The Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS)

World Record Super Specialty Courses World Championship

Universal Agency for Book Number Post Doctoral Fellowship

Young Scientist Program Honorary D.Sc. Accreditation Standards and Ratings

Applications are invited for certification and accreditation at

Good Manufacturing Practices Quality Code: IASR-9005

Social Responsibility Certification Quality Code: IASR-9020

Risk Management Certification Quality Code: IASR-9025

Energy Management Certification Quality Code: IASR-9030

Food Safety Management Certification Quality Code: IASR-9035

Sustainable Events Management Certification Quality Code: IASR-9040

Quality Management Certification Quality Code: IASR-9045

Information Security Management Certification Quality Code: IASR-9050

Occupational Health and Safety Certification Quality Code: IASR-9055

Medical Devices Certification Quality Code: IASR-9060

Quality and Environment Management Certification Quality Code: IASR-9065

Social Accountability and Human Resource Development Certification Quality Code: IASR-9070

IASR: International Agency for Standards and Ratings is world’s prominent developer of standards and ratings for products, services and good practices towards ease and efficiency. IASR is independent non government agency to ensure standards and ratings for safe, reliable, and good practices globally. IASR voluntarily executes in diverse segments including Health, Sustainable Development, Food, Water, Vehicles, Climate Change, Energy efficiency & renewable and Services (proprietary, industrial, voluntary and commercial) for upgrading the quality of products and services. IASR processes certification and accreditation. IASR also regulates UABN (Universal Agency for Book Number), UBN (Universal Book Number), and ISJN (International Standard Journal Number). IASR certification is a declaration by manufacturer / service provider that a product complies with the respective IASR directives. IASR is helping to speed the development of promising new approaches, strengthening global economy and services. IASR is leading certification and verification Agency. The IASR requires product labeling to be well informative, scientifically accurate and not misleading to users. The IASR promotes safety, quality and reliability throughout the design and operating life of all types of equipments, structures, products and software. Global Ratings Services provide high-quality market intelligence in the form of credit ratings, research, and investment.

International Agency for Standards and Ratings is organizing World Championship. Nominations are invited throughout the year for meritorious international competition in all areas of academics at

Visit for more information: World Championship

IASR Collaborative Center

IASR is inviting application for Honorary Degree (Honorary Doctor of Science, Honorary PhD and Honorary Doctor of Literature (LittD)) from meritorious academicians, scientists, and industrialists who have made significant contribution through research/ teaching/ application of technology / and innovation.

How to get certified your products by International Agency for Standards and Ratings?

You should submit your application along with product details, quality assurance, certificates at Products can be Medical devices, Medicines, Biological Products, Drug Products, Veterinary Products, Cosmetics, Foods, (including Dietary Supplements), Food safety management, Energy management, Chemicals, Minerals, Stone, Metal, Plastic, Paper, Materials, Beverages, Agriculture, Automobile, Machines, Electrical, Electronics, Safety Equipment, Home appliances, Industry Appliances, Civil projects, Architecture, Designs, Clothes, Art, Cellular devices and others.

How to get certified your services by International Agency for Standards and Ratings?

You should submit your application along with service details, specifications, standards, quality assurance, certificates at Services include Financial, Banking, Telecommunication, technical, Hospital, Clinic, Health, medical, well being, hospitality, travel and tourism, Public administration, Placement, Taxation, School, University, College, Household, Online, Physical, Services Occupational health and safety, Food safety, Disaster management, Fire safety, Management and consultancy services and others.

World Championship organizes international meritorious competition every year for Best Thesis and Dissertation Award, Doctoral Research Award and milestone international research articles.

Applications are invited every year for ‘World Championship in various subjects from all countries. Brilliant Scientists, Students, Research Supervisors, Teachers and Industrialist are encouraged to apply. Apply with your Best research article/ Book/ Book Chapter/ Thesis/ Dissertation for selection in meritorious international competition at

Last Date - 31st of every month

Registrations are open every month each year.

Why to get certified/ accredited?

Successful societies need accurate information on measurement, safety, products, quality and capability. Many organisations are now demanding that their suppliers should be certified to standards. IASR Certification provides customer satisfaction. No matter how big you are, public or private, and in what industries or sectors you do business, we are here to help you work smarter and reach your goals. Value and Trust are essential ingredients of Business and Supply Chain Management. Certification by International Agency for Standards and Ratings lends greater credibility to the organization. Certified organization must adhere to a set of requirements to assure compliance with expected standards.

Industries Excellence Award

Organisations willing to get certified must check whether certifying Agency is accredited by International Agency for Standards and Ratings. Certifying Agency should submit their application to for recognition / accreditation by International Agency for Standards and Ratings. Without such recognition credibility of Certifying Agency becomes hard to prove.


Other useful links

Universal Book Number sets up international Standards for Book Identification across globe.

Public Library For Journals

US Food and Drug Administration is acknowledged by IASR for improving quality of life.

US Environmental Protection Agency is protecting human health and environment: IASR






World Championship

World Patent Library

Lucieta Guerreiro Martorano from Brazil is conferred with World Championship - 2018 in Climate Change (Precipitation Rate)

Dr. Abosede Adebola Otemuyiwa from Nigeria is conferred with World Championship - 2018 in Semiotics

International Agency for Standards and Ratings recognizes Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization with Louis Pasteur Research Award-2016 in Public Health (pdf)

IASR recognizes Xi Jinping (President China) with Louis Pasteur Research Award-2016 in Rural Development

International Agency for Standards and Ratings lists Jack Ma of Ali Baba under world's 500 most influential person in Economics for year 2016

IASR recognizes Shinzō Abe (Prime Minister of Japan) for Economic Development of Japan with Louis Pasteur Research Award-2016 in Economics

International Agency for Standards and Ratings recognizes Vince McMahon, CEO, WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) with Louis Pasteur Research Award-2016 in Sports Media

International Agency for Standards and Ratings recognizes Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister of Israel) with Louis Pasteur Research Award-2016 in Disaster Management

International Agency for Standards and Ratings decreases ratings for Yahoo due to severe Intellectual Drought: 2016 Report

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases ratings for Facebook due to Intellectual Push Ups: 2016 Report

IASR recognizes President: Hassan Rouhani (Iran) with Louis Pasteur Research Award-2016 in Public Relations

International Agency for Standards and Ratings decreases credit ratings for Indian Banks

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Electricity production companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for telecommunication companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Apps manufacturing/ developer companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings decreases credit ratings for property/ reality estate developers

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Defence Equipment construction companies due to Political Corruption in India, Syria, Korea, USA

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Roads/ Highway construction companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings decreases credit ratings for steel companies due to dim demand

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Allergy, cough, and antibiotics pharma companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Motor Vehicle companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Chinese Manufacturer companies due to Global diplomatic Policy of China

International Agency for Standards and Ratings decreases credit ratings for Reliance Industries

International Agency for Standards and Ratings decreases credit ratings for Tata Steel Europe Ltd. (Corus UK)

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Air Conditioners and Coolers Manufacturing Companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Soft Drinks Companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Garment Manufacturing Companies

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Accounting Firms

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Samsung

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Baby product companies due to eCommerce awareness across the world

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for money transfer companies due to eCommerce awareness across the world

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Computer . mobile hardware companies due to technological upgrades across the world

International Agency for Standards and Ratings increases credit ratings for Logistic companies due to eCommerce awareness across the world

Afghanistan National Standards Authority: Kabul Jalababad Road Industrial Parks Area Kabul, Afghanistan (Tel: +93 752093126 Fax: +93(0) 752041445, ANSA operates in 13 fields (Food and Agricultural Products, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics, Construction Materials, Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants, Electro-technical, Textile, Metrology, Environment, Demining and Afghanistan building codes (Structural Codes, Architectural Codes, Urban Development Codes and Highway and Bridge Codes) and plans to expand its activities to new fields.

ANSA Website

General Directorate of Standardization (DPS) "Mine Peza" Str. Nr 143/3 P.O. Box 98 1014 Tirana Albania, is the recognized National Standards Body of Albania, in charge of organizing all standardization activities at the national level. DPS Website

DPS is responsible for the development, adoption, approval, and publication of standards in all fields except that of telecommunications.

Instituto Angolano de Normalização e Qualidade is within the Ministry of Industry at Ministério da Geologia e Minas e da Industria Rua Cerqueira Lukoki N°25, 7° andar Luanda Angola.

Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards Ryan Building Old Parham Road P.O. Box 1550 St. John's Antigua and Barbuda, ABBS Website

The Antigua and Barbuda Bureau of Standards is a statutory body established under the Standards Act (Cap 411) to promote and encourage the maintenance of mandatory and voluntary standards in relation to goods, processes and practices. It has responsibility for monitoring the manufacture of goods and the production of services to both local and international standards.

The Azerbaijan State Center of Standardization and Metrology (AZGOST) is formed under the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan. State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mardanov Gardashlary str., 124 1147 Baku Azerbaijan AZSTAND Website

Standards Australia Level 10, The Exchange Centre 20 Bridge Street, Sydney 2000 NSW, Australia. Tel: +61 2 9237 6000, Fax: +61 2 9237 6010, E-mail:, SA Website It includes Foodstuff Testing Testing of Radio and Electronic Equipment Petroleum Products Testing Physical-Chemical Testing Gyumri Testing Laboratory Vanadzor Testing Laboratory.

The Bahamas Bureau of Standards and Quality (BBSQ) is a body corporate by virtue of the Standards Act (2006) and the Weights and Measures Act (2006) with reporting relationship to the Ministry of Financial Services. It adopts international or regional standards and promote their use by industry to improve the overall quality environment for products and services. Bahamas Bureau of Standards & Quality Ministry of Financial Services P.O. Box N-4843 Manx Corporate Centre 3 Floor East Wing West Bay Street Nassau Bahamas, Tel: +1 242-328-5071 / +1 242-397-9900.

Bahrain Standards and Metrology Directorate (BSMD) is the national standardization body of Bahrain established in 1988 under the provision of the Legislative Decree No. 16 of 1985. Bahrain Standards & Metrology Directorate Ministry of Industry and Commerce Building: 240, Road: 1704 Block: 317 Diplomatic Area Bahrain Bahrain, BSMD Website

The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) was established by the Government through an Ordinance passed in July 1985. Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution 116/A, Tejgaon Industrial Area Dhaka - 1208 Bangladesh Tel: +880 2 8870275 Fax: +880 2 9131581, BSTI Website

State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus 93 Starovilensky tract Minsk 220053 Belarus Tel: +375 17 233 52 13 Fax: +375 17 233 25 88 The State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus (Gosstandart) is the central governmental authority for the unified state policy in the field of technical regulation, standardization, metrology, conformity, efficiency evaluation, oversight in the construction and monitoring of compliance of projects and estimates with regulations and standards, as well as supervision of rational use of fuel, electricity and heat. BELST Website

The Belize Bureau of Standards is a government department charged with the responsibility for standards, metrology and conformity assessment. Belize Bureau of Standards 3rd Floor, Diamonds Building, Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Belize, BZBS Website

Agence Béninoise de Normalisation et de Gestion de la Qualité Immeuble Trinité Quartier Avleketecondji, 1ère Von à droite Après le Carrefour Caboma Cotonou Benin. ABENOR operates under the Ministry of Industry.

Bhutan Standards Bureau The National Standards Body of Bhutan (BSB) Rijug Lam 11001 Thimphu Bhutan Tel: +975 2 324105 / +975 2 325104 Fax: +975 2 323712 / +975 2 328298. BSB was established in 2010 following the introduction of the Bhutan Standards Act of 7th July 2010. BSB Website

The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS) is a governmental organization. Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ul. Vojvode Radomira Putnika 34 71123 Istocno Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 57 31 05 60 Fax: +387 57 31 05 75, BAS Website

Botswana Bureau of Standards, Plot No. 55745, Block 8 Main Airport Road Private Bag B0 48 Gaborone Botswana. BOBS was established by an Act of Parliament No 16 of 1995. It is a parastatal organization governed by a Standards Council with representatives from industry, Government, research institutions and consumer groups. BOBS Website

Authority for Building Control and Construction Industry Ministry of Development, Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam BB 3510 Brunei Darussalam, ABCI Website

The Institute of Standards of Cambodia (ISC) is the national standards body responsible for the preparation and publication of Cambodian standards and guidelines for products, commodities, materials, services and operations. Institute of Standards of Cambodia Ministry of Industry and Handicraft #538 National Route N° 2 Sangkak Chak Angre-Leu, Khan Meanchey Phnom Penh Cambodia ISC Website

Standards Council of Canada 600-55 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa K1P 6L5 Ontario, Canada, Tel: +1 613 238 32 22, Fax: +1 613 569 78 08

E-mail:, SCC Website

Standardization Administration of China, BaijiazhuangDongli Bld.13, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100026, China, Tel: +86 10 8226 2622, Fax: +86 10 8226 0660, E-mail:, SAC Website

The Innovation and Technology Commission of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (ITCHKSAR) provides a range of standards-related services. Innovation and Technology Commission, Quality Services Division, Product Standards Information Bureau, 36/F Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, Tel: +852 28 29 48 19, Fax: +852 28 24 13 02,

E-mail:, ITCHKSAR Website

Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002, India, Tel: +91 11 23230131 / +91 11 23233375 / +91 11 23239402, Fax: +91 11 23234062 / +91 11 23239382 / +91 11 23239399, E-mail:, BIS Website

The Croatian Standards Institute has been established by the Decree on the Establishment of the Croatian Standards Institute (NN 154/2004; NN 44/2005) based on the Law on Standardization (NN 163/2003). It started functioning on 1 July 2005. Croatian Standards Institute Ulica grada Vukovara 78 10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel: +385 1 610 60 95 Fax: +385 1 610 93 21 E-mail: HZN Website

The Oficina Nacional de Normalización (NC), an organization created by the Law Decree 147 dated 1994-04-21, is attached to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in accordance with Agreement No.4162 dated 2001-10-08 of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers (CECM). Oficina Nacional de Normalización (NC) Calle E No. 261 entre 11 y 13 Vedado 10400 La Habana Cuba, NC Website

The Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS) was established by the Government in 2002 to undertake the standardization activities that were under the juristiction of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. Cyprus Organization for Standardization Limassol Avenue and Kosta Anaxagora 30, 3rd Floor Nicosia 2014 Cyprus, CYS Website

Côte d'Ivoire Normalisation Cocody 2 plateaux rue K 115 villa 195 (repère sococe 2 plateaux) Boulevard des Martyrs Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire CODINORM Website Ministry in charge of industry operates standardization.

Dominica Bureau of Standards, 9 Great Marlborough Street P.O. Box 1015 Roseau Dominica Tel: +1 767 448 1685 Fax: +1 767 449 9217 E-mail:

The Ecuadorian Service for Standardization - INEN, formerly known as the Ecuadorian Institute for Standardization and established on August 28, 1970 is the National Standards Body of the Republic of Ecuador for standardization, regulation and metrology. Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización E8-29 Calles Baquerizo Moreno y Diego de Almagro Edificio: INEN P.O. Box 17-01-3999 Quito, DM EC170517 Pichincha Ecuador

INEN Website

The Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOS) was established in 1957. EOS elaborates national standards for raw materials, products, testing methods, symbols and terms, quantities and units, calibration and verification of measures and measuring instruments.EOS elaborates national standards for raw materials, products, testing methods, symbols and terms, quantities and units, calibration and verification of measures and measuring instruments. Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality 16 Tadreeb EL-Modarrebeen St. El-Ameriya Cairo Egypt, EOS Website

The Salvadoran Organization for Standardization (OSN) has been created since the entry into force of the Law on the Creation of the National Quality System, published in Official Gazette N158, Volume 392 of August 26, 2011. Organismo Salvadoreño de Normalización 1° Calle Poniente y final 41 av. Norte, #18. Col Flor Blanca San Salvador San Salvador El Salvador Tel: +503 2590 5333, OSN Website

Eritrean Standards Institution 171-P.1 House No. 9 P.O. Box 245 Asmara Eritrea Tel: +291 1 122005 Fax: +291 1 120245 E-mail:

The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia. It is a non-profit government body of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Ethiopian Standards Agency Bole Subcity Woreda 6 (Ring-road side, next to AMCE) Addis Ababa Ethiopia ESA Website

Eesti Standardikeskus (EVS) is a non-profit association that is recognized by the Government of Estonia as the national standards body for Estonia. The EVS was founded by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Confederation of Estonian Employers and Industry on 14 January 2000. EVS Website

Institute of Standards of Iran (ISI) is constituted by Ministers of Commerce, Health, Treatment and Medical Education, Communication and Information Technology, Reconstruction of Agriculture, Defense & Logistics of Armed Forces, Industries & Mines, Culture and Higher Education, Labour and Social Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, Oil, Energy, Science, Research & Technology. ISIRI Website

The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) is a government agency which has been leading national and international standards in the Republic of Korea. Korean Agency for Technology and Standards 93, Isu-ro, Maengdong-myeon, Eumseong-gu

Seoul 369-811 Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, Republic of Tel: +82 43 870 5400, Fax: +82 2 509 7344, Email:, KATS Website

Public Authority for Industry aims to develop, promote and supervise the industrial activity in the Kuwait as well as development of the industrial base for achievement of the national economy goals.

Institut luxembourgeois de la normalisation, de l'accréditation, de la sécurité et qualité des produits et services is an administration under the supervision of the Minister in charge of Economy.

Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology has established Technical Committees in the fields of food products, construction and building materials products, electrical and electronic products, chemical and plastic products, mechanical products, petroleum products and lubricants, and metrology and information technology.

What is Standard?

Standard is a document for common and repeated use, established by consensus and approved by recognized body, that provides rules, guidelines, characteristics of activities and their results aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context .

Scope of Accreditation

Agriculture & Fishing & Forestry, Mining and Quarrying, Food products, beverages and tobacco, Textiles and textile products, Leather & Leather products, Wood and wood products, Pulp, paper, and paper products, Publishing Companies, Printing companies, Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products, Nuclear fuel, Chemicals, chemical products and fibres, Pharmaceuticals, Rubber and plastic products, Non-metallic mineral products, Concrete, cement, lime, plaster etc., Basic metals and fabricated metal products, Machinery and equipment , Electrical equipment, Optical and precision equipment and Medical and surgical equipment, Shipbuilding, Aerospace, Other transport equipment, Manufacturing not elsewhere classified, Recycling, Electricity supply, Gas supply, Water supply, Construction, Wholesale & retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and Personal and household goods, Hotels and Restaurant, Transport, storage and communication, Financial intermediation; Real estate; renting, Information technology, Engineering services, Other services, Public Administration, Education, Health, social work

Why Do We Need Standards?

Standards form the basis of trade. When a product is made to particular standard, the purchaser can be sure of the quality of the product, and the manufacturer can also be sure of providing consistent and reliable quality. Therefore standards enhance and encourage trade. Producing to the required standards avoids wastage (of materials and other) resources as a result of poor quality and rejected products. Standards offer an opportunity for developing countries to compete on the world trade stage by removing technical barriers to trade.

