
Latest News

July 20, 2023: Team effort for high quality spectral imaging of various lines of rice.

July 20, 2023: Another day of working on spectral imaging at the rice paddy in Suwon farm.

July, 2023: Hyungsuk co-authored a new paper just published at AFM.

July 10, 2023: Lab had a lunch with a new intern, Joo-Won. Welcome!

July, 2023: Active discussion for good science. Getting more brains in the lab:)

July, 2023: Lab dinner to recharge!

July, 2023: Lab members are working on the hyperspectral imager sliding on the platform!

July 3, 2023: Members had a long day with intensive (but delightful) fieldwork. A new intern, Hanbi joined the lab. Welcome!