Invited Speakers



He is currently working at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis Branch, Malaysia as a member of the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences. He received a Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) specializing in Artificial Intelligent from the Universiti Utara Malaysia and a Master of Science (Intelligent Systems) from the Universiti Utara Malaysia. He then obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. While pursuing his PhD, He was a member of Intelligent Modelling & Analysis (IMA) and Laboratory for Uncertainty in Data and Decision Making (LUCID) research groups. He is now a member of the IEEE-CIS Task Force on Explainable Fuzzy Systems. His research interests centre around the field of Intelligence Systems, Fuzzy Logic Systems and Hierarchical Fuzzy Systems, Decision Support Systems and Interpretability.



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shaiful Annuar Khalid has served UiTM for 30 years. He obtained his Ph.D. from Universiti Utara Malaysia in 2005. His research area is organisational citizenship behavior. He has been entrusted to hold several important positions throughout his service. Among the positions he has held were Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs at UiTM Perlis and Rector of UiTM Kedah. He also actively supervises postgraduate students and has been appointed regularly as an internal and external examiner for postgraduate students. He has successfully produced four postgraduates and is still supervising several Ph.D. candidates. He is also active in publishing articles as well as academic books. Most of the writing he produced is related to his area of expertise, which is organisational citizenship behaviour and research methodology.