HY-8 automates culvert hydraulic computations utilizing a number of essential features that make culvert analysis and design easier. An HY-8 User Manual is included with the software installation (access via 'Help' button on top toolbar) to provide important information on the technical features, capabilities, and limitations of the software.

HY-8 Description:

The HY-8 model is used to determine the upstream headwater depth and culvert barrel flow profile for a variety of different culvert configurations. The HY-8 wizard in WMS is used to delineate a watershed upstream from a culvert, compute a hydrograph, and determine the inundated area behind a culvert from an HY-8 analysis.

Hy-8 Culvert Hydraulic Analysis Program Download

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Culvert outlet control hydraulics can be calculated based on the theory of energy balance when the culvert is flowing full (Figure 8 and Figure 9) according to FHWA HDS-5. When culvert is flowing partially full or having a free surface flow inside the barrel, a backwater calculation is needed starting from water surface at the downstream end of the culvert and proceeding upstream to the entrance of the culvert (Figure 9). To avoid backwater calculation, an approximate method developed by FHWA can be used by estimating a new or hypothetical TW for use full flow equation (Figure 10). To apply the approximate method of estimating TW, the culvert barrel must flow full partially and the resulted headwater can not be less than 0.75D.

CULV5 is an analysis tool for concrete box culverts. The program determines the forces acting on each of the different members of the culvert using the direct stiffness method. The user provides input data for loading conditions, structure geometry, and member sizes. The program outputs the member forces for use in either a working stress design or a load factor design in accordance with the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Ed. for highway loadings, and AREMA 2006 in the case of E72 and E80 loadings.

The Texas Bridge Load Rating Program (TBLRP) uses a working stress (WS) analysis method which produces an allowable stress load rating. This load rating methodology is in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, 1993, and the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 14th Ed., 1989. This program simplifies the load rating of nonstandard bridges that are commonly found on rural roads off the state and federal highway systems. The program emphasizes standardized and efficient load rating with a goal of minimizing clerical and computational errors inherent in manual methods.

UT Bridge is a 3-dimensional finite element program for the analysis of curved steel I-girders and steel tub girders. Computations include linear elastic analysis (first-order and second-order) and eigenvalue buckling analysis for both girder erection and concrete deck placement.

The Federal Lands Highway Hydraulics Team provides technical expertise and support in matters related to hydrology, highway drainage, culvert & bridge hydraulics, scour, and coastal highways. This involves providing services to internal FLH and FHWA staff, and external partners. The FLH Hydraulics Team has members in each FLH Division Office who perform the full range of hydrologic and hydraulic investigations, analysis, and design needed to deliver the Federal Lands Highway Program. The FLH Hydraulics Team works to establish FLH-wide policy, procedures, and standards. The Team provides assistance in interpretation of hydraulic policies, technical publications, software, and recommended guidance in solving difficult and unusual drainage problems.

The user should be aware that for inlet control when the tailwater elevation exceeds the elevation of the top of the culvert outlet, the barrel may or may not flow full at the outlet. HY-8 determines a water profile using the direct step method in each direction and the sequent depth associated with each of the steps. If the sequent depth associated with the forward profile matches the depth along the backward profile through the culvert, a hydraulic jump occurs and the length of the jump is calculated from that location. Since the lengths of jumps have not been tested for all culvert sizes and slopes, only a limited set of equations are available for computing the lengths of jumps in HY-8. More information on the jump length computations is available in the section of this manual that describes hydraulic jump computations. A water surface profile for this case is shown below.

In this case, the hydraulic jump length computed by HY-8 may or may not be correct since the equation used to compute hydraulic jump length is for box culverts only, but is applied to all the other possible HY-8 culvert shapes. If a hydraulic jump occurs inside the culvert and the end of the hydraulic jump is located outside the culvert, HY-8 assumes the hydraulic jump occurs outside the culvert and a hydraulic jump is not shown in the profile. If both the beginning and end of the hydraulic jump occur inside the culvert barrel, the hydraulic jump is shown in the profile and is reflected in the profile computations, as shown in the image above.

Current INDOT policy requires that culvert-like structures with spans greater than 20 ft be treated for purposes of hydraulic analysis as a bridge, and hence mandates the use of software such as HEC-RAS for predicting the headwater, rather than the culvert-specific software, HY-8. In this context, culvert-like structures are assumed to have a standard inlet geometry (e.g., such as those already modeled in HY-8) and a constant barrel geometry. The present study examines the technical basis of this policy, and whether the policy could be revised to allow the application of simpler culvert-hydraulics analysis and HY-8 to culvert-like structures with spans greater than 20 ft. Laboratory experiments were performed with model box culverts of span 1.5 ft and two streamwise lengths, 2.1 ft and 8 ft, and performance curves describing the variation of headwater with discharge were obtained. The effects of bed roughness, the presence or absence of a cover (if present, the rise was 0.5 ft), and a range of tailwater levels, were investigated. The laboratory observations were compared with predictions by HY-8 and HEC-RAS models, and the model performance assessed. In general, HY-8 predictions were found to be as good as, and in some cases superior to, the HEC-RAS predictions, for both long and short culvert-like structures. This was attributed to the empirical information in HY-8 being more tailored to the specific standardized geometry of culvert-like structures, and the automatic inclusion of roughness effects, whereas HEC-RAS, at least when used with default coefficients and settings, relied on generic coefficients and neglected roughness effects. It was therefore recommended that a change in INDOT policy allowing large-span culvert-like structures to be analyzed using conventional culvert hydraulics would be technically justified for problems where the structure could be considered in isolation and accurate input data are available.

This program (current Version 4.11c) was developed through research conducted at the University of Nebraska and sponsored by Nebraska Department of Transportation. It provides hydraulic analysis for steep culverts having one (Single Broken-back) or two (Double Broken-back) breaks in the vertical profile. BCAP uses the same routines as the FHWA HY-8 culvert program to determine headwater depth at the culvert entrance. BCAP then calculates the water surface profile through the entire culvert, using Gradually Varied Flow equations and boundary conditions at each vertical break. The program tests for the occurrence of a hydraulic jump in each culvert segment to help determine outlet depth and velocity.

Additionally, a video demonstration of a portable hydraulic flume is set up for the participants to observe hydraulic principles associated with various culvert configurations, aquatic organism passage features, and culvert linings.

CulvertMaster is easy-to-use application for designing new culverts and analyzing existing culvert hydraulics. Analyze everything from single-barrel crossings to complex embankment cross-drain systems, with different shapes and sizes, special tailwater considerations, and roadway overtopping considering watershed data, culvert characteristics, and even weir geometry. When you design and analyze culverts, easily select from a library of standard culvert shapes, materials, and entrance conditions, then compute culvert headwater and tailwater elevations using calculation methodologies outlined in Hydraulic Design Series Number 5 from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration.

A GIS-enabled culvert design module is presented. This module employs Python programming to combine a proposed culvert location, topography, land use, and rainfall data to automatically design a culvert. The module is embedded within ESRI ArcGIS 10.4 software, providing a seamless single platform that eliminates error propagation associated with cross-platform data transfer as well as providing 95% time savings over traditional calculation methods. The module uses United States Geological Survey digital elevation data to analyze watershed topography. Runoff coefficients are determined from data available through the National Land Cover Database. Rainfall data are retrieved from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and combined with watershed and land use information to calculate peak discharge using the rational method. Peak discharge is then combined with culvert design parameters to design a single-barrel culvert. The module was used to redesign ten existing culverts along a highway in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, resulting in designs for updated land cover and rainfall conditions. Results from the techniques developed herein can be used for planning purposes and to highlight vulnerabilities in the existing infrastructure. The automation methods may be extended to other hydrologic objectives and runoff mitigation design such as open-channel design and detention or retention ponds. e24fc04721

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