Armenian Business Support

List of Armenian Business Support Groups

Armenian Business Network* on FB - ABN - world's largest online Armenian business community, with Members from all over the world. Our Mission is to inspire and encourage Armenians to support fellow Armenians through shared learning and networking to achieve excellence in their professional, commercial, and community efforts. ABN's commodity is - Intellectual Philanthropy - a platform where Armenians can support other Armenians in business and commerce through sharing their network, expertise, providing mentorship, guidance and opportunities for career growth. ABN fosters an environment where our Members can Learn, Share, Support, and Grow. Our Members connect using the LinkedIn and Facebook platforms. To-date we have over 12,000 Members, with a collective reach to millions of professionals, entrepreneurs, educators, small business owners and students, across a multitude of industries. ABN Programs and services include, online forums, job postings, networking events, workshops, and support programs that provide access to best practices and improvement strategies in an effort to advance our Members' careers. Joining ABN on Linkedin and Facebook is easy and FREE of charge and there are No Membership Fees. or email us at Website: (9,442 fans as of Oct 2018)

Armenian market * (on FB) - ***If you want to get where you are going, you have to help others get where they are going*** Welcome to the group Armenian Market. This group is created to help Armenian business owners grow and help promote their products and services. This is group is for everyone! This is a place where you can find Armenian Product, Armenian made products, Armenian Services or services provided by Armenian people. You are welcome to post your products and services any day of the week and any time. Please be cordial and respective of each other. This is not a place to discuss politics or other issues. Please no fundraisers or request for donations. This group is a Market! *** Used items may be published for sale Only Saturday and Sunday *** Group Type: Buy and Sell (5,967 fans as of Oct 2018)

Armenian Small Business * (on FB) - Welcome to Armenian Small Businesses! ASB was established in July of 2015 as a Facebook Group for Armenians to share information about goods and services they provide with fellow Armenians. The group is for individuals who make home made products (clothes, accessories, souvenirs, ect…), provide services (teach piano, swimming, web design, ect…), and have small businesses (import of goods, grocery stores, daycares, ect…). These individuals can post information, pictures and videos to promote their businesses and get the word out in the community. Most importantly, this page is for Armenians who want to spend their money in a way that supports fellow Armenians as opposed to big corporations. Please, be advised that ASB Facebook group is not a garage-sale or B/T/S type group. It's strictly designed for small businesses and not for personal item sales or any other agenda. All irrelevant posts will be deleted without warning. People with repeated irrelevant posts will be removed from the group. The group is referral-based to protect people's privacy and create a spam-free environment. So, please, feel free to add your friends and family. The group is administered and moderated by its founder, Anna Galstyan, who is happy to address any questions and concerns. Ham WH and Vahe Hakobyan are also admins and available for help. Please, read our group guidelines in the files section of the page before posting. Thank you for joining and hope you have a pleasant experience in ASB. Group Type Buy and Sell ||| (1,411 fans as of Oct 2018) -Website:

New A.P.A.C.” – ARMENIAN PROFESSIONAL ADVICE CENTER - (linkedin) - 81 fans as of Oct 2018 ||| Professional on-line or face-to-face Advice & Guidance to the youth & recent starters provided on a complimentary basis by international Armenian Professionals (and its genuine friends & sympathizers). ***EXPERTS in all fields, please join the group numerously, your expertise is needed. Contact info: Nicolas Seferian (group’s founder)

Mentor Armenia (linkedin) ||| The purpose of this group is to create a network of professionals interested in providing "pro-bono/free" consulting support to Armenian Government, NGOs and private businesses. We shall also post opportunities to do research and support Armenian students in their diploma thesis and coursework. {126 members as of Aug 2018} - Website:

Support Armenian Business * (on FB) - It's global forum for Armenian owned businesses and shopping for those who like to buy Armenian products or looking for services {2903 fans as of Aug 2018} - Website: