The congress comprises of an array of academic sessions like Memorial Lectures, Paper Presentations, Poster Presentations, Book Presentations, Film Exhibitions, Symposia and Round tables in addition to the Inaugural and Valedictory sessions where keynote address will be delivered by eminent scholars.

Memorial Lectures

The following Memorial Lectures are part of the IAC-2022. The date and time of Memorial lectures is given in brackets. The details of the scholars delivering these memorial lectures will be separately announced.

  • Prof. B.M Das Memorial Lecture (21-02-2022; 10.15 a.m to 11.15 a.m)

  • Prof. S.C. Dube Memorial Lecture (22-02-2022; 10.15 a.m to 11.15 a.m )

  • Prof. Vinay K. Srivastava Memorial Lecture (23-02-2022; 10.15 a.m to 11.15 a.m)


Paper presentations:

Scholars may submit papers related to the theme of the Congress for oral presentation. Only those selected by the scientific committee based on full papers/abstracts submitted by the scholars will be allowed for presentation. The scholars whose papers are selected need to register for participation in the congress. Each scholar may be given a maximum of 10 minutes for oral presentation. The scholars interested in oral presentations may please see the information provided under ‘REGISTRATIONS’, ‘TIMELINES’ and ‘SUBMISSIONS’. For any more details, please feel free to write to The coordinator will be glad to respond.

Poster presentations:

Scholars may send posters in the prescribed formats for presentation. 30-45 posters will be selected based on their relevance to the theme of the congress and quality. Posters selected by the Scientific Committee (Posters) will be grouped by key interest area and parallel sessions will be arranged for presentation of the poster by the candidates in 5-7 minutes. The objective is to briefly present the background of research and provide the main points about the poster. The researchers interested in poster presentation may send in the abstracts of their paper work for preliminary screening by the organizers. Poster presentations will be allowed for registered participants only. The scholars interested in poster presentations may please see the information provided under ‘REGISTRATIONS’, ‘TIMELINES’ and ‘SUBMISSIONS’. For any more details, please feel free to write to The coordinator will be glad to respond.

Book presentations:

Authors of the books related to the theme of the congress may present their books. Only 4-5 book presentations will be selected by the scientific committee (Book Presentations). Each scholar may be given 20-30 minutes for presentation. Scholars (other than those invited by the organizing committee) interested to present books are also required to submit a brief abstract of the book within the time lines suggested, and register for the congress. For any more details, please feel free to write to The coordinator will be glad to respond.

Film exhibitions:

Film Exhibitions are scheduled on two days (parallel sessions) during the Congress (21st and 22nd 2022: 7.45 p.m to 8.45 p.m). Documentaries and films of research of anthropological interest and those dealing with contemporary sociocultural issues may be submitted. Audio-visual productions produced during the last two years will be given priority. Participants interested in Film Exhibitions need to register and submit a brief outline of the production covering the following:

Title in original language & English; Abstract in about 350 words; Details of production (year, country and address); Contact details; Link to the movie, Password to access the server where the movie can be made available, if necessary.

For any more details on Film exhibitions, please reach out to the Scientific Committee (Film Exhibitions) by email


Scholars can propose to organize symposium of a duration of about 90 minutes, where four coordinated presentations on a single topic is expected. Each speaker in the session may be allowed about 10-15 minutes time for presentation with an additional time of five minutes for discussion. The session organizers are required to submit a proposal to the scientific committee within the time lines fixed. The proposals should contain the following details:

· Title of the symposium

· Brief synopsis containing the significance of the topic, current relevance and its relationship to the theme of the congress. (350 words)

· Proposed speakers and their institutional affiliations

The organizing committee expects all the participants of the symposia including the organizer to register for the congress. The scholars who propose to organize symposia may refer to REGISTRATIONS’, ‘TIMELINES’ and ‘SUBMISSIONS’. For any more details, please feel free to write to The coordinator will be glad to respond.

Suggested topics for symposia:

  • Impact of habitat loss on expressive cultures

  • Bio-diversity, food cultures, health and disease

  • Folklore and man-nature relationships

  • Community based initiatives for bio-cultural diversity

  • Bio-cultural diversity and linguistic diversity in North East India

  • Urban spaces and bio-cultural diversity

  • Environmental knowledge and conservation of biocultural resources among the tribes in India

  • Island communities and biocultural diversity in India

  • Knowledge of environment and perceptions of environmental changes among the fishing communities

  • Environmental knowledge and nomadic communities

  • Tribals, sacred grooves and in situ conservation

  • Tribal tourism and cultural heritage management

Round Tables:

Scholars can propose to organize round table during the congress. The organizers are expected to choose topics of contemporary interest and select speakers who are experts in the area to present different viewpoints on the selected topic. The session organizers are required to submit a proposal to the scientific committee within the time lines fixed. The proposals should contain the following details:

· Title of the Round table

· Brief synopsis highlighting the contemporary relevance of the topic and the different views and contestations on the topic (250 words)

· Proposed speakers and their institutional affiliations

The organizing committee expects all the participants of the Round table including the organizer to register for the congress. The scholars who propose to organize Round table may refer to REGISTRATIONS’, ‘TIMELINES’ and ‘SUBMISSIONS’. For any more details, please feel free to write to The coordinator will be glad to respond.