
Laboratory of Electronic and Energy Systems

(CEFET / RJ – Nova Friburgo)

The Laboratory of Electronics and Energy Systems of CEFET/RJ - Nova Friburgo, which Prof. Fabián Olivera is responsible, is composed by professors and undergraduate students. Undergraduate research and graduation works are developed in the areas of microelectronics, machine learning and control theory by the member professors. Since 2018, he has been working in collaboration with the PADS laboratory (COPPE/UFRJ), specifically in the field of analog microelectronics. The Laboratory of Electronics and Energy Systems has computers and instruments for simulations and characterization of electronic circuits.

Laboratório de Processamento de Sinais e Instrumentação (LAPSI)

(CEFET / RJ – Maracanã)

LASPI is a laboratory dedicated to the research and development of systems and of applied techniques for Intelligent Instrumentation, with emphasis on solutions based on Computational Intelligence. Acting on different problems of multidisciplinary nature, LAPSI collaborates in the development of Decision Support Systems, in the acquisition, processing and extraction of relevant information from signals in various domains in real time, as well as in the development of Embedded Systems of High Performance, by the implementation by algorithms optimized in hardware. It stands out in the production of skillful systems for recognition of complex patterns, even in environments with severe restrictions regarding the characterization of the data involved, as well as in the Instrumentation and Automation of Experiments in the areas of Medicine, Experimental Physics and Military applications. The LAPSI has an area of 90 m2, which is divided into 2 researchers’ Offices, a meeting room and a common area of 60m2 dedicated to students and visiting researchers. In this area, students have the necessary infrastructure to develop their activities of undergraduate level, activities of their course completion, Scientific Initiation and graduate courses. As part of its infrastructure, LAPSI has several workstations, printers, instrumentation benches with different equipment, namely: Arbitrary Function Generators, Oscilloscope with Integrated Logic Analyzers, regulated Power Supplies, Multimeter, DSP and FPGA Development Systems, as well as a cluster consisting of 12 high-performance servers and a file server that allows the simulation and evaluation of complex algorithms applied to extensive masses of data.

Responsible Professors:

Profa. Aline Gesualdi Manhães, D.Sc.

Profa. Luciana Faletti Almeida, D.Sc.