Paper Submission

Please prepare your manuscripts according to the IEEE Conference Paper format. The manuscript should be 4 to 6 pages long.

Your submission will be double-blind reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

To facilitate the paper’s double-blind peer review process, authors should make efforts to ensure that information about the authors’ identities do not appear anywhere in the text-body of the paper for the initial submission.

IEEE policy requires all submissions to its journals and conference proceedings to be screened through a plagiarism detection process. IICAIET uses IEEE’s CrossCheck portal to check for similarity index. Please ensure that the overall similarity score of your final paper is less than 30%, and no individual source has more than 10% similarity using any of the plagiarism check software such as Turnitin. According to IEEE regulations, any paper with a similarity score of more than 30% will be dropped and will not be included for presentation or publication at IICAIET.

The paper submission page is at :

No-Show Policy

Please take note that IEEE has a strict policy on No-Show. Therefore, if your paper is accepted, one of the authors OR their representatives MUST PRESENT their paper at the conference.

Papers with no show participants without a valid reason will not be submitted to IEEExplore. No refund of the paid fees may be claimed by the no show author.

Past Indexing