
For the first time, we will be adding a virtual 5K to our event. We have received a lot of feedback about people who want to participate, but can't because of prior commitments or distance. We created a virtual 5K this year to allow everybody to participate.

The steps are simple. Sign-up with the link below to participate. Due to us shipping the water bottles to you, there is an additional small shipping cost. Then on the weekend of April 26-28th, walk 3.1 miles (or a 5K) either running errands, working out in your own time, or however you choose. Send us your distance you've gone by sending a picture of your fitbit, a screenshot of your smartphone tracking the distance, a picture of the treadmill, or however you are able to track the distance you walked. You can email us your tracking at

We want everyone to enjoy the event and help support a cause of which SAA is very proud.