Three decades later, Singh played the song for his niece, who was staying with him in Montreal while he shot his 2011 film, "Immortals." "She's this clubbing girl and she loved it," he said. "Every morning when I woke up, she'd be playing it in her shower. I'd hear it in the next room. It would be Googoosh going, 'I believe, I believe, I believe in love! Love!'"

Clearly, this was a song with broad appeal -- and a special resonance for young people. So when Singh read the script for "Mirror Mirror" and decided that his film simply had to end with a musical number, it didn't take long to settle on one, he recalled: "Suddenly, I went, 'It's perfect; the movie ends with Snow White singing, 'I believe in love!'

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In the end, the World Wide Web gave her the break she needed. Her Iranian friends had advised her to google transliterations of the song's English lyrics "I believe, I believe, I believe in love." Sure enough, a search for "Vabeli, vabeli, vabeli" led her to an article in Portuguese that -- when entered into Google Translate -- unlocked the mystery. The article revealed that Googoosh's "I Believe" was a cover of a song titled "Love," which had first appeared in a film called "Taking Off." It was directed by Milos Forman, the Oscar-winning director of "Amadeus" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," and had won the Cannes Grand Prix in 1971.

Once the rights for "I Believe" had been secured, Tarsem Singh followed through on his plan to shoot a scene in which Snow White, played by 22-year-old actress Lily Collins, sings the song. The track had been remixed and rewritten, its lyrics adjusted to reflect the subject matter of the film. But the catchy chorus had remained intact: "I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe in love. Love! Love, love, love!"

Lily Collins has already made a name for herself as an actress in The Blind Side and Abduction (as well as being our Young Hollywood cover girl). But now, the daughter of legendary singer Phil Collins is ready to show that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. As the lead in this month's Snow White film Mirror Mirror, the 23-year-old belts out this sweet love song, "I Believe in Love." We're excited to see Lily's on-screen romance with Armie Hammer, who did his own mirroring when he played both Winklevoss twins in The Social Network, but for now, we'll settle for this upbeat tune.

Singh, heard the song when growing up in India in the 70s. The song was sung by an Iranian superstar by the name Googoosh (video below). So when he decided to acquire the rights to include it in the closing scene of Mirror Mirror he naturally tried to go the Googoosh route. That, however, led nowhere, since Googoosh was not the first to sing "I believe in love". Tarsem Singh had a chain of people help him exit this labyrinth.

The Queen sees herself in the magic mirror which is a nice twist on the typical portrayals but it's a slightly altered version of herself. The movie is like that, too -just a little bit off though it's trying hard to be "on": Everything cheap-looking is thisclose to looking rich; everything beautiful is teetering towards hideously gaudy.Sadly, Mirror Mirror is the imaginative costume designer Eiko Ishioka's swan song. She died earlier this year. It's vaguely discomfiting then that Lily Collins wears an actual swan dress and delivers the closing song, an anachronistic Bollywood meets American dance song called "I Believe in Love." The lyrics are inane but Tarsem probably didn't read them. He was undoubtedly gagging over Eiko Ishioka's brilliant rethink of the traditional blue and yellow Disney dress Snow wears while singing it; it sure is something to look at.

I also loved most of the special effects. The scene when the Queen breaks up into a bunch of crows is amazing. I also loved the mirror, which is basically a metallic, gelatinous man. There are many more, but those are the two I remember most.

Believing in yourself is nice, but personality is even better, which is why the movie still belongs to Roberts. The face in the magic mirror is her own, rather than the menacing disembodied mask of Disney's telling. As Roberts puts it, "The Mirror Queen is calmer and more collected. She possesses the power and confidence that the Queen herself struggles to maintain." This portal into her inner life adds even more dimension to the character, showing that somewhere deep down she does indeed possess a moral compass, but chooses to ignore it because it's just more fun to tax the townspeople to pay for lavish parties and cast love spells on a young hunk. Roberts and Singh add a new layer of humanity, making the Queen not just a didactic shill for the perils of vanity, but a simply a devilishly selfish person who makes her own choices.

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We want you to come write for us! Particularly loved the final paragraphs, including the description of looking in the mirror and arriving at the realization of ones own complicity.

The people in London said very unkind things of you: they hurtme very much at the time; but now I am out of their way, I do notseem to think their opinion of much consequence. I am sure, when Irecollect, at leisure, everything I have seen and heard among them,I cannot make out what they do that is so virtuous, as to set themup for judges of morals. And I am sure they never speak the truthabout any thing, and there is no sincerity in either their love ortheir friendship. An old Welsh bard here, who wears a waistcoatembroidered with leeks, and is called the Green Bard of CadairIdris, says the Scotch would be the best people in the world, ifthere was nobody but themselves to give them a character: and so Ithink would the Londoners. I hate the very thought of them, for Ido believe they would have broken my heart, if I had not gone outof their way. Now I shall write you another letter very soon, anddescribe to you the country, and the people, and the children, andhow I amuse myself, and every thing that I think you will like tohear about; and when I seal this letter, I shall drop a kiss on thecover. 0852c4b9a8

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