

Digital Twin for Human-Robot Collaboration in Smart Factory Context: Assessment of Cognitive Workload, Postural Risks and Safety of Human Operator in Collaborative Tasks

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Development of VR based drilling machine application for physical operation in smart factory. 

This research work will involve the study of machine operators performance and occupational safety and risks in digital twin environment. 


This study aims to clearly present on the integration of Digital Twin with the existing advanced technologies in smart factory to reduce manufacturing defects. 

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Hope for smart Living

Design and development of a mobile applications for the underprivilege in Indian context 

This study aims to design and develop a mobile application for the underprivileged. It also emphasizes the importance of building trust and transparency in the donation process, ultimately fostering a sense of social responsibility among users. 

Publication Link  


Mobile App: "SpeedCart"

These days' supermarkets are a place where household and daily need products are easily available. In supermarket, multiple departments of the store functions together and management of all the department simultaneously very chaotic and need to be addressed. Some of the problems mainly related to exchange of goods, customer complaints, inter-departmental communication system is increasing with increasing size of the supermarket.

Created a mobile application for target users to make supermarket a great experience for customers and as well as executives/workers of the supermarket.

Researchers/Contributors, Publication Link

Product Design

i-HAWA: An interactive device for providing cognitive breaks in the work place

To identify the need for cognitive breaks in office spaces to enhance employee performance and propose the design of an interactive product to enable workers to take these breaks. 

Publication link  



It becomes difficult for the users to take out time and drop off their vehicles at the servicing station. Also, the time till the vehicle is being serviced, the user needs to arrange something to commute, either use public transport or someone else's vehicle. Moreover, it is difficult for the user to track the servicing process and how much time exactly it will take for the vehicle to be serviced. 


Smart chair for bullet trains

This smart chair uses for multiple purpose: stretcher, medical aid, fingerprint for passenger identification. We also proposed IOT based passenger information system design for relief management. 

Interactive control panel for smart factory

Design an interactive control panels for hypothetical pharmaceutical smart factory.
