About us

The Institute of Biology Paris-Seine

The Institute of Biology Paris-Seine (IBPS) was created on January 1st 2014.

The IBPS was created by the UPMC and the CNRS, in association with INSERM. The goal is to become the UPMC’s biology flagship.

It brings together almost all the research in Biology of the Jussieu Campus within the Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University, for which research in biology has a long standing tradition. Located in a building on the Quai St-Bernard, by the Seine river, the IBPS hosts over 600 people across 5 units and 6 technological platforms.

The general objectives of the IBPS are to investigate societal issues related to the environment, ageing, neurodegenerative and behavioral diseases, and advance knowledge in basic science. A key aspect of the IBPS research strategy lies in the development of novel methodologies at the interface between Biology and Maths, or Biology and Physics.

The five research units that compose the IBPS represent a very important part of the teaching and research forces of the UPMC within the following areas:

Besides those units, the IBPS features six core technological platforms in the area of Imaging, Bioinformatics, Proteomics, Molecular Interactions, Aquatic Animal Facility, Rodent Animal Facility.

UPMC represents French excellence in science and medicine. A direct descendant of the historic Sorbonne, UPMC is the top French university by the Shanghai world rankings, 7th in Europe and 36th in the world.

More about IBPS: http://www.ibps.upmc.fr | Contact: ibps.comm@upmc.fr