since reshade hit version 2.0 the mediator is not more included in the reshade package, so i installed reshade 1.1 pointet to the ksp_x64 and clicked on but the program do not find anything, it seems that is down when you visit the site in browser.

Mannaged to get reshade working without a batch file. When installing Reshade 5.7 just point to gamelaunchhelper in your xboxgames microsoft flight simulator content folder; Using Reshade with Xbox App/Game Pass Installs In the past getting Reshade...

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I have been using the reshade manager plugin for awhile and it is working well, was going to set up a new system and all the posts are gone. I was wondering if anyone had any documentation from the first post just to keep as reference, and wondering why the developer pulled it??

So if you download that zip file and go into the emulators folder, you will see Dolphin for example. Everything in that folder gets copied to the folder where your dolphin.exe is. The reshade.ini file has the configurations that point to where the other files are and the dxgi.dll and shaders\bezel.fx and shaders\reshade.fxh are what make the magic happen.

Hi guys, I downloaded this version of reshade manager that Fry linked to. I'm super happy because finally I got CRT effects and bezel for Model 2 emulation. There is a caveat though. When I try to import other shaders with extension fx and store them in the shaders folder, I get an error msg when I open my reshade UI in game, the msg says 'there were errors compiling the following shaders' followed by a list in red font of all the shaders I placed under the shaders folder (LaunchBox\Emulators\Sega Model 2\reshade-shaders\Shaders). I know there is a log tab, but not sure what to make of "error x3000; Syntax error; unexpected".

As I recollect from the fellow who originated this plug-in concept, I think the version of reshade that we were redistributing with the plug-in was a special version that was only for bezels. I'm not sure if it supports other types of shaders. This may have something to do with why he eventually took those files down. I don't know much about reshade but if somebody does, they could probably replace all of the reshade files in the LaunchBox\ReshadeManager folder with a different version of Reshade that does both the bezels and the other shaders properly and there shouldn't need to be any change to the plugin since it will just copy and replace whatever files are in the LaunchBox\ReshadeManager folder over to the emulator folder on game launch.

3) When the setup finished installing reshade, there will be a folder called reshade-shaders inside the teknoparrot.exe directory. Inside teh reshade-shaders folder, there will be another folder called "textures"

In Launchbox I have the "ReShadeManager.dll file" in the plugins folder, I have the folders "ReShadeManager\Games\Teknoparrot\After Burner Climax\reshade-shaders\textures\Bezel.png" in the Launchbox root folder, I installed ReShade 5.9.2 to my TeknoparrotUI.exe file with OpenGL, and I put another Bezel.png file in the reshade-shaders\textures" folder in my Teknoparrot root folder like you said.

AS you can see, the executable is located at: R:\Arcade PC\Sega Ring Edge\Sonic Dash Extreme\exe\SonicDash_R_Ring.exe

Run reshade setup again and point to the real game executable and it will create the reshade-shaders\Textures folder. Then place your bezel.png inside the folder and it should appear.

By the way, what game are you trying to run with bezels?

This is a preset I made myself because the game looked so washed out, it adds a lot of depth and color to the game, makes the game's mood much better, and more realistic imo.

Yes, it works with Iceborne, as updates don't affect how reshade works.

If you really like my reshade preset but just aren't vibing with the fisheye bodycam look, then lower your FOV from 120 to whatever's comfy and disable the following filters in your ReShade menu and you should be all set.

Hmm I followed all of the instructions but cant seem to get this to work. "Home" screen shows "No effect files (.fx) found in the effect search options", and ive put in the directories for my main folder for the game and for the reshade-shaders folder with no success. 

Awesome looking mod though thanks still!

When I put in that file it didn't pop up unfortunately. When i open the reshade setup list and browse games for it install on i put in that file name and it didnt work. is there something i could be missing?

Try this way better hassle wise - no manual uninstall basically reshade but better and works in new beta - I could not get reshade to work - empty comm folder would crash all the time - Gshade no crashes and like I said it has a nice gui to uninstall or update etc.

After this last update and after finally getting ENB and Reshade to work together and run, my FPS dropped from around 50 to 10-11. It has something to do with reshade. When switching between presets on Reshade, FPS goes back to 50-60 but when the preset has loaded it drops to 10-11. Any help would be appreciated.

Any and all shaders added through reshade will have an FPS impact as they are putting more processes through your GPU. If its a specific Reshade preset, chances are that preset has more things working than your GPU can handle. You need to either look at the GPU you're using, or reconsider which presets you want to play with.

@whitewolf94 I am having the same problem. My NVE is installed and my fps only moves from 5 to 11. Before the update of reshade it was fine. I notice something, when the NVE addon in the add ons option in Reshade is removed, (after restart) it works normally. it gives good fps. but previously before update NVE addon option was on , but still was working. Can u figure it out . how to fix this

Hi, I've been playing Tarkov since 2017 and know reshade has been controversial for some time now, I play a lot of single-player games on the same PC, however, and want to use reshade on them to improve the graphics/shading quality, do I run the risk of being banned from Tarkov if using reshade on the same PC, although not using it for Tarkov?

Reshade does change how things are viewed in game, so it is possible to be banned from it, just like someone replacing skins to bright orange would be bannable. You may have an advantage over other players not running reshade.

How are we supposed to install "PhotoRealistc Graphics V + QuantV3 +Nve?"

Most of the files in these graphics mods overwrite each other and you cant actually combine them. What matters most are the files in the timecycle folder and visualsettings.dat. These are the files that make changes of how the look of the game actually looks and all three of those graphics mods overwrite it. We cant recreate the screenshots or have it look like what you made it for since we do not know which mod you used to tweak the reshade settings to. e24fc04721

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