Jupiter notebook is not opening notebooks and shows a "500 : Internal Server Error" instead. What I did was activate an environment I need and launching Jupyter. Please find below what I did and the error message on the terminal:

This will list the path to the different versions of jupyter that are installed in your computer. Try all the versions one by one and delete the binaries of the ones that give you the 500 error. Then you might want to change the link to jupyter by adding a line (alias jupyter="/usr/local/bin/jupyter") to your ~/.bashrc file or call jupyter with the absolute path.

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Also if this doesnt fix the problem, then the environment can be manually linked. For manual linking you have to first activate your conda environment and then launch jupyter notebook. PS : Dont launch your jupyter notebook from the (base) conda environment

Foremost, try to ping your internal server, if it is working well. If the request times out, possibly there is no problem with your jupyter notebook. Rather, try changing the port number in the URL - there is a strong possibility that it is landing you at the wrong port.In my case, I was landing at 8890 while my lost host port was 8888 (general case). So just correct your URL and things should work just fine for you.

I had created a kernel under my username as i was used to in jupyter notebooks and anaconda in Windows. But i was not able to install packages properly. SO i deleted the kernel and tried to create a new one.

Hi, I am also having the same issue. I am running the Jupyter Notebook on the DGX A100 server remotely. I have tried all the solutions given and am still not able to open the ipynb file. The error is:

I switched out the pytorch dependency from conda to pip, but it looks like it is still failing. The error message is as before. Is it possible that the notebook dependencies are too demanding? It takes a long time to build, and I had a similar problem with readthedocs (although their machines are small on memory).

The solution proved to be very simple. I found an option in jupyter_notebook_config that allows to inject variables into jinja environment. With this option, one can add the i18n extension to jinja templates in notebooks prior to 5.1.0 (tested with 5.0.0). QED

Hello hello,

The Portal for ArcGIS occasionally gives end users an 'Internal server error 500' error message, the root cause of which we have been hunting for a long time with ArcGIS Monitor, among other things, and searching the server logs without success. Have others encountered the 'Internal server error 500' error and how have you fixed the problem?

Our ArcGIS Enterprise environment, which runs on version 10.81, consists of a separate IIS Webadaptor Windows server on the DMZ, a Portal, and three robust GIS servers, and an MS SQL Geodatabase server. Attached is a simplified topology image of the Enterprise environment. The portal has hundreds of simultaneous end users on the browser and Field Maps from the public Internet, as well as twenty ArcGIS Pro users in the office network. Where else could we try to find the cause of the fault? 

I have run all the patches with the Esri Updater tool and all the updates provided by Microsoft are automatically installed on the servers.

This patch seemed in advance to fix the 'Internal server error 500' error message. I installed it early last month, but unfortunately, end-users still occasionally get that error message. I have now further verified that the patch is installed nicely and Esri's Patchfinder finds it on the Webadaptor server.

We still have to continue hunting for the root cause of the error message and fix it. Good repair tips are more than welcome 

We looked through the logs of the Enterprise servers last week. It appears that when an IIS server issues an 'Internal server error 500' message to end-users, requests do not come from the Web Adapter to the GIS servers, but for some reason remain along the way or freeze on the IIS server. How would you try to fix the error? Would reinstalling the IIS server and/or Web adapter help?

I need help. How do I resolve the issue of 500 internal server error in a Jupyter notebook? This error comes up anytime I am opening a Jupyter notebook I created and worked on previously. I have tried some recommendations from the internet, but it still comes back.

I used to use notebook sagenb for teaching purposes.Each student had a login and password to work on the same server.I ran into several internal server errors 500 using it. so I though since it seems that jupyter notebook is more recommended I should try and switch to it.However, I am concerned because I am not sure it allows the same type of multi-users server.Hint from jupyter notebook login page that points to -notebook.readthedocs....tell me that it might not.So the questions are:

If students can not have their own key, it is possible to use such a key to serve public notebooks as in 2/, without taking the risk of exposing you own private data. I might develop a jupyterhub (with Sage) automatic deployment icon in a future version of SDL (but it is currently not on the top of my todo list).

I'm trying to set up a secured Jupyter notebook on my Apache 2.4.7 server. If there's a better, easier, or more secure way to do it, that'd be great. I know AuthType Basic doesn't really add much, I was just playing with Apache, and am including it here for completeness. When I set up an unsecure notebook through HTTP it works, but obviously this is a bad idea.

But only when accessing it through my domain. Obviously it has to be secured, as I'm exposing python through it. Apache doesn't log an error for this, but the Jupyter notebook throws SSL Error on some number('', some number): [SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:600)

I set it up with the ipython instructions (which are the same as the jupyter one luckily) and a bug report that introduced the keyfile thing. I set up the cert with openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout [mycert.pem] -out [mycert.pem] as suggested in the bug report, with the key and cert appended together for simplicity. I'll get a real one signed later. Since it works locally (with a browser complaint of localhost not matching the CN www.[mydomain].com which doesn't appear when accessing through the website), I'd imagine getting the Apache server setup correctly is the only thing I'm missing.

Since the error is coming from Jupyter and not from Apache, it appears to be a problem with the communication between Apache and Jupyter. If Jupyter's websocket server is expecting encrypted connections (which it appears to be, since it's complaining) then instead of using the ws:// scheme, you will need to use wss://

The internal server error could happen because of temporal unavailability of the services. Could you please try your requests again? If the error persists, please provide the exact request so we can have a look into it. It would be easier for us to reproduce the error if you could generate your request using Requests Builder and copy the curl request from the Request Preview window.

I am reasonably sure I followed the correct procedure for Binder because when I click on the Binder button in the repo README, the (non interactive) notebooks in the repo work just fine on the Binder server.

By default, custom kernel invocation entails launching the ipykernel_launcher with the python specified in your virtualenv. This does not source your virtualenv (adding the virtualenv /bin directory to your path). As such, referring to "binaries" in your virtualenv or to site-packages from a subprocess launched from a notebook will not work. To remedy this, after installing your custom kernel following the instructions below, open the relevant kernelspec file under `.local/share/jupyter/kernels` and add the "env" option to the kernel spec as shown in the sample JSON file below.

Explanation: A common cause of this is the existence of a python directory in `~/.local/lib`, which confuses the JupyterHub server about the correct source of python packages. If this is the cause of your "500: Internal Server Error", you will likely see 'jinja2': ImportError: cannot import name 'contextfilter' from 'jinja2' error messages written to your `~/.jupyter/jupyterhub/resources/notebook.log`.

This does not work for me. I have deleted the database and restarted orion. As soon as I say prefect storage create I get an error. Below is .prefect/profiles.toml; version; traceback from server. I am running on WSL2. Do I have to setup some kind of profile file?

In general the Bokeh server console log will have this information. But not every situation is equal, e.g. things may not be easily viewable or accessible in notebook settings. I would always advise dev/testing outside the notebook since the notebook always adds complexity and levels of distance/abstraction.

And the same is true of any exception in a callback. In general the Bokeh server console log will have this information. But not every situation is equal, e.g. things may not be easily viewable or accessible in notebook settings. I would always advise dev/testing outside the notebook since the notebook always adds complexity and levels of distance/abstraction.

The web server IP is auto-configured in the same way as internal communication IP, nevertheless the created socket listens on all available interfaces. A specific API can be specified with the -web_ip option.

Also, unlike previous versions, with 0.8.4 the amount of disk storage will be strongly enforced,regardless of whether persistent volumes are used or not. With persistent volumes users will simply run out of space. However,when persistent volumes are not used, going over the amount of storage that a user has requested when starting their sessionwill result in eviction of the k8s pod that runs the session and termination of the session. Therefore, admins are advisedto review and set proper options for disk sizes in the notebooks.serverOptions portion of the values file. e24fc04721

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