However, sometimes you really need a steady interval executing your callbacks without drifting. This requires a bit more advanced strategy (and code), though it pays out well (and registers less timeouts). Those are known as self-adjusting timers. Here the exact delay for each of the repeated timeouts is adapted to the actually elapsed time, compared to the expected intervals:

I'ma just build on Bergi's answer (specifically the second part) a little bit because I really liked the way it was done, but I want the option to stop the timer once it starts (like clearInterval() almost). Sooo... I've wrapped it up into a constructor function so we can do 'objecty' things with it.

Timer In Javascript


The snippet also includes a solution for your problem. So instead of incrementing seconds variable every 1000ms interval, we just start the timer and then every 100ms* we just read elapsed time from the timer and update the view accordingly.

Most of the timers in the answers here will linger behind the expected time because they set the "expected" value to the ideal and only account for the delay that the browser introduced before that point. This is fine if you just need accurate intervals, but if you are timing relative to other events then you will (nearly) always have this delay.

Based on it I was able to created fully self-correcting React interval hook which also handle the case when a timer needs to catch up after a long period of inactivity, so I'm leaving a link if someone finds it useful.

An alternative syntax that allows you to include a string instead of a function, which is compiled and executed when the timer expires. This syntax is notrecommended for the same reasons that make using eval() a security risk.

The time, in milliseconds that the timer should wait before the specified function or code is executed. If this parameter is omitted, a value of 0 is used, meaning execute "immediately", or more accurately, the next event cycle.

setTimeout() is an asynchronous function, meaning that the timer function will not pause execution of other functions in the functions stack. In other words, you cannot use setTimeout() to create a "pause" before the next function in the function stack fires.

Notice that the first function does not create a 5-second "pause" before calling the second function. Instead, the first function is called, but waits 5 seconds to execute. While the first function is waiting to execute, the second function is called, and a 3-second wait is applied to the second function before it executes. Since neither the first nor the second function's timers have completed, the third function is called and completes its execution first. Then the second follows. Then finally the first function is executed after its timer finally completes.

Firefox will defer firing setTimeout() timers while the current tab is loading. Firing is deferred until the main thread is deemed idle (similar to window.requestIdleCallback()), or until the load event is fired.

\n An alternative syntax that allows you to include a string instead of a function,\n which is compiled and executed when the timer expires. This syntax is not\nrecommended for the same reasons that make using\n eval() a security risk.\n

\n The time, in milliseconds that the timer should wait before\n the specified function or code is executed. If this parameter is omitted, a value of 0\n is used, meaning execute \"immediately\", or more accurately, the next event cycle.\n

\n setTimeout() is an asynchronous function, meaning that the timer function will not pause execution of other functions in the functions stack.\n In other words, you cannot use setTimeout() to create a \"pause\" before the next function in the function stack fires.\n

\n Notice that the first function does not create a 5-second \"pause\" before calling the second function. Instead, the first function is called, but waits 5 seconds to\n execute. While the first function is waiting to execute, the second function is called, and a 3-second wait is applied to the second function before it executes. Since neither\n the first nor the second function's timers have completed, the third function is called and completes its execution first. Then the second follows. Then finally the first function\n is executed after its timer finally completes.\n

\n Firefox will defer firing setTimeout() timers\n while the current tab is loading. Firing is deferred until the main thread is deemed\n idle (similar to window.requestIdleCallback()),\n or until the load event is fired.\n

Right after defining the timer in this example, we block the runtime synchronously with a big for loop. The 1e10 is 1 with 10 zeros in front of it, so the loop is a 10 Billion ticks loop (which basically simulates a busy CPU). Node can do nothing while this loop is ticking.

so i have been using gdevelop for about 4 months and i just started to code with javaScript in gdevelop.

but i was not able to understand how to create timer with javaScript so if there is a way to create object timers or scene timers in Javascript that will really help me thank you.

This same faulty cut and paste timer code shows up regularly on the Community. It was referred to just yesterday. A number of people who don't know much JS have tried to use it and run into problems.

See: _26846

The timer interval only gets cleared when the 'timer' is less than zero. When it never reaches zero it persists after the block ends...the Interval keeps going. Also, once it goes to a new page you longer have access to the 'timer' or 'myTimer' variables since those are local to the addOnload function on the original page. 

That's why I said you have clear the interval on each page. Furthermore, the function that clears it must be within the addOnload function in order to have access to the 'myTimer' variable.

Anyone out there that have working JavaScript examples of how to use/create timers in rules? I am trying to translate my old DSL timers (that can be restarted) to OH 3 JavaScript rules. I have found short code snippets here and there but there are always some important part missing to get it running.

To start with, within the first block of JavaScript, two timers are initiated: a 10ms setTimeout and a 10ms setInterval. Due to where and when the timer was started it actually fires before we actually complete the first block of code. Note, however, that it does not execute immediately (it is incapable of doing that, because of the threading). Instead that delayed function is queued in order to be executed at the next available moment.

After the initial block of JavaScript finishes executing the browser immediately asks the question: What is waiting to be executed? In this case both a mouse click handler and a timer callback are waiting. The browser then picks one (the mouse click callback) and executes it immediately. The timer will wait until the next possible time, in order to execute.

Note that while mouse click handler is executing the first interval callback executes. As with the timer its handler is queued for later execution. However, note that when the interval is fired again (when the timer handler is executing) this time that handler execution is dropped. If you were to queue up all interval callbacks when a large block of code is executing the result would be a bunch of intervals executing with no delay between them, upon completion. Instead browsers tend to simply wait until no more interval handlers are queued (for the interval in question) before queuing more.

My current (too slow) way: Using Chrome, inspect countdown part of the website, check for identifying parts of html code, search all files using Ctrl+Shift+F, however I cannot modify the variable in time (entering time_remaining=0 into the console probably does not affect the right scope of the timer functions)

If using buttons, you would need to change the button to a selected state as you indicated or "disable the javascript from re-running. Additionally, if using buttons AND displaying across multiple slides/scenes, you would also need a "IsRunning" SL variable to control the state of the button on subsequent slides else it will default to normal on those slides.

Unfortunately, I am experiencing the same issue in my project. The countdown starts when my slide starts but there is a bug when I revisit the same slide later on. I would need to stop the javascript function when I leave the slide and to restart it when I revisit it. Hope I am clear enough...

But, if you leave the slide before the end of the countdown and then, come back to the slide, a weird behaviour occurs. The timer toggles between the previous value and the new value. It means that, even if you have left the slide, the script is still going on.

Let me tweek it. 

Currently, it works correctly if you use the forward and back button. It keeps running if you are navigating by the menu (which gives you the effect of 2 timers running). The easiest solution is to hide the menu. 

Updated the file. Try it again.

Hello everyone, I got stuck with the same situation with JS timer as it toggles between two values when I restart the quiz. I wanted to have a look at Owen's file but it's no longer accessible. Could you provide me with some ideas how to stop the timer on one slide and reset it and start again on another?

Would this work for my situation? My client has the requirement that users cannot do more than 5 hours of elearning per day, I know nothing about js what-so-ever but I know I need a countdown timer and once the 5 hours has elasped the user is prompted to quit the quiz.

Quick guess would be that ... you need to add a clearInterval(Your Timer Name) to your JavaScript and have it be tied to a variable change in SL. You would also need to check for that new variable's value as part of your timer JavaScript so the timer can detect when it changes. Then, changing the value of that variable with your stop button would essentially signal the JavaScript to exit the timer function. e24fc04721

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