고형호 (Hyoungho Ko)
Google Scholar Profile
Personal Information
Tel.: +82-42-821-5664
Fax: +82-42-823-5436
Department of Electronics Engineering, Room 321, E2 Building,Chungnam National University, 99 Daehak-ro,Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34134, Republic of Korea
Educational Background
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2008.8)
B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea (2003.2)
Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering, Professor (2019.9 ~ present)
Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering, Associate Professor (2015.6 ~ 2019.8)
Chungnam National University, Department of Electronics Engineering, Assistant Professor (2010.9 ~ 2015.5)
Samsung Electronics, DRAM Design Team, Senior Engineer (2008.11 ~ 2010.8)
Analog & Mixed-Mode Integrated Circuits
Precision & Low Noise Analog Integrated Circuit
Analog Front-Ends (AFE)
Sensor Interface Circuit Design & Microsensors
Biomedical Acquisition Integrated Circuits
Data Converters (ADC & DAC)
Honors and Awards
대한전자공학회 반도체소사이어티 공로상, 2023
충남대학교 우수교원 표창 (총장상), 2023
제 15회 반도체의 날, 반도체산업발전 유공자 포상 (한국반도체산업협회장상), 2022
2021 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest, Best Design Award, 2021
제 27회 한국반도체학술대회 CDC 우수설계상, 2020
제 26회 한국반도체학술대회 우수포스터상, 2019
2018 IDEC Congress, 우수참여교수상, 2018
2018 IDEC Congress Chip Design Contest, Best Design Award, 2018
제 17회 대한민국 반도체설계대전 특별상 (한국발명진흥회 회장상), 2016
제 16회 대한민국 반도체설계대전 은상 (산업통상자원부 장관상), 2015
IDEC 우수강사상, 2014
IDEC WG 우수참여교수상, 2014
제 20회 삼성전자 휴먼테크 논문대상 장려상, 2014
The 2nd Korean Robotics Society Conference on Advanced Intelligent Robot, Best paper award, 2008
IEEE computer society international design competition (CSIDC), Honorable mention award, 2003
The 2nd Motorola StatCore DSP Design Contest, Gold prize award, 2003
International Sensor Conference, Best paper award, 2003
Professional Services
반도체설계교육센터 (IDEC) 운영위원 (2019 ~ present)