A World Where Humans and Nature Are Harmonized

"Managing Water for Humans and Nature"

Welcome to the research page of the Environmental Modeling Lab, from the Department of Environmental Engineering in Seoul National University of Science and Technology. Our mission is truth-telling through unfolding the possibility space and understanding the complexity. The tools to accomplish the mission are sociohydrology for better comprehension of human and nature interactions, physically-based environmental models for better representations of environmental processes, and exponential technologies for better interpretations of environmental big data. 

News and Announcements

Our research group welcomes highly motivated graduate students (environmental modeling/sociohydrology) and undergraduate interns. If you have a serious interest in applying, please contact me at: hanjeong@seoultech.ac.kr

Jan 2024: Jaehyeong joined the research group and started his integrated BS/MS course! Welcome, Jaehyung!

Dec 2023: MS student, Akshita successfully defended her MS thesis entitled "Development of a Socio-Hydrological Institution System Using the ABCD Model Structure and Values-Beliefs-Norms Theory". Congratulations, Shita!

Oct 2023: Kyungmin has been awarded the Paper of the Year Award from the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers. Congratulations, Kyungmin!

Sep 2023: Dr. Daejung Kim joined the research group and started another PhD course! Go for it, Dr. Kim!

Sep 2023: Juseong started his PhD course! Go for it, Juseong!

Sep 2023: Sonali joined the research group and started her PhD course! Welcome, Sonali!

Jun 2023: MS student, Juseong successfully defended his MS thesis entitled "Prediction of Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality in the Han River Basin Using HSP2 and SSP Scenarios". Congratulations, Juseong!

Feb 2023: MS student, Kyungmin has been awarded the Excellent Thesis Award from the Seoul National University of Science and Technology. Congratulations, Kyungmin!

Jan 2023: MS student, Wuseong has been awarded the Paper of the Month Award from the Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers. Congratulations, Wuseong!

Dec 2022: MS student, Kyungmin successfully defended her MS thesis entitled "A Better Interpretation and Physically-Based Simulation of Microplastics as Anthropogenic Pollutants in Freshwater Systems". Congratulations, Kyungmin!

Dec 2022: MS student, Wuseong successfully defended his MS thesis entitled "Better Interpretations of Environmental Big Data through Text Mining and Manual Coding: Microplastic Pollution and Sociohydrorlogy Case Studies". Congratulations, Wuseong!

Mar 2022: Akshita joined the research group and started her MS course! Welcome, Akshita!

Nov 2021: Minah joined the research group as an undergraduate intern. Welcome, Minah!

Oct 2021: Dr. Dubey joined the research group as a SeoulTech research professor. Welcome, Dr. Dubey!

Sep 2021: Juseong joined the research group and started his MS course! Welcome, Juseong!

Sep 2021: Taekyung joined the research group and started his PhD course! Welcome, Taekyung!

Mar 2021: Wuseong and Kyungmin started their MS course!

Mar 2021: Four undergraduate interns joined the research group. Welcome, Hyeungwon, Doim, Yeonggyu, and Jinsu!

Mar 2021: An NRF grant was received for the project: "A Use-Inspired Socio-Hydrological Framework for Integrated Water Resources Management in Agricultural Watersheds". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (PI; $400,000; 2021-2025).

Sep 2020: Two undergraduate interns joined the research group. Welcome, Wuseong and Kyungmin!

Aug 2020: Dr. Jungjin Kim joined the research group as a research professor. Welcome, Dr. Kim!

Jun 2020: An NRF grant was received for the project: "Establishment of a Model for Solving Regional Environmental Problems using the Environmental Services Platform". It was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (co-PI; $5,800,000; 2020-2029).

Aug 2019: Hanseok Jeong started his new job as an assistant professor at SeoulTech.