"The only time you need to know is when the sun is about to go down so that you can go buy churros."

“My safe place I would say is Mexico because there's just something about it, you know? It’s like—I know that it’s not my house and it’s the place I go to on vacations so it's pretty much like a portal-hole to my life here in Fresno. I like talking in Spanish, I don’t know, it's just something about talking in Spanish—it gives me another point of view in life. I like just being over there, because there’s not as much technology as there is here. You can go out on to the streets, and you know that you’d be perfectly safe because you know everyone in your town, or you could have a real conversation with someone without having to look down at your phone and track the time. I feel like time is another thing that is nonexistent in Mexico. The only time you need to know is when the sun is about to go down so that you can go buy churros, because that’s when the lady opens her stand. So, yeah, I just pretty much just really like Mexico, I feel like it’s a very free place where there’s a lot of freedom. You don’t have chains stuck to you like you do here in Fresno.” 

Submitted by Kenia

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