IBPS Summer School on Optical Biosensors



IBPS International Summer School

Dates: August 27 - September 2, 2017 in Paris, France

The Institute of Biology Paris-Seine organizes an international summer school targeted primarily, but not exclusively, at PhD students and post-docs on the topic of optical biosensors. Imaging with optical biosensors, a specific expertise at IBPS, provides a radically novel perspective in functional studies in cellular biology. The participants will acquire theoretical and methodological knowledge for the use of optical biosensors. By the end of the week of theoretical presentations and practical works, they will be able to define which is the best strategy to answer their own scientific questions by using biosensors, to select the adapted tools, to carry out the adequate experiments and to interpret the results.

Deadline for application: May 7, 2017. Apply now!

Limited to 12 participants.

Free of charges!

The summer school is free, including accomodation, breakfasts and lunches. Only travel costs and dinners (3 evenings in the week) are at the participant's expense.


Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine, Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University,

7-9, quai Saint Bernard, 75005, Paris, France.

Organizing committee

Pierre Vincent, Head of the team Cellular Integration of Neuromodulatory Processes (IBPS)

Bertrand Lambolez, Head of the team Cortical Network and Neurovascular Coupling (IBPS)

Sandrine Picaud, engineer in the team Cortical Network and Neurovascular Coupling (IBPS)

Susanne Bolte, Head of the Photonic Microscopy platform at the IBPS

RĂ©gine Hepp, researcher in the team Cortical Network and Neurovascular Coupling (IBPS)

Liliana Castro, researcher in the team Cellular Integration of Neuromodulatory Processes

Isabelle Tratner, Scientific Affairs Manager at the IBPS

More about IBPS: http://www.ibps.upmc.fr | Contact: ibps.comm@upmc.fr