Get Your Roof in Shape: What to Expect from a Professional Roofing Inspection

A statistical study indicates the average homeowner spends about $50,000 on their home maintenance (including mortgage) every year. Most of the homes’ structural issues are due to roof problems. So the easier way to lower the expense is to keep up with regular roof maintenance. The Sooner you find the problem in the roof, the less the expense on maintenance. But finding damage in the roof is a tricky task for many homeowners. 

Hence, a professional roof inspection is crucial. If it's your first time to schedule a roof inspection, you may not know what to expect during the inspection. The professionals check on your roof to make sure it's in good condition. 

The inspectors look for issues like leaks, damage and wear. They do regular inspections to keep your roof safe and long-lasting. Read on to know more details on roof inspection before the contractor comes to the site.

What involves a roofing inspection?

A professional roof inspector looks at your entire roof to see if anything is wrong during a roof inspection. They check the materials, structure and inside of your roof for any signs of damage. They also look for things like leaks, cracks, or missing tiles. 

The inspection lets them find issues that are hard for homeowners to find without technical knowledge. Once they find any issue, they can tell you what needs to be fixed. Melbourne Quality Roofing can help by employing an experienced inspector who knows what to look for.

What does professional roof inspection checking include?

The roof inspector checks different things during a professional roof inspection that ensure your roof is in good shape. They look at the roof structure to see if it's strong and not sagging. The inspector also checks other parts like gutters, fascia, and soffit to make sure they are in good condition. If you have a chimney, they check it for any cracks or damage. 

Moreover, they look at the attic venting. It is important because if the attic does not have proper ventilation, it can lead to moisture buildup. Too much moisture can make the plywood and tiles on your roof rot. It is especially important in colder areas. Without proper venting, ice dams can form at the roof edge.

Another crucial thing what is included in a roof inspection is checking the condition of all the roof materials. The inspector looks at things like tiles, flashing, and fasteners. They want to make sure everything is in good shape. The tiles should lay straight and flat against the roof without any stains or moss. If the tiles are curled, cracked or missing, it's a sign that they need to be replaced. 

The inspector also looks at rubber boots and seals around vent pipes. They check for any gaps or signs of rotting and deterioration. The goal of this inspection is to make sure all the materials that make up the roof are in proper working condition. If any parts are damaged or worn out, it's important to replace them to avoid further damage.

During a professional roof inspection, the inspector not only checks the outside of the roof but also looks inside your home. They check the ceilings, attic, and interior walls. Furthermore, their goal is to find any signs of mould, rot or water stains. These signs indicate roof leakage or water getting inside your home. 

If the inspector sees mould, it means there is excess moisture coming from the roof. Roof inspection also includes looking for any signs of rotting or watermarks. You can't find these hidden issues without technical skills and fix them early.

It's essential to assess the quality of the roof workmanship. It means how well the roof was installed. So the roof inspection is not just limited to the interior and exterior part of the roof. Additionally, the inspectors also check for any errors or mistakes made during the process. Poor workmanship can increase the risk of leaks and other damage to the roof. 

When you ask for the roofing contractor to check the roof installation, they look for many installation signs. They look for signs of improperly installed flashing and what material is used to prevent water from seeping into the vulnerable areas. Moreover, the inspection may include checking chimneys and skylights for any issues or improper installation.

If your roof is under warranty and the professional roof inspection finds workmanship problems, you can file a warranty claim. It will help you cover the cost of repairs or fixes for any installation issues. So it's best to check the workmanship to make sure the roof was installed correctly. Moreover, it helps you reduce the maintenance cost of the roof for future problems.  

How to know you need a roof inspection?

Experts recommend scheduling a roof inspection once a year. If you have bought a home recently and have not done a roof inspection yet, it's important to schedule your service first. There are several signs which indicate your roof needs professional attention. Here are some signs to know to schedule roof inspections:

Final Words

A roof inspection is a crucial preventative maintenance task that homeowners can easily forget. Don't make a mistake, as it can lead to extensive damage to the rest of your home. Experts suggest having an annual roof inspection during the spring or fall. It allows you to check for any damage caused by the earlier season and address it before the condition gets worse. The weather is comfortable to work outside during fall or spring.

The intense heat and storms during summer can cause damage to the roof. Similarly, snowstorms and ice can be tough on the roof. If you are concerned about potential roof damage, it's good to inspect the roof condition before summer or winter. Now that you know what it involves during and after a roof inspection, do it today to save your home. It helps you keep your roof in good shape and prevent bigger problems in the future.