Hub site owners can quickly add links to the associated parent hub or child hubs when editing site navigation. Adding links to associated hubs is optional but makes it even easier for users to discover more relevant content across hubs.

From the Unity Hub, create and link a Unity Version Control repository to new projects, compare file sources, and link repositories to existing local projects for rapid iteration and collaboration with your team.

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Create new projects with templates or tutorial project files. Choose from a growing repertoire of Core, Sample or Learning templates for 2D, 3D, VR, AR, mobile, Microgames, and more. Create and link Version Control repositories to track project changes over time.

The Genome Browser provides links to a collection of public track hubs that have been registered with UCSC. To view a list of the public track hubs available, click into the blue navigation bar "My Data" and then "Track Hubs" to reach the Public Track Hubs page.You can click links in the "Description" column to see details about a particular Hub.To view a hub's data, click on an assembly name on the row of your hub or the "Connect" button. If you clicked the "Connect" button, choose your assembly or click the "Genome Browser" link from the top blue bar to be brought to thedefault assembly. The selected hub tracks will be listed in a separate track group below the browser image and can be configured just likenative browser tracks. Exercise caution when viewing a wide region that requires the Genome Browser to display a large number of track features: the browser display may time out.

When sharing track hubs on a single assembly, we recommend using Saved Sessions(especially for publications). These have the advantages of being single-click access and sharing a full browser configuration.If you are just starting, an overview of the process is to make the hub on your web-accessible server, attach the hub to the Genome Browser, configurebrowser position and related tracks, then save your named session and share thesession link. Your session links will be in the following format with your chosen username and session name:

As part of the track hub mechanism, UCSC caches data from the hub on the local server. The hubutility periodically checks the time stamps on the hub files, and downloads them again only if theyhave a time stamp newer than the UCSC one. For performance reasons, UCSC checks the time stampsevery 300 seconds, which can result in a 5-minute delay between the time a hub file is updated andthe change appears on the Genome Browser. Hub providers can work around this delay by inserting theCGI variable udcTimeout=5 into the Genome Browser URL, which will reducethe delay to five seconds. To add this variable, open the Genome Browser tracks page and zoom orscroll the image to display a full browser URL in which the CGI variables visible. Insert the CGIvariable just after the "hgTracks" portion of the URL so that it reads -bin/hgTracks?udcTimeout=5& (with the remainder of the URLfollowing the ampersand). To restore the default timeout, a warning message will appear on hgTrackswith a link to clear the udcTimeout variable.

If you would like to share your track hub with other Genome Browser users, you can register your hub with UCSC by contacting the Genome Browser technical support mailing list at Please include the URL of your hub.txt file in the message. Once registered, your hub will appear as a link on the Public Hubs tab on the Track Hubs page. To assist developers of Public Hubs, there is a Public Hub Guidelinespage. The page shares pointers and preferred style approaches, such as the need for creating description html pages for your data that display any available references and an email contact for further data questions.

Free webspace: If you do not want to pay for web space,and your institution does not provide a data location supporting byte-range requests,we know of at least the following sites where you can hostresearch data and configuration files for free: Galaxy - Maximum size limit is 50 GB (uncompressed). CyVerse Discovery Environment - 5 GB of space for free, but can be relatively slow to display. Offers a paid subscription service to expand space. Github - files limited to 100MB, but very fast. Figshare - not limited and fast, but every file needs to be uploaded individually and cannot be changed. Optimal for very stable links, e.g. in publications.Each of the providers above has a slightly different approach to hosting data forcompatibility with the UCSC Genome Browser, and may have different advantages and disadvantages,such as size limitations, usage statistics, and version control integration. Additionally, as previously mentioned, any provider that supports byte-range access will work for hub hosting, and you are not limited to the above sites. Below is a summarized guide foreach of the providers mentioned above.

Select this option for all the files you will be using with the Genome Browser, whether theyare text-based files (trackDb.txt, groups.txt, description.html, etc.) or binary-indexed files(BAM, bigWig, bigBed, etc.) requiring byte-range access. Note, if you have a dataFile.bam,you must also have a dataFile.bam.bai file of the matching name and both must have publiclinks created.

After creating public links to your binary files, you must ensure your text files (i.e., trackDb.txt)point to the CyVerse locations for the files. For instance, the bigDataUrl setting, will need to pointto the location of the BAM, bigWig, or bigBed (i.e., bigDataUrl ).

Note, if you need to replace files once they have been uploaded into CyVerse's DE and Public linkshave already been created you will need to force update the CyVerse cache. One way is to go back to thePublic links section and find "Refresh Cache" button. Another way is by hitting Control-Shift-Rin your browser to force reload the file or by sending Cache-Control: no-cache header: curl--head --header 'Cache-Control: no-cache'

Figshare is a site for researchers and institutions to uploadand collect usage statistics on their data, as well as make their data shareable and discoverable. The process for uploading a hub to Figshare is similar to the process involved at CyVerse, whereone must first create an account, upload the bigDataUrl files, create shareable links,and then edit your hub.txt, genomes.txt, and trackDb.txt appropriately. One advantage to usingFigshare is their emphasis on usage statistics, so institutional accounts can see how oftentheir hubs and tracks are being accessed by others.

I had thought a Hub site would be a way to do this; by setting the Microsoft Teams-created SP site as a Hub and then associating the classic Team site with it, I was hoping to be able to see the content linked or available between the two sites... because that seems to me to be the prime use in something like linking a site to a Hub (otherwise why leave the classic 'site -> subsite' schema of yesteryear which worked fine?)

However, I cannot seem to find a way to link content between the two sites, or make content from one site available in another. Is there some way to do this? I can't even search for content in one of the other sites as this article suggests:

Videos of expert literacy specialists teaching each new learning concept can be sent to students via easy links (great for supporting absent students and those who are in remote or hybrid setting; also terrific for new teachers learning how to present skills).

G-OnRamp is a Galaxy workflow that turns a genome assembly and RNA-Seq data into a Genome Browser with multiple evidence tracks. Because G-OnRamp is based on the Galaxy platform, developing some familiarity with the key conceptsand functionalities of Galaxy would be beneficial prior to using G-OnRamp. Here is a link to their instruction page that gives an overview of their process.

There are a collection of assembly hubs built by an automatic script that can be viewed on our development server (links default to the genome-test site) or if the link to the hub.txt is copied and pasted, it can be manually changed to load on the public site.

The following table provides links pages to launch various assembly hubs grouped by species subset, where if you scroll down on the page you will find rows for each assembly hub (or groups of further assembly hubs for the bacteria page) allowing one to load individual assemblies by clicking the "common name" hyperlink such as "African bush elephant" on the Vertebrate Mammalian page (please note the statistics in this table below may change as more hubs are added in the future).

Once the download has completed, double click on the image and follow the instructions to get Docker Desktop installed. For more information on installing for your specific operating system, click the link below.

You need to learn to spot a spam bot. Look at it's signature. It 's a bot that keys on words such as "hub" in this case and then makes a semi intelligent sounding comment on the subject for the simple purpose of spamming the link in it's signature.

Power on the Control Hub while continuing to hold the button. Monitor the LED while the Control Hub is rebooting. Eventually, the LED will switch from being solid blue, to a multi-color blink pattern.

For instance ... importing media. The "owner" ... the person who created the project initially ... is the only user who would ever add or link to media in a 'normal' Premiere fashion. All other users must use the Edit/Team Projects/Media Management dialog to do anything either to add media or to link/locate media for their own machine.

From now on, when a new user account is created, their home directory willhave this symbolic link (and any other files in /etc/skel) in their homedirectory. This will have no effect on the directories of existingusers.

Note: The two Moodle template courses identified in the course "link" field have to be added to the site before the file will run successfully. To run the file without adding Moodle template courses delete the four values in the "link" column.


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