Regatta Management
Planning a regatta involves time, treasure and talent!
To make your job a little easier, here are some templates, suggestions and contacts.
Regatta Planning Tools
As a Traveler Series host, you are hosting anywhere from 60-150 sailors on your property for one day. Sailors arrive between 0700-0900, are on the water from 1000-1600, and back for awards around 1600-1700, with departure usually around 1700. I-LYA allows for a regatta registration fee of $30 per sailor (or an amount deemed necessary by the I-LYA Club Host), which is collected at check-in. This fee typically covers food (e.g.: breakfast, lunch and/or snacks). This will also cover your $250 regatta hosting fee which covers the cost of the Overall I-LYA Traveler Series awards. Other Suggestions: Create a t-shirt for your event to sell on site. You might also get sponsors to help cover your costs or to pay for added extras like fun registration "swag" (e.g.: stickers, water bottles, etc.).
(2022 Travelers Series Notice of Series)
2024Travelers Series - NOR Template (NEW)
Safety Planning
Safety Plan for I-LYA Junior Regattas
Sample Safety Plan from the USA Junior Olympics Sailing Festival
Suggestion Registration Table Documents
Suggested Race Committee Folders/Clipboards (Signal, Weather, Pin, and Judge boats)
Scratch Sheets (print from Clubspot/Excel - Sort by Sail Number, include name and club) - 1 per folder/clipboard
RC Forms (all of these forms are at this link)
-Finishing Forms: 3-5 copies per anticipated race for Signal boat folder, 5 total for mark boats. not necessary for judges)
-Mark Rounding Forms: 5 copies total for signal, 2 for mark boats, not necessary for judges
-Race Committee Actions: 1 copy per anticipated race for Signal boats only.
-Protest Time Limit: 1 copy per race day per race course for Signal boats only
-Scoring Inquiry Form: 10 copies for the Protest Desk
Course Card (Sample Course Card from MHYC)
List of contacts/phone numbers for key people - All RC boat captains, judge, safety, chair, club manager, scoring
Protest Desk Forms
To further the purpose of encouraging novice sailors, OPTI GREEN FLEET is not scored. All participants should receive participation awards. This should be done in a manner that is random and not indicative of their placement in the regatta. While placement and progress may be tracked, who places first is less important than learning and improving and having fun along the way. USODA OPTI Green Medal order form
Clubspot Training (Registration & Scoring)
Clubspot Cheat Sheet (Updated 5/23)
Clubspot Guide for Admins (2023): Clubspot Help Center in the event that any clubs have specific questions that are not addressed in the above guide but may be on our site:
May 2021 Recording:
Passcode: 6mf4#m?*
Clubspot Questions: Clubspot support: (Admins, check the help section at the link provided above)
Overall Traveler Series: Jessica Barner (Chair) Brooks Almquist (Co-Chair)
Contacts (See CONTACTS Link under the MORE tab)
Alec Chabalowski (GIYC) (I-LYA Junior Council Chair)
Jill Treece (VBC) (I-LYA Junior Council Vice Chair)
Kellie Schaffner (I-LYA Junior Council Past Chair & Communications)
Jamie Jones (Traveler Series SI/NOR, RC questions)
Kathy Allyn (Safety)
Jessica Barner (Clubspot registration and scoring)
Steve Harris (Race Committee questions)
Nancy Zangerle (Judge-related matters, hearings, protests)