What is VFX?

Welcome you at official site of World Motion Picture Academy. World Motion Picture Academy recognizes music, web series, tv serials, commercial advertisements, pictures, films, movies and set global standards. Excellent motion pictures are awarded by World Motion Picture Academy. World Motion Picture Academy announces most significant and prestigious awards in the entertainment industry.

World Film Festival Award

Cinematography Award

What does World Motion Picture Academy do?

World Motion Picture Academy accredits software, musical instruments, camera, lens, 3d software, VFX, computer graphics, studio, production house. World Motion Picture Academy finance web series, motion pictures, films, movies. World Motion Picture Academy distributes and markets across the world. World Motion Picture Academy provides international platforms, recognition and certification for films.

What is VFX?

World Motion Picture Academy introduces VFX software, VFX studio, VFX production house, VFX Artists, VFX creations, VFX courses, VFX certifications for general public and VFX users. How does World Motion Picture Academy contributes in VFX? World Motion Picture Academy certifies and promotes VFX services for reliability.

What is World Film Festival Award?

World Film Festival Award is awarded each year for best films in different categories. Film production house, studio, movies production house submit their films every year for World Film Festival Award. Individuals, motion picture firms, music company, movie company find World Film Festival Award as best platform for promotion, marketing, distribution, copyright fee, finance and profit generation.

What is Cinematography Award?

Cinematography Award is awarded each year for best films in different categories. Film production house, studio, movies production house submit their films every year for Cinematography Award. Individuals, motion picture firms, music company, movie company find Cinematography Award as best platform for promotion, marketing, distribution, copyright fee, finance and profit generation.

What is Web Series Award?

Web Series Award is awarded each year for best web series & tv serials in different categories. Film production house, studio, movies production house submit their web series & tv serials, films every year for Web Series Award. Individuals, motion picture firms, music company, movie company find Web Series Award as best platform for promotion, marketing, distribution, copyright fee, finance and profit generation for web series & tv serials.

What is VFX artists certification Program?

Does World Motion Picture Academy certify VFX Artists?

Yes, VFX artists can apply for certification. VFX artists certified by World Motion Picture Academy are considered best in movie industry.

How musical instruments are used in movie industry?

World Motion Picture Academy promotes & certify musical instruments for sales and marketing in movie industry. If you are manufacturing musical instruments you can contact us.

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