CFP (Call For Papers)

2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

in Engineering and Technology

(IICAIET 2020)

26-27 September, 2020

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

"AI for the benefit of humanity"

Virtual presentation is allowed for those who are unable to attend the conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The IEEE Sabah subsection, the Artificial Intelligence Research Unit (AiRU), Univeristi Malaysia Sabah and the Faculty of Robotics and Design, Osaka Institute of Technology will jointly organize the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology (IICAIET 2020).

Prospective authors are invited to submit a full paper (4-6 pages) describing original work on all aspects of artificial intelligence through the online submission system. Papers should follow the formatting instruction.

Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEEXplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases .


Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

➢ Affective Computing

➢ Biomedical Engineering

➢ Biometrics

➢ Big Data

➢ Communication Technology

➢ Data Mining

➢ Games and Decision Theory

➢ Human Machine Interaction

➢ Internet of Things (IOT)

➢ Intelligent Control and Robotics

➢ Intelligent Transportation System

➢ Machine Learning

➢ Micro and Nanotechnology

➢ Modelling & Simulation

➢ Multi Agent Interaction

➢ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

➢ Pattern Recognition and Classification

➢ Signal and Image Processing

➢ Smart City

➢ Smart Energy

➢ Smart Health

➢ Others

Download CPF in PDF File :

Leaflet v18 (1 July 2020).pdf

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Official Submission Link :

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