Microsoft Office Mac Home & Business 2011

$139.99 $99.99

Category: Microsoft Office

Product Description

Microsoft Office Mac Home & Business 2011 is a disaster and a rip-off for anyone who expects a product for Mac that behaves in any way like Office for Windows, especially the Outlook component. Nowhere does Microsoft warn – BEFORE you buy – that Outlook for Mac does not, will not, cannot sync with Apple Mail, Calendar, or Contacts. Not through iCloud, and not even through iTunes or iSync, despite the fact that “Sync Services” on Outlook’s tool bar says it will. Call Microsoft for help on this and you will be told that they don’t support syncing for Mac, and have no plans to address this issue. Their “fix”? Subscribe to Office 365 – although they decline to say whether that will sync with calendars and contacts. (I am disinclined to pay Microsoft in perpetuity to access my own digital property.) Having problems with email? Just have Microsoft Exchange accounts and you’ll be fine.