
Keynote speaker:

prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Nerczuk 

Nicolaus Copernicus University,

Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Presentation title: The problem of the history of ancient philosophy, or the search for the lost Atlantis 

Presentation title: The problem of the history of ancient philosophy, or the search for the lost Atlantis 

Abstract: The paper addresses the problem of the current interpretative model of the history of ancient philosophy. It attempts to indicate new research directions, leading to a paradigm shift and an expanded interpretation of ancient thought. The current textbook history of ancient philosophy is based on a convention set by a specific understanding of "philosophy" that assumes the centrality of Plato and Aristotle and understands Greek philosophy from the perspective presented in the lives of philosophers by Diogenes Laertius. Adopting such an understanding of philosophy separates alleged "philosophical" from "non-philosophical" literature, thus leading to dividing Greek thought using anachronistic categories. A new reconstruction of Greek thought should free itself from the primacy of the label of "that what is philosophical" and begin to study Greek literature in terms of particular doctrinal dependencies based on references and quotations, with specific emphasis on the significance of the literary genre. It should abandon the "absolutizing", "linear", and "cumulative" pattern of discussing the Greek philosophy and focus on an "immanent" reconstruction based on the understanding of "philosophy" and its course as it is presented in individual authors. This new project should be founded on the search for references in the form of paraphrases and quotations, that is, on unveiling the intertextual sphere of Greek literature, allowing us to determine the transmission and reception of specific ideas. 


Full Professor Tonći Kokić

University of Split,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Abstract title:
"A concise glossary to Jain (meta)physics"

Full Professor Vladimir Drekalović

University of Montenegro,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Abstract title:
"Mathematical Platonism and scientific explanation"  

Prof. dr. hab. Przemyslaw Nehring 

Nicolaus Copernicus University,
Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences

Abstract title: "Epistolographic Theory and Practice in Augustine's Letters" 

Full Prof.  Igor Mikecin

Member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts;
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb

Abstract title:
"Plato’s reception of early Greek philosophy"

Postdoc Research Fellow/Researcher Octavian Puric

University of Bucharest,
Faculty of Philosophy 

Abstract title:
"The Ontological Role of Media in Plato" 

Lecturer Konstantinos Alevizos

Ionian University, Greece,
ERIAC, Université de Rouen Normandie, France

Abstract title:
"Man’s intellectual faculty (διάνοια) and its capacity to create false beliefs, according to Epicurus’ theory" 

Associate Professor Yiannis Giossos &
Postdoc Research Fellow/Researcher Maria Panagiotopoulou 

 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece,
Department of Physical Education and Sport Science   

Abstract title:
"Athlete vs e-athlete?: Philosophical Perspectives" 

Phd Student Lin Li

University of Cologne,
Department of Philosophy 

Abstract title:
"Essential and Accidental Predication in Aristotle's Categories, Topics and Posterior Analytics" 

Phd Student Andreas Kindler

University of Tübingen

Abstract title:
"Sports, Knowledge and Aristotelian Sciences" 

PhD Student Adèle Marin-Le Bras

Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3,
Faculté de philosophie 

Abstract title:
"Κολάζειν: to repress injustice and criminality in Plato’s Laws" 

PhD Student Leslie Schillen 

Universität Tübingen,
Philosophisches Seminar

Abstract title:
"Aristotle and Bolzano on Priority Relations among Sciences"  

PhD Student Ivo Y. Valkov


Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski 

Abstract title:
"Geometry of time"  

Danica Radoš, Teaching assistant

University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences  Split

Abstract title:
“Fictional Constructs or Real Entities? The Ontology of Geometrical Objects in Aristotle's Metaphysics”