Game Info


Players take control of characters of varying backgrounds, and help each other struggle through the dark recesses of their mental health. The game is set in a world similar to our own to allow players to easily project parts of themselves into those characters, and the main objective of the game is to struggle against the system and reach the goal as a collective.

The core gameplay of this game consists of characters moving from a starting point towards the end, encountering life events large and small all along the way. Players are encouraged to cooperate with each other as a result of reward systems, and are encouraged to discuss their character’s events with the rest of the players at the table.

The narrative in our game largely revolves around players projecting themselves into characters as they experience their troubles in life and how that affects their mental health. Each player will have their own discard pile which shows the player the events the character had to go through over the course of the game, cementing each player’s narrative as their own.

Gameplay Snapshot

Vision Statement

Every player embodies a character susceptible to stress. Players team up to help each other navigate through the stressed filled room and find a way out of the clouds of stress. With the help of encountering positive events, players can maintain their mental health and find inner peace.