About the Esa Unggul University:

Esa Unggul University (UEU) was founded in 1993 under the auspices of the “Kemala Mencerdaskan Bangsa Education Foundation”, a leading private university and one of the best private universities in Indonesia that has a vision which is to become one World-class university based on intellectuality, creativity, and entrepreneurship which excels in quality management and execution of University’s value of education, research, and community service and has the Mission to organize quality and relevant education, Creating a conducive academic atmosphere, Creating leaders with character and high competitiveness.

In the last decade, EUU has experienced a very rapid development to become one of the leading Private Universities in Jakarta. History records that EUU is a university that pioneered the establishment of a Medical Record Academy and the first Applied Physiotherapy Bachelor Program in Indonesia. The program to improve the academic quality of students and lecturers, services, facilities and infrastructure, research and community service and the quality of graduates are the main priorities to become World-class University. However, strategic environmental challenges also require EUU to always make adjustments and innovations to values, work culture, and work ethic in order to become a world-class university, meaning that EUU is determined to refer to the standards of world-class universities and carry out best practices carried out by them.

Esa Unggul University Three Pillars of Excellence:

Entrepreneurship • Information Technology • Communication Ability

Starting from the planting of the solid foundations for the growth and development of a visionary and modern university, namely the 3 (three) pillars of excellence of Esa Unggul University (Entrepreneurship, Information Technology and Communication Ability), this institution always strives to be superior and a barometer of modernity in the field of education along with the accompanying facilities. It is commendable that these three pillars are very relevant, even more, actual and anticipatory to the challenges and developments of the times.

The entrepreneurial pillar is intended to create work independence and the ability of graduates to create jobs. As is well known, in many countries entrepreneurship has now become a paradigm for the development of economic independence and human resources of a nation. Even among world universities, there has been a shift in course and orientation from research universities or research-based universities to entrepreneurial universities or entrepreneurship-based universities.

Esa Ungul University seriously develops this entrepreneurial pillar by providing business motivation, debriefing for new students, entrepreneurship courses, business creativity competitions and business proposals, entrepreneurship internships, seminars, discussions, industry visits, business incubators, providing business capital access for graduates, business consultation, and the creation of an atmosphere that encourages entrepreneurial spirit.

The Information Technology Pillar is realized through the application of e-learning models equipped with e-library facilities, multimedia equipment in each classroom and video conferences, supported by an integrated information system in managing student activities, academics, finance, and admission of new students and lectures.

The Communication Pillar is realized through the improvement of the English language skills of its students, with TOEFL / TOEIC score, the establishment of Toastmaster English Club, and the participation of students in various English Speech Contest. So that Esa Unggul University is ready as a bridge for students to the industrial world.