I Italian National Congress on Geopolymers

New frontiers in innovative and green materials for cultural heritage conservation and building industry

Catania, 24 – 25 febbraio 2022 

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the National Congress "New Frontiers in Innovative and Green Materials for Cultural Heritage Conservation and Construction Industry", which will be held in Catania on February 24-25, 2022.

The Congress, organized by the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Catania, will be organized into two days, the second of which will be dedicated to geopolymers, in collaboration with the Working Group on Geopolymers of the Italian Ceramic Society (ICerS).

The event is addressed to scientists, researchers, students, and industrial specialists, which will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and information, discuss the results of their research, share practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted, and update development and technology transfer strategies.

One session of the Congress will be entirely dedicated to discuss results of the specific activities related to the project “Advanced Green Materials for Cultural Heritage (AGMforCuHe)”.


The Congress will be held as an IN PERSON event at the University of Catania on February 24-25, 2022. However, depending on the COVID emergency state, there may be the possibility to participate even in a virtual mode. According to the Italian decree-law of 23 July 2021, n. 105 “Urgent measures to face the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 and for the safe exercise of social and economic activities”, we inform you that participants must be in possession of a COVID-19 Green Pass.


The registration to the congress, with or without abstract submission, can be done downloading the registration form from the button below that must be filled and sent to geopolimericongress@unict.it together with the proof of payment.

The registration fee is € 100 to be payed by January 31st. Registration after this date will cost € 150. 

Partecipation grants from the SIMP (Italian Mineralogy and Petrography Society), AIC (Italian Crystallographic Association) and ICerS (Italian Ceramic Society) will be provided for young students and / or researchers. Grants will be assigned upon presentation of the CV to be sent by January 31st to geopolimericongress@unict.it

Geologists affiliated to the Regional Order of Sicily can request the accreditation of the APC credits

Payment of the registration fee must be made by bank transfer using the following coordinates: 

- IBAN: IT 98 S 02008 16926 000300037897

- BIC Swift code: UNCRITM1H12

- Address of the recipient: Via Santa Sofia, 64 - CATANIA

- Name of the recipient: Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e di Struttura della Materia 

- Bank: UNICREDIT S.p.a. Via Torino 

Transfer Reason: "Name and Surname – Quota di partecipazione per il convegno “Le nuove frontiere dei materiali innovativi e green nel restauro e nella edilizia". 


Contributions can be presented as extended or short oral communications. The abstract submission procedure will be available from November 9, 2021 to January 10, 2022, by sending them to geopolimericongress@unict.it, specifying the type of communication.


Extended oral contributions

Oral presentations lasting up to 15 minutes, including discussion.

Short oral contributions

Oral presentations lasting up to 5 minutes, including discussion.

Official language of the congress: italian


It will be possible to publish the contributions presented at the congress in one of the following Special Issues:

- Development of Inorganic Polymers and Geopolymers in Polymers (Open Access, IF=4.329)

- New Frontiers in Innovative and Green Materials for Cultural Heritage Conservation and Construction Industry in Materials Letters (IF=3.423)

All abstracts must follow the scheme shown in the downloadable template by clicking on the button below.    


For information, please contact the Organizing Secretariat at:
