
Instructional Unit


The video to the right introduces this training and reviews the content found within this site.


This instructional unit is intended to prepare instruction for the use of HyperDocs to facilitate the implementation of the 4Cs in a teaching environment. It has been designed for more advanced learners, who are familiar with G-Suite and other technology tools and applications.


After completing this training, learners will be able to integrate the 4Cs into their instruction and teaching through creating HyperDocs.

You'll be able to...

  • create an Engage activity.
  • curate a collection of resources to design an Explore section of the HyperDoc.
  • explain the lesson objective through direct instruction using web tools in the Explain section of the HyperDoc.
  • create an assignment for students to Apply what they learn by using web tools to create and collaborate.
  • provide students with an opportunity to communicate and Share their learning.
  • provide an opportunity for Reflection to guide learners.
  • add links to more activities and online resources to Extend the learning and push students to engage in critical thinking.

Prerequisite Skills

operate a computer / use a mouse and keyboard

operate an online, interactive training module

operate an internet browser

use Google tools and online web applications

To familiarize yourself with high frequency resources please review the Educational Technology Tools Index.


  • Open the document below by clicking the boxed arrow button.
  • Click File > "Make a Copy."
  • This will open your own copy of the document that you can use throughout the duration of this training.
  • Be thinking about a state learning standard you will be teaching this next year that you can use for the creation and design of your HyperDoc!
HyperDoc Lesson Plan Template
*Note that not all HyperDocs will follow this exact template.
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