Axios is a promise-based HTTP Client for node.js and the browser. It is isomorphic (= it can run in the browser and nodejs with the same codebase). On the server-side it uses the native node.js http module, while on the client (browser) it uses XMLHttpRequests.

It seems that using a JavaScript object for parameters will automatically trigger the request headers to have Content-Type: application/json, which causes the preflight request. I don't know anything about preflight requests, how they interact with ArcGIS Server, or why this might cause the entire operation to fail, but a little bit of reading indicated that Content Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded does not generate this pre-flight request.

How To Download File With Axios


This generates the response that I need, without a preflight request or any CORS errros. Obviously using a plain JSON / JS object would be easier, and I'm unclear if that's possible in this scenario, but hopefully this will help someone who stumbles across this in the future.

@Jay_Gregory since you mention that the JS API works and axios doesn't, this is most likely an issue with axios adding a header field that is triggering preflight rather than a problem with your ArcGIS Server install.

I'm not familiar with axios, but my suggestion is figure out what header field is being added that is causing the problem and remove it. The best way to do that would be to compare the axios request headers with the JS API headers.

The most common way for frontend programs to communicate with servers is through the HTTP protocol. You are probably familiar with the Fetch API and the XMLHttpRequest interface, which allows you to fetch resources and make HTTP requests.

You can use Axios with Promise.all to make multiple requests in parallel by passing an iterable of promises to it. The Promise.all static method returns a single promise object that fulfills only when all input promises have fulfilled.

This code makes two requests to the GitHub API and then logs the value of the created_at property of each response to the console. Keep in mind that if any of the input promises reject, then the promise will immediately reject with the reason of the first promise that rejects.

The axios.all function is similar to the Promise.all static method described above. On the other hand, axios.spread is a convenient method to assign the properties of the response array to separate variables. You can use array destructuring instead of axios.spread.

Although Axios automatically converts requests and responses to JSON by default, it also allows you to override the default behavior and define a different transformation mechanism. This is particularly useful when working with an API that accepts only a specific data format, such as XML or CSV.

Axios, by default, rejects any response with a status code that falls outside the successful 2xx range. However, you can modify this feature to specify what range of HTTP codes should throw an error using the validateStatus config option, like in the example below:

In addition to the properties highlighted above, if the request was made and the server responded with a status code that falls outside the 2xx range, the error object will also have the error.response object.

Got a question about accessing the data outside of the axios.spread. What I am doing is using node to collate some data from disparate API calls and return one dataset. I do the two calls, create a new object and return it.

The new object exists within the AXIS code block but when I try and view outside it is blank.

Axios is a promise-based HTTP library that lets developers make requests to either their own or a third-party server to fetch data. It offers different ways of making requests such as GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE. In this tutorial, I will explain how Axios interacts with applications, describe the structure of Axios requests and responses, how to make requests to an API, and how to write tests for your requests using CircleCI.

Axios works by making HTTP requests with NodeJS and XMLHttpRequests on the browser. If the request was successful, you will receive a response with the data requested. If the request failed, you will get an error. You can also intercept the requests and responses and transform or modify them. I will go into more detail about that later in this tutorial.

Axios provides great flexibility to configure your requests. You can decide to call Axios with the JavaScript dot notation format. Or you can use the object literal format to bundle all the Axios request properties into an object that can be used as properties of making the Axios request.

As shown in the request, Axios behaves like the traditional fetch-API library. Considering that this is a GET request, you do not need to pass a body with a request. Next I will show you how to do that in a POST request using Axios.

Now you need to save the configuration file, commit, and push the changes to your GitHub repository. Once this is done, log into the CirclecI dashboard. Find the GitHub repository for the tutorial in the Projects section. In our case, it is called axios-http-requests. Click Set Up Project.

It\u2019s more important now than ever to strengthen and modernize the U.S. power grid as severe weather events become more frequent and intense.\nThis is especially needed along the Gulf Coast region, a major energy hub and home to some of the nation\u2019s most critical, integrated energy infrastructure and most substantial energy resources.\nEntergy Chairman and CEO Drew Marsh recently sat down with Axios to explain why \u2014 and how \u2014 we\u2019re strengthening and modernizing the power grid along the Gulf Coast region, while balancing reliability, affordability and sustainability for 3 million customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.\nIn particular, Marsh discusses customer affordability as a priority for Entergy and shares some of the ways we\u2019re working to manage costs \u2014 such as fighting for every available dollar of federal and state funding and making meaningful investments in the power grid to remain one of the most affordable utilities in the country.\nRead the full Axios story here\nThis story continues the conversation from Entergy\u2019s discussion with Axios during its September launch event, \"Enhancing the U.S. Power Grid,\" which focued on strategies for modernizing the power grid, accelerating the clean energy transition and improving energy reliability and resilience.\nLearn more about our Entergy Future Ready plan here.","dateCreated":"2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00","datePublished":"2023-12-14T09:00:00-06:00"}]]>A conversation with Axios: Power grid resiliency in the USvar isNewsroom = true;(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src=' ='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-5HLNCWV'); SearchLatest newsAll news releasesImage galleryVideo and B-rollInfographicsLogosRSS feedsMedia contactsCompany newsEntergy ArkansasEntergy LouisianaEntergy MississippiEntergy New OrleansEntergy TexasEntergy NuclearInsights blogAll blog postsGiving backOur futurePeople powerStormsTips and toolsAbout usOur historyOur leadershipBoard of directorsInvestor relationsOur values and ethicsDiversity, inclusion and belongingAwards and recognitionSocial mediaStorm CenterStorm CenterLatest updatesPreparationSafetyRestorationResourcesNewsroommyEntergyContact usAbout usCareersEntergy NewsroomStorm Center|Outages|Contact usAbout usCareers|Entergy.commyEntergy|Storm Center|OutagesLatest newsAll news releasesImage galleryVideo and B-rollInfographicsLogosRSS feedsMedia contactsCompany newsEntergy ArkansasEntergy LouisianaEntergy MississippiEntergy New OrleansEntergy TexasEntergy NuclearInsights blogAll blog postsGiving backOur futurePeople powerStormsTips and toolsAbout usOur historyOur leadershipBoard of directorsInvestor relationsOur values and ethicsDiversity, inclusion and belongingAwards and recognitionSocial mediaStorm CenterEntergy ArkansasEntergy LouisianaEntergy MississippiEntergy New OrleansEntergy TexasInsights > A conversation with Axios: Power grid resiliency in the US

AXIOS stents have been widely used for a variety of pancreatic and off-label nonpancreatic indications. These included but not limited to biliary drainage (EUS-guided choledochoduodenostomy and EUS-guided cholecystostomy), luminal bypass (EUS-guided gastroenterostomy), EUS-guided transmural drainage of PFCs (including walled off necrosis and pseudocysts), and for treatment of postsurgical fluid collections.[13,14,15,16,17,18] Table 5 shows a summary of these indications and their rates technical and clinical success as well as adverse events. Overall, AXIOS stent placement has been associated with high clinical and technical success with adverse events ranging from 4% to 22%, depending on the indication. These results indicate that adverse events are significant and should be carefully reviewed between endoscopist and patient before stent placement. 17dc91bb1f

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