I went to my daughter's meet the coaches assembly and one the first things they did is make everybody pledge of allegiance to flag. I personally said under Satan in place of God lol. Got a joking punch in arm out of embarrassment from my daughter haha. But in reality it really left me feeling uncomfortable and a kind of in shock. The fact that hundreds of people are saying this weird cultly chant to a flag seems batshit crazy to me. And them socially forcing my daughter and other children to pledge "under god" leaves me very angry. Has there been any luck trying to remove this crazy religious thing from schools anywhere yet?

You were at that time pledging your allegiance - your devotion, your loyalty, your dedication, your commitment, your very life, to the Lamb of God, to Jesus Christ.Understand that you were at that time proclaiming what Paul proclaimed in

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Christians too often ignore questions related to national allegiance, or they get mad when people raise them. Try blowing up your next Bible study by asking the question: Should Christians stand for the national anthem or recite the Pledge of Allegiance? You might just start a brawl.

Christians are also to be subversive citizens, political prophets who boldly live out a narrative of weakness, suffering, sacrifice, and death. And this narrative subtlety dismantles all other narratives of citizenship and allegiance.

The book of Revelation is an aggressive critique of the government, written by a pastor imprisoned for his lack of patriotism. John boldly lambasts Rome for its immorality, greed, pride, excessive luxury, and an addiction to military might that stained the world with blood to secure its interests (Rev 17-18).

While Christians should submit to the State, pray for its leaders, and render qualified obedience to its laws, to pledge allegiance is a profoundly religious act. No Christian should simply assume that pledging allegiance is a good Christian thing to do. Quite the opposite. Pledging allegiance to anything or one other than Jesus is a religious statement infused with divided loyalties and borders on syncretism.

Jesus Can Unify the Left and the Right 

 Political fighting is fracturing families, ending friendships, and splitting communities. Most of us long for an end to the division, but fear there is no way out. Thankfully, there is. 

 Jesus also lived in a divided culture, but he chose truth and love over tribalism and fear. In Truth Over Tribe, you’re invited to see how: Tribes fracture relationshipsResisting tribalism brings unityHealing the hurt is possibleJesus’s life models our way forward

 God is calling you to build his kingdom, not a kingdom of the donkey or the elephant. Will you reject political tribalism and instead pledge your allegiance to the lamb? 17dc91bb1f

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