“Working with young people, inspiring them, listening to them and learning more that I normally wouldn't know because young people don't like to talk to adults that much but when they do you know I like to listen and that if they asked for advice I would give them advice. Some advice I cannot give to them because I work for Fresno Unified and by me working for Fresno Unified I can't do that. But I just like to like to listen and inspire young people and encourage them to do their best because they are our future and we're depending on YOU to carry on this country.”

Submitted by Alyvia  

“I think I regret not finishing my education as in like I wanted to get my PhD in mathematics. When I was going to school to get my master’s in math, I got pregnant with my oldest son and while I love my children I would not change having them for the world. Because of that I didn’t continue going into university to get my doctorate degree in mathematics and so if I can change anything I would continue. I guess I can still do it but that’s one regret I have.”

Submitted by Daisy

"At only Age 15 I had to learn how to live in a foreign country all by myself, with no help." 

"As a teen I had to come to the United States for better opportunities and to help my younger siblings who had come here before me but did not have anyone to support them, so I took the risk. My father as well was here but he made it harder for us. He kicked me and my siblings out of the house at a young age, so all we had was each other. My siblings were younger and knew less about life compared to me, so I had to take charge. Now I was still in high school, so I tried to get help and talked to my counselor about my situation. She got me a job and a place to live. At this point in my life I had to leave school. Years later I found my first and only love at the job I was currently working in. I was around 23 when we got married. We moved in together and he helped me with my siblings, and I also had a job. I had to go through a time of worry but at the end of the day God was always there by my side.”

Submitted by Karina

“The person that I admire the most is my mother. She was a single mom, and it was just the two of us, my sister and myself, but she did everything for us. She had three or four jobs and we helped her. Very poor, but I think we had a rich life with her because she spent most of her time with us. The person that I am, I owe it to her, because she is strong, independent, and she’s loving.”

Submitted by Kiara 

"You don’t notice how much violence there is growing up, but you notice that it’s not right. Living in the area is not knowing if it's safe to even walk outside. There have been multiple drive-by shootings in my neighborhood and it’s scary. I don’t like the violence here in Fresno and I hope to move somewhere nicer, but Fresno will always be home for me. You get used to living in one area especially if it was for your whole life somehow in the midst of it all you also get used to the violence. I enjoy the fact that I know where everything is and especially where all the good food places are. But if given the chance to move out of here, I’m gone."

Submitted by Bethzy 

"It was difficult to overcome my substance abuse. I used to have a problem with drugs from when I was about your age until I was 22. It started off as something fun to do with friends but turned into something that I needed in order to function throughout the day. It really wasn’t healthy, and I wasted thousands of dollars during those years. It was really bad. Now I only smoke cigarettes which still isn't good but it’s better than before. Yeah, don’t do drugs.”  

Submitted by Jaylen

“Cars, I’m a fan of cars. I like the noises; I like the designs. My favorite is hellcats. If I could do anything in the world, I would probably like to be a racer, a car person. I want to design cars. If I had a car, I would want to design it. I would think about designing other people's cars. I don’t know yet.” 

Submitted by Chaliyah

"I feel like the area around here pretty crazy; I hear gun shots every now and then. Also, there are lots of stray and dead animals running around everywhere. Some good things around here are the food and the corner store which is pretty accessible. I usually like to go buy asada fries from a store that I don’t know the name of. My mom cooks food depending on the ingredients that we have, and she cooks food that is simple to make with little ingredients. Sometimes she would use tortillas, cheese, and meat like pork, chicken, and beef."

Submitted by Poe

"Everything changed my 5th grade year at edison bethune charter academy."

"Growing up I never had an interest in playing sports, but everything changed my 5th grade year at Edison Bethune Charter Academy. I began playing soccer and that’s when my entire life began to change. I grew many friendships through the sport with people from other schools. I had several problems through the sport because financially it was hard to afford to put me in a top end club. So all I did was play soccer for school. In middle school at Gaston I discovered a rec team which I knew some friends who began their soccer journey there so I decided it would be better for me financially to play with this team. Up until high school I played with that team thinking we were a good team, but then came high school season, the atmosphere was a different breath of fresh air. Now that was a great team. Later I began playing with a club team, a better team to develop my skills to the maximum. Although club can be expensive this team was a good price, not too much and not too little. Soccer was my life-changing opportunity. It opened a gateway to many things such as friendships, new people, and new experiences. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for my 5th grade year."

Submitted by Brylia 

I just wish that people wouldn’t use their cells phones as much. I think that’s the reason people and kids today don’t interact with each other anymore. I’m a person that likes to talk to people, and with people not wanting to talk to each other, what will people like me do in a world where people focus on themselves?”

Submitted by Leandro

“I get up every morning at 4:45 AM, to make sure that I’m in the gym by 5:30 AM. My drive for getting up in the morning is to get a good workout in, since I feel that fitness is a big part of your health. I have never been a small person, so it has been a journey for me to lose weight and live a healthy life. That is my drive, to get up and be better than what I was yesterday.”

Submitted by Joelie 

"Years here, many years. I have 30 years working here. I was working at the main mall before it closed, so they moved me to this one. I live near here, so work and home are very close. As soon as I got here I started working. It was always about work. I came from Mexico and had no family here. I only came here to work, ONLY work. My childhood was full of happiness. As a child at your age it was all about work too just to provide enough for the table. I have so many siblings, I wouldn't even be able to count them all. I have lot of family, and I thank God I have my family. I send money to my family in Mexico to help support them." 

(translated from Spanish to English)​

Submitted by Fernanda

"She was best at making petates which are woven mats from palm leaves."

“My mom’s name was Demetria; she passed about 5-6 years ago. I liked to be at home with my mom or we would go to the fields and pick peanuts and chile, this time of year actually… in November is peanut season in Chilpancingo where we used to live. My mom loved to cook food, especially when she got it from the fields. She taught me how to cook. My favorite meal she taught me to cook was mole or sweet bread. Actually around these times, like November, she would make bread constantly. It was always my mom and my sisters in the kitchen. My mother also liked to clean; she taught us to clean as well. But she was best at making 'Petates' which are woven mats from palm leaves. She wasn’t super strict on formal rules like sitting like a lady or always having your hair perfect. Sometimes the opposite, she would go cut wood with an axe. She’d do it all by herself.”

Submitted by Alyssa

What's your favorite thing about Fresno?

The Attractions

“My favorite thing about Fresno...probably our attractions. Like the little activities and festivals that we have from time to time. So, like the Big Fresno Fair, the Hmong New Year, our very own Fresno Chaffee Zoo, the Yosemite National Park, and even the concerts held in the Save Mart Center.”

Submitted by Angelina

Christmas Parades

“My best memory living in Fresno by far has to be the Christmas parades downtown. I remember participating as a kid and getting on the floats with my classmates. I remember waking up early and being excited to dress up in festive wear and sing Christmas songs all day and seeing myself on the news afterwards.”

Submitted by Sharleen 

“If I could repeat high school I would like to do better than how I  am doing now and make  a better choice. I could also attend more high school events.” 

Submitted by Claudia

"Growing up, living, and working in the 93706 zip code has made me a strong and resilient person and teacher for my boy."

Submitted by Matthew

"I think Edison is a good school and I like the community that we’ve built here. I think my students are good kids.” 

Submitted by Bastian

"A comforting sense of relief and belonging."

“My most memorable experience in Fresno (I’ve only lived here for 6 years) that has shaped who I am today is when I joined my church. This faith-based church with a pastor and first lady is the best mixture really. They have not only shown their love of God, but they treated me like their own. It has been an amazing experience to consider them family, especially when I initially moved here with my two little girls, not knowing anyone really. It was a beautiful experience and overall, a comforting sense of relief and belonging. Being surrounded by people who brought me closer to God during a difficult change in my life made it beautiful.” 

Submitted by Dayra

“The area in my zip code I grew up in did not have good living conditions. They are better now because there is construction. It is evolving as a whole with new developments. (If I were to change my location and career) I would probably just stay here in Fresno, still have the same goal become a veterinarian and finish college.” 

Submitted by Collin

“I play football and wrestle for Computech, but there’s nothing else here to do. I go to school, do my sport and leave from the parking lot. I wish the area around the school was better and it was more fun to hangout there. I hear my friends at Baird and Tenaya talking about their after school walks and going to the stores and doing stuff that just sounds like fun, but I know it’s not an option at Computech."

Submitted by Vincent

"I am 23 years old. I graduated with an AA and now currently working as a behavioral technician. Something that I regret not doing was being more active in high school, especially taking care of my health and just taking school serious in general. By not doing these (which I should have) has affected my life a lot now. Looking at these peers, whose ages are the same as mine but whose lives are so much more successful than mine, makes me feel like I’m behind. Thinking back, I realize that I should have done a lot more in school such as joining clubs and playing more sports. Maybe if I had done these things, my health would’ve been alright and I would’ve been able to catch up to these peers. I want to have a successful and stable career, be financially stable; maybe then I can finally buy my own house. As a 23-year-old who hasn’t figured out life yet, I shouldn’t be saying these words but this is what I learned: balance your youth. You are still young so make it worth it while you’re still young. Don’t waste that youth energy on being worried about working (in the future) because even then, you will have to work forever until the day you retire. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be responsible because to have fun, being responsible is key to everything. You only get to be young once, don’t waste it. The last thing I want to say is: changes can lead you to something beautiful.” 

Submitted by Jennifer

"When I was trying to decide where to go for college, my mom really wanted me to go to this Christian school in Santa Barbara, and I really didn’t really want to go, but I was also like I’m the oldest child and was really scared of like telling her I didn’t want to go. So, I kept saying, ’Oh I’ll go to UCLA,’ because I got into UCLA, and like I had no interest going into UCLA. But the week before the deadline, May 1st , I had a dream that I went to Berkeley, a school that I just applied to on a whim. The next morning, I drove up to my grandma's in the East Bay and toured UC Berkeley and then I decided three days before the deadline, after not having considered the school at all. That was a very pivotal moment in my life, and it horrified my mother and was very bad for our relationship for a little bit, but it ended up being a really good decision."

Submitted by Haevyn

“What makes me happy is working with the kids here at Edison High School because I know we have got the future of our teenagers and the future of our community. These teenagers know what they’re doing in life, what they’re doing every day, and that’s what makes me happy by coming to work every day and I always see that smile. What makes me happy is someone is always talking to them and helping them out with whatever they need in life. Not just to get a pass but for whatever difficulties that they may be going through at that time in their life. 

Submitted by Roman

"This career path will help me in the future by saving up for college as well as developing leadership skills and overall being able to be close with my community and see what this community needs as my dream career is to be a district attorney. My childhood was a good one. My focus overall was school and excelling in my education, knowing that my parents are not from here and I just want to make them proud. I ended up living here because my parents decided it was a good place to live. We lived not too far from here and I was born and raised in Fresno, California, specifically in the West Fresno area. It’s just overall a really good community.” 

Submitted by Jason

"I've been doing shows around fresno..."

“From a young age, I have always had a fascination with music. I love all genres of music, and something about the way music is created fascinates me. When I grow up, I want to have a career as a DJ or music producer. I’ve been doing shows around Fresno and other cities for some time now just so that I can get my name out there and my beats known. I work from home making my mixes. When I was a junior in high school, I began to pursue this dream of mine. I started on SoundCloud and graduated in 2018. Two years later, I do various shows at various places including downtown at Art Hop and Strummer’s.” 

Submitted by Matthew

"Our family used to own a doughnut shop a long time ago when I was still in middle school, but due to the recession and the decline in the stock market, prices and rent started to rise, forcing many small businesses to file bankruptcy and we became one of them. We eventually moved to a small apartment on the Westside of Fresno, where I attended Edison High School as a Freshman. At that time we had many problems, concerning our financial situation, but I remained vigilant in school, as I was determined to get into Fresno State and major in nursing. However, they rejected my application and I was forced to go to Fresno City College. My plan was to do two years and then transfer, but because of fake friends, a bad relationship, family issues, job (McDonald's), and financial situation I had no choice but to drop out. I left McDonald's and worked at Wal-Mart for a few months until I left that job. I eventually moved out of my parents’ house and I live with some of my friends. Now I work at Amazon making 15 dollars per hour. I can't say that I'm happy or I can't afford anything for myself, but just how tiring it is to be an adult.” 

Submitted by Michael


"I am a teacher, an art teacher. I find my strengths within photography and my creativity. Education has been one of the most important things in my life, next to my family. Even though my father was never really in the picture when I was younger and passed, I am very family-oriented. My biggest inspirations in my life have been my mother and grandmother — them both being teachers and helping students along with impacting the community. Having a creative outlet and pursuing my dream in the arts has opened my eyes to much more in the world. I love my job, my community, and being a positive impact and role model to students everywhere.”  

Submitted by Heidi

"I teach AP Human Geography at the high school level and what I like the most about it is I enjoy working with kids. I am passionate about geography education so I am happy that I can pass on my knowledge to the students and when they get the concept and I see the light bulb go on, that just makes my day. I learn a lot from kids as well. It has taught me to be patient. After 25 years, I can still say I love it. This is something I wanted to do since I was in seventh grade! So, I am very glad I was able to follow my dreams.” 

Submitted by Maria

"Growing up for me was kind of difficult. I had no one to depend on and I would end up having to do a lot of things for myself. I got my first car when I was 16. That was the same age I got my first job, too. I worked at a Burger King, but it was a good start for me at that age. School was never really a thing for me. I was pretty average in all of my classes and I never really made friends that easy. I have had a lot of trauma go on throughout my life and that’s kind of the reason I am who I am today. I was a responsible person my whole life cause I was in a position in my life where no one was going to do anything for me. This was kind of hard for me but I'm glad it happened because I wouldn’t be who I am today. My siblings were always there for me and that’s why I'm close with all of them today. Growing up without a father really didn’t take a toll on me because I never really cared for him like that. My mindset was that since he didn’t care for me, then why would I care for him. I'm proud of the things that I did to make me who I am right now.” 

Submitted by Jesse

"I miss seeing my family back home, but they knew I would have a better life if I moved to the U.S. It is hard especially since I can't visit them, but I talk to them every day. They're proud that I'm making a living for myself, but I just wish they were here to see me. My life here isn't as bitter as theirs is in Mexico, here I know the value of freedom that they lack. It's my dream to see them, but I know if I leave the country then I may not be able to get back in. And that is something I can't afford to do and something that they wouldn’t want me to do. I only hope for children to grow up with everything I didn’t. They will be dreamers and that’s okay, they will have grown up in the greatest country in the world."​ 

Submitted by Abedallah

“I make jewelry and succulents. It’s basically stuff that was a hobby that I realized I could capitalize on and sell, and I really love Art Hop, it’s a really great place where the community joins together and just has fun. Although I’ve been kind of reimagining my craft, so I’m moving from the jewelry and succulents to the jewelry holders and crystals and wood and flowers and stuff like that. But then I’m also kinda just done making stuff with my hands and making money off of it, because we all know the hourly wage doesn’t make any sense in the world, so it's like you have to start putting your product at a higher value. And if you’re not doing stuff with your hands, you can do other stuff and that opens up your time a lot more. So I’m just trying to think outside the box.”

Submitted by Annie 

"our company is making a big impact."

“As I started working as an Electronic Dismantler at the largest Electronic Recycling Company thirteen years ago the company was barely starting. It was a new concept, a new idea. As time went by I began to grow more focused on the importance of my work. As you can see the recycling business helps the environment. Our company is making a big impact in destroying all the electronic waste that otherwise would end up in the landfills, whereas they are very difficult to be destroyed. I am part of a group that takes apart all types of electronics, and we take pride in the fact that we completely destroy the hard drives that contain any important information and data that might harm anybody or be abused. Once we take apart the electronics we shred them and take the plastic, the metal, copper, aluminum, etc. and we sell them to companies that will use these recycled materials and make something new. By doing this, we are not taking any more scarce materials from the Earth, instead as all things go with recycling we are helping the environment with reuse.” 

Submitted by Rene 

“My family and my friends and I have never really been the type to go do these big crazy things or go to these crazy places. We usually just do things that revolve around being at home and eating. That’s really all that we do. We do simple things like come over to my house, lay on my bed, sit around, or play tag. And that’s just given the fact that we’re all still fairly young and mostly dudes. It’s just a lot of memories like that when it comes to my friends. I can definitely relate to some of the kids who are younger than me along with some of the young adults who are older than me, given the fact that I am a 2001 baby. I was raised around that whole gray area where the 1998 kids up to the 2007 kids kind of all know what we’re talking about. I don’t think that gives so much a reason for any older adult to generalize that all teenagers are the same. I mean for one, in my case I’m a stay-at-home and hang-out-with-my-friends type of person. In many cases teenagers these days go out and party. Some drink and do other things that are illegal and they are out till all hours, but that’s just not me.” 

Submitted by Gabriela

“There are several things I want to learn how to do. Well first I want to learn how to cook because I don’t know how to cook, like at all. I just suck at cooking; I can bake but I can’t cook and obviously I need to learn how to cook because otherwise how am I going to live in the future. Then I want to learn how to sing because I enjoy singing. I’m just not good at it so I have always wanted to learn how to sing. I also want to learn how to play the cello because I think it would be cool to learn how to play it. I also want to learn how to alter clothes because my mom alters clothes and stuff. She always alters my clothes because everything is always big on me, but I want to learn how to do it myself — like be able to fix my jeans because they are always big at the waist or too long, since I’m short. I know how to fix buttons and fix a hole in a sock but I want to learn how to properly fix clothing so I can alter it without having to ask my mom.” 

Submitted by Paola 


“My parents are Hmong and came to America in the 1980s. When I was nine years old, I lost my uncle to suicide. It was tough to lose  someone who I shared moments with. One goal I have is to get out of America and go to China to learn the way of the Leshan Giant Buddha, which is to find peace and solve problems with peace and not force.” 

Submitted by Peerapat 

“I am a Hmong daughter. I am to be obedient to my family without hesitation. I am expected to clean after everyone in my household. I must do all the chores without questioning and arguing. I will learn to cook properly even during my youth. I am to only stay home and go out when necessary. I am to only listen to the opinions and advice of my elders and say ‘Yes, I understand.’ I am to only marry a male of my own race, regardless of my feelings and sexuality. I am to be obedient to my husband and his family without hesitation as it is expected of me. I cannot refuse any of these things without being labeled as lazy or ungrateful. I am not allowed to dye my hair. I am not allowed to dress in the ways I would want to express myself without bringing embarrassment upon my family. I am trapped by the impossible expectations of being perfect, and taught to care for others but to never be cared for. In the end, my words will not be voiced because they do not matter, for I am only a Hmong daughter.” 

Submitted by Joshua 

“I’m grateful for my parents because they have gone through a lot to support me and my family. I see myself as a nurse and having the passion to help others with my job. My favorite place is being with my family because of their jokes and laughs. By the way my siblings have grown up, I see they have been pushing themselves to become better people and that inspires me. I can depend on my brother because he has always been there. By the way motivational people are around me it makes me happy. The best moments in my life are with my family and friends.” 

Submitted by Kimberly

“I don’t like where I live, because I don’t feel safe walking to the store or to a friend's house without a male looking at me the wrong way. And I worry about a white van pulling up and grabbing me. I would like to live in Clovis because the east side is kind of bad too. If I could change the Westside, I would make a clean environment and make the park safe so the kids can play and have fun instead of having to worry about the homeless taking over.” 

Submitted by Sha ‘Quana

“My older brothers and sisters have set everyone’s expectations up high. They are hard workers and influence me in the best way possible. I am afraid I won’t make it as far as they have. Sometimes I feel as if my own intelligence isn’t enough. I’m only in seventh grade, I’ve still got a long way to go. I am expected to be really responsible and mature but no one is really like that at my age. It’s hard but I am grateful for everything I am taught, whether it is basic school knowledge or morals and lessons from my family. I just want to make my family proud. I want to be successful. I want happiness.” 

Submitted by Ariadna

"I see myself with my own makeup brand..."

“In a decade I will be 28, so I’d see myself as a mother. I don’t want to have kids when I am old. Initially, I’d like to own a car and a home. I see myself with my own makeup brand and inspiring others to succeed in anything they have a passion for. Also of course I see myself as a successful person, with most of my goals met. I’d be one of the happiest people for being able to live another decade.”

Submitted by Nallely 

"Since the birth of my daughter I wanted her to grow up better than me and my husband. I married very young and my husband and I lived a poor life. We didn't want that for her. So, we moved to the U.S. The hardest thing for us was to take the citizenship test because we didn't speak English. Despite that we passed. Now my daughter has many opportunities ahead of her. We still struggle but it’s worth it for her and the rest of my children."

Submitted by Nancy 

“I live in the Lowell Community, near Downtown Fresno. I love the diversity of my neighborhood — the fact that we are not all alike. I am the only white person on my block! I have lived here since 2005, and I like being involved in helping our neighborhood become a safer, healthier community. We started a large community garden together, we have neighborhood parties...” 

Submitted by Riley

"I work part time and go to Fresno City now. I don't really know what I want to major in. I didn't even really want to go to college, but I didn't know how to tell my parents that. I'm kind of scared that I'm just wasting time at school right now instead of working full time and stacking my bread, but it'll all work out."​

Submitted by Jared

"At the age of 20 i had a dream of owning my own store."

“My dad brought my family and me to the United States through amnesty. We were originally from Tequila, Jalisco, and before the move I worked at a pharmacy, a clothing store, a botanica, and other businesses. When I came to Fresno, I worked in the fields. I didn't like working there and it was a very difficult job for me, so I tried looking for stores to work in. I searched and prayed to Saint Jude to help me in this time of need and thank God I found people that gave me a job in business. Although I didn't know English, I was still given the opportunity. The people who helped and hired me saw that I was the type of person that has the capability of doing anything. I showed them that through my responsibility and perseverance. At the age of 20 I had a dream of owning my own store, a botanica. I love interacting and helping people, and I believed owning a store of my own would bring the two together. At the age of 23, I achieved my dream. I named my store after Saint Jude, the Saint who never failed to answer my prayers. I’ve been working here for 25 years now. Now I know working and striving for one's dreams is how you make them a reality.” 

Submitted by Sharon 

“I believe I am a very loved person by my community and the kids at my elementary school. I love helping others and caring for those in need, even when it’s harder to deal with certain kids, I still enjoy doing good. I lost my husband to crystal meth but I was able to move forward from that. I learned that I have to be strong and now even more for my children. My children themselves pushed me and I put God first, that was the key.  I feel like I belong to the Westside and I don’t ever plan on leaving. I  want to be part of the movement and change the misconception of this area.” 

Submitted by Abigail

"Something people don't know about me? I got into college on an academic scholarship not an athletic one, so I'm at least halfway smart. As a child I wanted to be a professional soccer player, with the greatest obstacle of playing being graduating college. I'm a postman. The best thing about the job is the people I meet on the job; they become a second family. My talent is a postman with my customer relations. After retiring I want to learn electrical. Education is important and everyone should go to college to become good community leaders or assets within them." 

Submitted by Brandon

“My biggest obstacle in life was going to college because I was the first person in my family to go to college. My biggest inspirations in life are my mom and God. My mom has always gone out of her way to make sure my sisters and I got an education even from coming from a different country and not knowing how to speak the language she still never gave up, and God has always been an inspiration of mine because he was a big guidance in my life. I am grateful to have my husband and my boys in my life because without them my life would not be the same, they make me be a better person. Things that make me most happy are flowers, the ocean, dancing, my family, basically the simple things in life that give me energy. Most people see me as a very outgoing person, but I am very shy. I do feel nervous when people come to watch me at my work.” 

Submitted by Mitzy

“I wrote a story about a lesbian couple and I felt like I would be judged for it. Actually, I was judged by the principal for writing it. It was about two teenage girls who met at school and they ended up falling for each other. The front office puts all of the students’ stories up and the day mine went up, the principal called me into her office. She talked to me about how “proud” she was of my work, but she had a problem with the main characters being together. I felt judged because I wrote about something I’m passionate about. I felt good about it, you know? I feel like if it was about a boy and a girl she wouldn’t have called me into her office…. I have a lot of biggest fears. One is tarantulas... and bugs. Any kind of bugs. Rats... I don’t like rats. And even more bugs. Oh! Except for ladybugs and butterflies, the pretty bugs. They’re nice. I like them a lot. I grew butterflies in kindergarten with my class. It was fun. We watched them transform from caterpillars to butterflies. When we let them go I was really sad.”

Submitted by Breeanna

“I like it here in Fresno. I don't think I would be the person I am today if I didn’t grow up in Fresno. I was happy to be able to play and be successful in basketball at Fresno State because they gave me places to go after college and after my career. I loved going to see those places and when I played basketball there, it was great to meet and play with different people of different cultures. When we were on the road traveling, people I’ve never seen knew who I was and I feel it was a good experience to play basketball overseas. I’m happy with the work I do now. I get to help kids get better at the sport I loved to play. When I left Fresno I was happy to go to these different places and have my own girls’ basketball team. It wouldn't matter to me if my son wants to do sports or not as long as he’s successful it’s ok with me. Yes right now he likes to play basketball, flag football, and soccer; he likes to stay active. I came back to Fresno because I missed my family and wanted to stay close. It was nice being out of Fresno cause I got to see a lot of different things people like to do. I don’t think I’m close to the American dream yet but I don’t think I’m that far from it. No, I think the American dream has to do with happiness not just money. I would like to try and help other people enjoy the American dream and be successful. So far life is nice and I’m enjoying the moment and let the future direct me in the right path.” 

Submitted by Malachi

"The idea of helping people seek justice is very appealing to me."

“As a kid my dad told me: ‘Don’t be just a secretary, be a legal secretary.’ He wanted me to do something important that requires a specific set of skills, and the idea of a legal secretary stuck with me. Now, I am actually a step above a legal secretary: a paralegal. The idea of helping people seek justice was very appealing to me. I was drawn to it and learning about the ins and outs of the legal system came easily to me; it’s as if it’s in my blood. In Fresno, we, as paralegals, are not given many work opportunities and are often seen as unimportant. Our firms/employers take advantage of our skills and knowledge making an unkind hierarchy in the legal business. The world is a cold place, so we have to be cold to deal with it. What makes it worth it though is the knowledge and understanding that I am helping people.” 

Submitted by Madelynn

“I saved a man’s life. I was a mechanic, and he was working underneath the Volkswagen bus. The fuel line came off and caught fire, so I pulled him out by his feet. He took off running because he was burning up, so I tackled him, got the fire blanket, put him out, and called the paramedics. He was my boss’s son, so that made it really good for me!” 

Submitted by Emma

“My first love was in high school. I met him in the 3rd grade. He was my best friend's cousin who was older than me. We started dating when I was 14. He had health problems that caused him to pass away when I was 17. One thing most people don’t know about me is that I truly don't show my emotions. My biggest regret is not finishing my nursing program when I was one year away. Something that makes me the most happy in life is when I get to rest, with a glass of wine, but mainly when things are good around me. An accomplishment that I am proud of is buying a house.”

Submitted by Lesly 

“My biggest struggle in life was immigrating from Mexico to the United States with my family. My family and I, we had thought of immigrating to the United States, so we could live a better life than the one we lived in Mexico, because it was getting difficult living in Mexico because of its economy. At the time it wasn't very good.” 

Submitted by Julio


“When I was a child my dream occupation was to be a veterinarian, but later on in my adulthood I learned that my passion is marketing and I am currently trying to open my own business. Currently, I am a shift manager at Starbucks and what I love most about my job is connecting with the community in downtown Fresno. In the process of becoming an adult I learned one valuable idea: being broke sucks. I hate being broke and that’s basically my greatest motivation. I had struggled with this while I was getting older and I thank my older brother for being such a great role model all of my life. My brother was there for me as well during my struggle and specifically after my father had passed. If it wasn’t for him and my girlfriend, I don’t know how I would be where I am today without them. Especially after this tragedy, of my father passing, I have learned that I appreciate my family the most because I know what it’s like to suffer a great loss so I appreciate my family more than anything.” 

Submitted by Isaak 

"a memory that i will never forget from my past is the death of my little brother."

“It was hard during my childhood. I took care of my mom and I had to take care of the needs around the house. I had to clean, cook, wash, and dry the clothes. Basically it was hard. Growing up, I had six brothers and five sisters — 11 siblings. We used to live in a house made of wood and planks. My dad and my brothers worked to maintain the family and to provide my family with money and food. My mom also helped out whenever she could. A memory that I will never forget from my past is the death of my little brother. It was a horrible and tragic moment, and I haven’t forgotten that moment. As of right now, my family is doing well. I work inside and out. I work inside my house to clean and to cook. I still don’t get paid to do the house needs. Basically, I have a happy life with my family.”  

Submitted by Rodrigo 

“In 10 years, what age will I be? I’ll be 26, dang I’m getting old. I see myself done with college and hopefully having a job, and hopefully having kids. I want some kids.”

Submitted by Ayanna 

“Something I’m really good at is singing. I’ve been singing ever since I can remember. When I was 3 years old, I started singing. My parents told me that I started singing when I once went to a restaurant and listened to the music. I really liked the style of music. Since then, I started singing different songs. I enjoy singing because it helps me relax when I am stressed and angry.”

Submitted by Baokalue

“I want to go to a UC school more than anything, specifically UC Berkeley or UCLA, because I grew up in a very low-income part of Fresno. Going to a UC would get me out of Fresno where I would get the chance to have more experiences, meet some new people, discover new things, and make a better life for myself.” 

Submitted by Sarah 

"i played high school and college football and that caused some injuries..."

“Currently I am facing health problems...getting older. When I was younger, I did a lot of physical activity and I didn’t realize that it was going to impact me when I got older. Sports and work. I played high school and college football and that caused some injuries and strains and then I spent my young adult life in law enforcement, and I was injured there several times. Right now, if I could change anything it would be not being so headstrong and thinking I’m 10-feet-tall and bulletproof and can do anything I want to do. That’s the problem of a young man in good health and who thinks he can do anything he wants to without any consequence. If I could go back, I wouldn't have played football and I would have been way more careful in my adult life as far as my career in law enforcement and the stuff that I did.” 

Submitted by Jazmin

“I am the daughter of two immigrant parents who have given me all I need. They’ve talked to me about the harsh life they lived and I wonder how my life would’ve turned out if they hadn’t come to America. At a young age I would wonder why we ate rice and beans most days and others we would have a nice meal. It didn’t make much sense to me because although we weren’t the richest in the world, we weren’t the poorest either. Looking back however, that has taught me to remain humble and never forget where I come from. And as for the future, I hope to someday become an ultrasound technician and deliver wonderful news to my patients.” 

Submitted by Teodoro

“I want to learn how to make more money because I want to give my kids a better life than what they got right now. Raising my kids is a challenge because being a single mom is not easy. It is stressful, and it can make you have regrets, but you just got to trust God, love on your children, and keep pushing forward and you will overcome. I'm most grateful for God, my kids, and my family who I love very much. God makes me happy because he is keeping my family protected, he is keeping me alive, and he is blessing me.”

Submitted by Tobias

"My favorite part is being the father figure to 74,000 students."

“Being the superintendent of California’s third largest school district is never something that I planned on doing. I started off as a teacher at Madera and eventually moved my way to Fresno Unified. I worked some administration jobs within the district and eventually many of my peers agreed that my background and knowledge could make me fit for the job of Superintendent. While it is stressful and time consuming, it is one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever worked. My favorite part is being the father figure to 74,000 students.” 

Submitted by Joshua 

“My sister’s name is Rosalinda and she’s 40 years old and 6 ½ months pregnant. She has been addicted to meth for about 20 years now and I would say she was funny, caring, and....I guess loving when she was a kid. She has schizophrenia and it makes me sad and angry that she’s in that condition. I am angry because she’s not fulfilling her full potential and she’s letting her kids down. She’s never done anything productive except have children who she has never helped to raise. My prediction for this new baby is someone else will be taking care of it, I don’t even like to think about it. She no longer resembles the person I used to know. I think her childhood is what led her down this path. Once I moved out, she was alone and probably had worse happen to her than I did. We did everything we could to try and help her get over her addiction, but she didn’t want the help. Every time she was out of rehab or jail, she would go back to her life of addiction and prostitution. Every time I see her now, she cries. I think she feels guilty about everything she’s done. I have hope she’ll get better, but all I can do is pray.” 

Submitted by Tricia

“What brought me here was the idea of an American dream with progression and also economic stability for my family. It was the best decision to bring them here so they would have a chance at a better life. And being a single mother after the death of my husband was not easy at all and with my children depending on me financially, this country allowed me to provide for them and for them to provide for their children as well. I'm glad to have settled in this community because of the humanitarian people that live here, it's like a big family." 

Submitted by Bianca 

“I am such a family person. I literally can't go one day without talking to my mom, dad, and brother. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite, because if one of them heard, I would get in big trouble. They all motivate me to do what I love, which is to spread my beliefs in artwork. Not to brag or anything, but I have created a platform where I can communicate to people who have the same beliefs as I do. Girl with journal. It's my biggest accomplishment I would say. Essentially, spirituality is what I created a living out of. That is the thing that makes me happiest in life, along with my family because they have been there with me during my greatest memories.” 

Submitted by Shivani

"not everything is personal."

“The hardest lesson I’ve learned and am still learning is that everybody has their reasons, not everything is personal. Despite what a lot of people say, a lot of people want the best for you. But people will prioritize what matters to them, obviously. Actions that people make that hurt you doesn’t just make them a bad person or 'fake', while they could’ve gone about it a better way, I’ve learned to ask myself what I would have done in that situation. You can usually gauge how much somebody values you by doing this. This doesn’t mean that the friendship or relationship can’t be built upon. This lesson is hard to learn because you build up emotion and carry it around, not knowing where to direct it until it goes numb and you eventually don’t even realize it’s there anymore, until someone or thing takes it off your chest.”

Submitted by Leah 

"What brought me here was to escape war in my home country..."

“I came to this city when I was 16 years old, from El Salvador. What brought me here was to escape war in my home country; it was bad, to where I had to leave. Having to cross multiple borders was the biggest obstacle, knowing the risks of being caught. I still talk to my parents when I'm able to and send them money. I work at LG Palettes Services, and I drive the forklift and work with the palettes. What I like most about it is how much trust the boss has in me, whenever he’s not there, I'm the next person the rest of the workers have to look up to since I know how things go. My biggest motivation is my children. I work hard just so I can be able to provide for them. I’m grateful for my family, that I have a roof over my head, food on the table, I don’t know where I would be without them.”  

Submitted by Guadalupe

“The first time I went to the Fresno Fair was four years ago with my uncle and my aunt. I went with my two cousins and my siblings. I was short so I couldn’t get on any of the big rides, so it wasn’t very fun. The whole time me and my cousin Kaylee had to go on rides with my other cousin who was five years old. Both of us had to go on all the rides she wanted. Most of the time she was screaming and scared even though it wasn’t scary at all. I didn’t get to go last this year, but I want to go again. When I do go, I’m going to make sure to go on all the rides that are at the fair.” 

Submitted by Mariana

“When I was a teenager, I was dating a boy who played guitar. We decided, since I could sing, we would do gigs. So we did. I sang all the ‘90s hits, like Radiohead and Jane’s Addiction. Don't seem like the rock type, huh? But it was easy money and it was fun. Didn't marry him though. His loss!”

Submitted by Kasey

“It is one week before Christmas Eve, and I am hoping to celebrate it with my family. In my bag are candies and other stuff. The bag is full of chocolate and cookies because I wanted to buy many treats for my children to eat. I also bought a lot of candy canes to decorate our Christmas tree because my children, especially my grandkids, love it when the tree is full of candy. They love it so much and always pick some before Christmas Eve.”

Submitted by Cindy 

“I came from my city Guanajuato in Mexico with all my brothers. We lived on a ranch with several animals and were a big family. As time passed, we saw that there was more opportunity in the United States than where we were. Like every immigrant, we had our start working in the fields. I worked in the fields for about three years and then became a carpenter, my brothers did the same. I could do any type of work in a house and got many clients. I ended up meeting a woman named Magdalena and we got married. She had a young daughter and she was from Mexico as well. We had a child and we lived in a nice house. Sadly, we divorced and I stayed alone in that house. It was quiet and I no longer had my family around me. I surpassed it and accepted that what happened happened for a reason. I sold the house when I moved on and got married again and had another child. This time in a new home with a new start.”

Submitted by Alissa 

what are your aspirations?

“I’ve always wanted to become an engineer since I was nine years old. I wanted to design things and make it become a real thing. My friends would support me in competitions and would always celebrate when I won. In middle school I’d read books about designing and try to build things that were available in the book. I remember when I had to build a catapult with my partner using sticks and rubber bands. Ours didn’t come in 1st place, but instead 2nd, which I wasn't mad about because I know that my skills were improving. In two years I’m going to be in high school and I hope there are more challenges for me to learn so I can become a future engineer.”

Submitted by Jeff 

“I want to learn how to intubate. The biggest obstacle I overcame was to finish my phlebotomy license two years ago. I worked two full-time jobs and volunteer hours to get into the medical field. The one thing that nobody knows about me is that I hate needles and absolutely dislike being on the other side of the bed as a patient.”

Submitted by Michelle 

“I want to learn how to climb trees because every time I see my friends climb one, when I try, I could never get up there. When I grow up, I want to be a dentist because I could clean people’s teeth and make them shiny. My biggest fear is popping balloons because it’s too loud. My favorite place is the mall because they sell pizza pretzels.”

Submitted by Cynthia 

“I would love to know how to work on cars so I could fix mine.”

Submitted by Rickayla 

”My childhood dream was to become a teacher who teaches well and helps kids who are struggling. My biggest passion is to always do well, to keep fighting, and try to keep moving forward. My biggest struggle in life is going through college. One big regret was that I didn’t take an opportunity that my professor told me about. I am sure I could have made it.”

Submitted by Ger 

"I want the best for my children, and I want them to have more things that I had at their age."

“During my childhood I was put through much as any Mexican person in the time period of fighting for the rights and equality for colored people. When I was little at the age of seven, I started working in the fields with my father in the heat with little water. I would whine to my father ‘why me? why us?’ and he would always tell me it is almost over. He promised with the money we are earning it will go to building a new home for my mom and me. But we would earn a little bit of money in the fields. I never went to school. I only went from preschool to fifth grade because of the need to get money. I had to learn to read and write by myself Spanish and English. I wish I had the chance to have a great education like my kids now, but the money was important for my family. I always tell my kids to do good and try hard in school and get their education to have a successful life they want. I want the best for my children, and I want them to have more things that I had at their age. There was one day where I felt judged from another parent which was from a white person. We were at my son's open house event at his school and one of his classmates asked him why his mother was full of dirt. Then that kid's father jumped into the conversation and told my son, ‘Oh you are just going to be like your mother working in fields.’ When the guy said that I felt very upset and angry, but I had to control myself and ignore it. I still work in the fields and I am not embarrassed of it. I have saved up a lot of money and I can say that I am now living the good life I want. I have enough money to do anything I want with it. I thank God for never letting me down in my rough times I had in my childhood.”

Submitted by Yesenia 

"I was awarded the master artist by the national heritage fellowship..."

“As a kid I just wanted to help my mother in the fields and protect them from harm. When I was in 8th grade I exposed myself to music and theater. I loved it so much that in 2007 I was awarded the Master Artist by the National Heritage Fellowship for contributing to the shaping of our artistic traditions and preserving the virtual diversity in 2007. I now teach both music and theatre to community members that want to learn music and theatre and watch them express themselves artistically.”

Submitted by Ernesto 

“I would say that the hardest lesson to learn was that as much as you want to make people happy all the time is pretty much impossible, and in my job, which is really trying to help everybody that comes through school and get an education at Fresno Unified, have the best chance of success. For me it was about understanding that I really had to sift through everybody's opinions and everybody's ideas on what's right and just really get centered on what's going to be best for students and even though there's a lot of ideas about what's best from adult, parents, it doesn't make them bad ideas, but at the end of the day if what's best for everybody else is not good for students, you don't do it and so it's always been really difficult to have to say no. You have to say you know what you want, but that's not going to work for kids or for students and that's always a difficult thing. In my role now, that continues to be a difficult thing every day. I think as human nature you want people to be happy for the most part and realize what I have to realize what my purpose is, to do everything I can to make things best for students.” 

Submitted by Ian

“Someone who has impacted my life is my little sister because I see a lot of myself in her. She is very similar to me. She follows my dad everywhere, the way I used to. She is also chubby; I was the same, but she has a little attitude that I don't know where she picked up. My little sister is my everything, she is very important to me because she motivates me to be a good role model, to show her that her big brother is doing great things and being successful.”

Submitted by Abraham

“When I grow up, I want to be a paleontologist. I want to be a paleontologist because I want to prove that dinosaurs really existed in the past. I want to be a paleontologist because discovering dinosaur bones are cool. My favorite dinosaur is the tyrannosaurus rex because they have big jaws and they are the king of dinosaurs. It’s cool because dinosaurs are big and scary. That’s how I got into dinosaurs.”

Submitted by Alyssa

“Nothing beats a Saturday Afternoon with my grandkids. We spend the day watching soccer games on T.V. as we eat some BBQ or whatever it is I cooked for them, but I always make sure that they eat good when they come over. As we eat and watch the game, I tell them jokes here and there but I mainly tell them about my childhood and my life back in El Salvador. I tell them about how I was a semi-professional soccer player in El Salvador and how I used to play goalkeeper at a pretty young age. I was one of the youngest players on that team, about 17 or 18 if I remember correctly. I tell them about leaving my career, family, and friends to be able to provide for my family and live a better life. At the end of the day it was worth it. I thank God for this beautiful gift of life and blessing me with a great life, and even greater, grandkids.”

Submitted by Jonathan 

“I am a lash artist. I like to be creative with my work. I always wanted to become a doctor and I’m still pursuing that dream today. I am grateful for the love and support I have from my family. I love doing makeup with passion. I am able to do art, using my face as a canvas, using my hands to create what you see.”

Submitted by Bryan 

“As a young mother with my husband any kind of humble work there is we’ll do because we need the money to feed my children and the rest of my family. Being here for me is really hard without seeing my mother and my father. They’re who I can't live without, but also my own children. My children are what I see a future in and why I want to be here with them through everything, and as much as I miss my parents I am here for my children. As you can see the place we live in is not a nice place. People come here for a better life, but the better life is what your children are going to become.” 

Submitted by Sarai

"I never thought that my life would be this good."

“I am very thankful for the opportunities I have been given. I never thought that my life would be this good. Though some might not see it as a crazy nice beautiful place to live. From where I come from, children and people are struggling just to get food on a daily basis. Children starving, many being homeless and working at a very young age. A lot of people are so quick to complain about their lives and not stop to think about what they already have. Which from someone else’s view might seem like a dream life to live.”

Submitted by Cesar 


“The reason why I stayed on the Westside of Fresno is because I felt like I could help my community.”

Submitted by Jermaine

“My dad was the biggest motivation in my life because he made me the person who I am right now and that's a loyal, kind, respectful, and a hard working man.”

Submitted by Edgar

“I want to learn to make government more effective.”

Submitted by Darion

"The person who motivates me the most in life is my mom because I can always count on her."

“My biggest struggle in my life was when I had no place to stay and I had to stay with different families, also when I had to keep switching schools. One thing most people don’t know about me is that my parents are separated. My relationship with my mom is very good even though we go through a lot, and my relationship with my dad is very tough because he lives in North Carolina. In 10 years, I see myself being a mother and having a good job to support my family and me. My biggest fear is losing all my loved ones. The person who motivates me the most in life is my mom because I can always count on her.”

Submitted by Jensenda 

“I just want my children to go to school and graduate and have good grades so they can be somebody in this life and help people who need help. I want my children to be in a good place where bad things don’t happen. I want to be a good person for my children so they can have a good life and be leaders, not followers.”

Submitted by Estrella 

“I picked myself up, dusted any debris, and smiled at everyone. I figure if I am not happy to be at my lowest, I should not allow others to experience the same thing. So I directed the energy I would’ve used to sympathize myself and used it towards helping others. So if I was to be cursed to remain at this low point for eternity, I can say at least I helped prevent another person from getting down to my level.”

Submitted by Chris

“My favorite place is the park, because I really like playing soccer and it's something I enjoy and makes me very happy.’’

Submitted by Aline 

"Inside of Peten you can find the pyramids from the Mayan civilization in the city of Tikal."

“A city in Guatemala named Peten has to be one of my favorite places to go and visit. It’s a beautiful place due to its forests and its lakes. There is this one lake that has an island right in the middle of it. The island is filled with a complete city and the only way to get there is crossing a long bridge over the lake. The island is really big and absolutely beautiful. I just love visiting there every time I go to Guatemala. Inside of Peten you can find the pyramids from the Mayan civilization in the city of Tikal. It was so cool looking at all the pyramids and I even went ziplining. My cousin got stuck halfway. It was hilarious! Tikal is surrounded by deep forests, so the only way you can get a phone signal is if you climb the top of the pyramids.”

Submitted by Emily 

“Family is one of the things that I enjoy in life. Without my family I would be a lonely person on the street. I love having my husband come home from work and love being with him and my kids every chance I get. I'm happy with the things I have and would not trade anything for the world. To be blessed with the things that God gave me and to continue knowing that he will provide for me every step of the way. One of the hardest lessons I learned was that life is a struggle and there won’t be anybody to hold your hand and get you through the hard times. You need to tough it out and believe in yourself that you can do it.” 

Submitted by Richard

“I graduated from Central High School. I feel grateful to have my family with me. There was a moment when I felt like giving up, but I knew I had my whole life ahead of me. I didn’t give up. It’s currently my last year of college and I’m glad I kept going no matter how hard it was.​”

Submitted by Yaira

“I always wanted to be a crime scene investigator, but my plans shifted and I chose a different path into being a debt collector. I do everything and anything for my two little ones. I am very creative when it comes to decorating. I love to sing, travel, and go to the beach.”

Submitted by Amanda

“I would say my biggest accomplishment was the day I graduated from high school. Also the fact I'm the first one in my family to graduate, so that’s why it’s a big accomplishment to me. Though there will be another big accomplishment ahead of me that I don’t know of, but I don’t think it will beat me graduating from high school.”

Submitted by Noah 

“I think the changes to the community are a good opportunity for the community because they could bring more people to this side town.” 

Submitted by Tyree

"I had failed many of my classes and had dropped out of college four times. But here I am now, doing what I love."

“My dad was an alcoholic; my mom was a worker on a broccoli farm. Life wasn’t easy; I struggled with anxiety and depression. I had but one person to inspire me to do something better with my life. Even that wasn’t easy, I had failed many of my classes and had dropped out of college four times. But here I am now, doing what I love. I got this job by pure fate, and I am grateful to be here.”

Submitted by Dominic