Climatic Crisis

A Transformative Fun Game by Team 1-4

Manage your Worth, Together go Forth, Save the Earth

Game Run-down

Climatic Crisis is a cooperative-strategic game in which players will have to manage their own assets and make decisions in conjunction with other players to prevent the Earth from perishing from the effects of climate change. Each player will represent an industry/corporation (i.e: energy utility company) on Earth, and their choices will impact the Earth’s well-being, which is calculated in the form of the amount of black tiles on the board. The Earth’s land and the player’s own land serves as a global health point for all the players, so they will have to manage and make decisions wisely based upon each other’s actions to prevent climate change or else they will lose the game.

Pitch Trailer

Official Trailer



Crystal Wei

Worked on the Tabletop Simulator board, assets, game website, helped filled out documents.

Kuang Xian (Louis) Yum

Worked on team assessment, game website and reworked card narratives and effects.

Yan Fang (Shirley) Liang

Worked on background research for the topic, participated in team meetings, filled out the GDD and designed the game art.

Yi Fan (Zev) Tang

Worked on game diagrams, game instructions/rules, researched inspiration and game trailer.

Ricky Lin

Worked on the event card and boss cards and game balance, participated in team meetings and discussions. Came up with intial game idea.

Eugene Zhu

Worked together to come up with new ideas and implemented it into the current game iteration. Also worked on the game trailer and documents.