3rd Workshop on Synergies of Communication, Localization, and Sensing towards 6G


Given the wide array of envisioned use cases, it is evident that 6G will not offer a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather foster a rich diversity in terms of devices. These devices may possess dedicated or shared functionalities, operate within different parts of licensed and unlicensed spectrum, and encompass various technologies such as THz and distributed massive MIMO, as well as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. The multitude of devices and technologies that 6G embraces will empower it to effectively locate and track active users and passive objects. This capability will unlock a host of futuristic applications, including immersive augmented reality, collaborative robots, and environmental monitoring, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and sustainable 6G ecosystem. However, to realize such visionary use cases, localization and sensing must be integral components of 6G's core functionality, rather than mere add-on services. The central objective of this workshop is to acknowledge the interplay among localization, sensing, and communications within the 6G ecosystem. This workshop aims to create a common platform that accommodates a broad and diverse range of perspectives, including those from industry sectors such as telecom and radar, as well as academia encompassing communications, signal processing, and circuit communities. By fostering such an inclusive environment, the workshop intends to support the synergies necessary to advance the field of 6G and its associated technologies.

Topics of interest

We seek original completed and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/ magazine/conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Important Dates

Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: 11 February 2024 (final)

Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification: 6 March 2024 

Camera Ready: 15 March 2024 

Registration Due for Accepted Papers: 15 March 2024