware that we will expect at least one of the organizers to attend the workshop. If this is problematic for you due to the conference being in Sydney, please, consider looking for a co-organizer from the area (e.g., UNSW or University of Sydney). This might even be an opportunity to find a new contact.