
Game Introduction

Climatic Crisis is a cooperative-strategic game in which players will have to manage their own assets and make decisions in conjunction with other player’s actions to prevent the Earth from perishing due to climate change while trying to defeat a common enemy. Players will have to manage and make decisions wisely based upon each other’s actions to prevent climate change or else they will lose the game.

Game Components


  1. Each player selects a colour (blue, yellow, pink, red) and collects $300 as their starting amount. Ensure that the player event deck and boss event decks have been shuffled.

  2. The oldest player is the starting player. The turns rotate in clockwise order.

  3. Turn phases (must be completed in order):

    1. Income: At the start of their turn, the player receives $200 of passive income. Players do not receive passive income on their first turn.

    2. Buy/Sell: The player may buy or sell tiles. Only tiles adjacent to the player’s tiles can be purchased. A maximum of 3 green tiles per turn can be bought. The first tile costs $100, second costs $200, third tile costs $300; this only applies per turn. Players may also purify black tiles. Only tiles that the players are adjacent to can be purified. Purification costs a flat fee of $200. When a black tile is purified, it turns into a green tile.

    3. End: The player can choose to spend $500 for a green token, or gain $500 for a red token. If the player chooses neither, then the player draws an event card from the Player Event deck. They must then choose between the 2 event options they are given.

  1. Once each player has taken their turn, the starting player must draw a Boss Event from the Boss Event deck. The Boss event must resolve.

  2. Once the Boss’s turn has ended, increase the Climate Crisis counter by 1. The next turn cycle then begins.

  3. Once the Climate Crisis counter reaches 3, a Climate Crisis is triggered (black tiles spread outward by 1 tile). Once a Climate Crisis is triggered, the counter resets to 0.

  4. Win/Loss Conditions:

    1. Cooperative Player Victory:

      1. Players have purified all black tiles.

      2. For time sensitive plays, players may choose to end the game early at the end of a complete turn rotation. If at the end of the game, the amount of black tiles is less than the amount of total player tiles (blue, yellow, pink, red), the players win.

    2. Competitive Victory:

      1. If players have reached a cooperative victory, the player with the highest net worth in total assets (money + number of player’s tiles x $150) achieves the competitive victory.

    3. Cooperative Player Loss:

      1. The black tiles overtake the entire board.

      2. End of rotation: If the total number of black tiles outnumber the total number of player tiles.

      3. Every player loses their tiles.

    4. Individual Player Loss:

      1. If a player is unable to pay off their debts and they do not have any tiles at the, they lose the game.

Climate Crisis

Once the Climate Crisis counter reaches 3, a Climate Crisis is triggered (black tiles spread outward by 1 tile). When a Climate Crisis is triggered, the counter resets to 0. An example of the spread is provided below:

Buying/Selling/Purifying Territory Tiles

Buying tiles: Players may purchase green tiles during their buy/sell phase. Players may only purchase green tiles adjacent (refer to blue outlined tiles) to tiles they own. A tile costs $100 to purchase, with every additional tile costing an additional $100 (first tile = $100, second tile = $200, third tile = $300, etc). The cost of tiles resets per turn. Players may purchase a maximum of 3 tiles per turn.

Selling tiles: Players may sell their tiles for $50 per tile during their buy/sell phase or when they must make a payment they cannot afford. Selling a tile turns that tile green.

Purifying tiles: Players may purify black tiles for $200 per tile during their buy/sell phase. Purifying black tiles turn them into green tiles. Players may only purify black tiles which are adjacent to tiles they own (refer to green outlined tile).

Player Event Cards

When a player chooses to draw an event card, they must then choose between the 2 event options they are given. If the player is unable to complete 1 of the event options, they must default to the other one. If the player is unable to complete either action, they must skip their event for the turn. Players may not rescind their decision to pick up the event card.

If a player must play an event involving paying an amount of money they cannot afford, they must sell as many of their tiles it takes to amass the amount of money they need for the event.

Boss Event Cards

Once a full rotation has been completed, the starting player must draw a Boss Event from the Boss Event deck unless otherwise stated. The Boss event must resolve.


Trees can be placed on top of player or green tiles. Once placed on a tile, a tree grants that tile one-time immunity from being turned into a black tile. Upon protecting that tile from being turned, the tree is consumed. In addition, player tiles with trees cannot be interacted with by other players (stealing, turning the tile black, ect). Green tiles with trees can be purchased by players.

Green/Red Tokens

Green tokens: During their main phase, players may spend $500 for a green token. Players may redeem a perk for 3 tokens. Players may stockpile up to 6 tokens.


  • Gain a free tile with a tree for 4 rounds

  • Prevent the next climate crisis altogether

  • Convert 10 black tiles anywhere on the board ONLY when the current number of black tiles exceeds 40

  • Roll a dice, the number that it lands on is how many tiles you can purify (do not have to be touching)

Red tokens: During their main phase, players may gain $500 at the cost of receiving a red token. If a player loses all their tiles, they can gain one red token to gain $500 in order to buy more land to keep themselves in the game. If a player has 3 red tokens, the other players may redeem those tokens and pick a punishment for that player.


  • Tax: give $600 to each opponent

  • Forfeit 2 pieces of land to each opponent

  • Cannot gain money from all sources for 3 turns

  • Convert 5 of the player’s tiles to black tiles

  • Skip 2 turns

  • Roll a dice, the number that it lands on is how many of your tiles turn to black.

Rulesheet (Short Version)

Climatic Crisis UPDATED Rule Sheet (SHORT VER.)