
Hudson Middle School Choirs Calendar of Events 


Sept. 21     Show Choir Workshop (for those interested in auditioning) 3:00-4:00pm

Sept. 26, 27 Show Choir Auditions (by individual appointment)

Dec. 7         6th, 7th, 8th Grade Holiday Choir Concert ~ 7:00 pm HHS Auditorium

Jan. 12        Vocal Impact Invitational (Show Choir only)

March 14     6th, 7th Grade Mid-Winter Choir Concert ~ 7:00 pm HMS Auditorium

Feb. 28       8th Grade/HHS Combined Concert of Choirs ~ 7:00 pm HHS Auditorium

March 1?     Pancake Breakfast (Show Choir only) ~ TBD

May 11       Music in the Parks at Cedar Point – (Show Choir Only)  

May 16       6th,7th, 8th Grade Spring Choir Concert ~ 7:00 pm HHS Auditorium

Future events may be added.

Sufficient notice will be given.