How to install Office Updates?

Is Installation Office Required?

Installing Office is required when you want to use MS Office on your device offline at all times. If you want to run the Cloud version of MS Office, logging in to the online version is sufficient, you do not need to install on your desktop.

Microsoft Office pushes OTA update every now and then and if you desire to receive the latest updates you can follow steps:

  • Launch any Microsoft Office Application. (Word, PowerPoint, etc)

  • In the File Menu, Click Account.

  • In Office Product Information Section, You will have Update option, Click on it.

  • Now Click “Update Now”, MS Office will start to download any new update if available, or else if it is already updated, it will show a message. “You’re up to date.”

Reset Your Office Password

It is easy to reset your password if you have forgotten your password.

  • Go-to

  • Click Sign In.

  • On the bottom right, click forgot password.

  • Select a valid reset option e.g. reset via e-mail or reset via call.

  • You will receive a verification email to reset your password.

  • Complete the verification procedure and set a new password.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to Create a new Microsoft Office Account?

Creating a MS Office Account is pretty easy. You will require your phone number in some cases. Follow Steps:

  • Go to

  • Click on Sign In on the top Right Corner.

  • Under the E-mail Address, Phone number or Skype field, you will get “No Account? Create One”. Click on Create one.

  • Follow steps, Enter your information and you are good to go.

How to share your Microsoft Office 365 Family Subscription?

If you have recently purchased the MS Office 365 Family Subscription, and you want to add/share the subscription with your family, here is how to do it:

2. Sign In with your Microsoft Office Account, the one with which you have purchase the Subscription.

3. Select and Click the “Start Sharing” button.

4. You will find a pop up, Share your Subscription.

5. Now you obtain options to invite via e-mail or invite via link.

6. Once they have accepted the invite, they can log in via to access the applications.

How to install and office setup:

Before installing Office, we need to check and verify some pre-requests checklist of the system. This might affect our work performance while using it; it might also give some errors while setting up Microsoft Office.

MS Office Setup Check List:

  • Review system requirements for the software. And make sure your system meets them adequately.

  • An active Internet connection.

  • An Outlook Account, Any Account that you use for Microsoft Office Services.

  • Go to for office setup.

  • Sign In or Create a New Account.

  • Enter and Redeem MS Office Product Key.

  • Select and Download Office Setup.

  • Save and Run office setup.

  • Follow and Finish Installation process.

  • You’re All Set, Office is installed.

Getting Started with MS Office:

Follow the step’s below to set up the MS Office:

  • Click the Start button.

  • From here, select MS Office product.

  • The licensing file appears.

  • Review the license and choose “I agree.” if agreed.

  • It requires you to sign-in your Outlook Id.

  • Sign-in your Outlook Id, it got activate, and your MS office is ready to use.

  • You will adjust your Microsoft Office priorities and settings as per your requirements.

  • For the time of usage, you are asked to adjust your MS Office priorities and settings as per your requirements.

Where are the Installed Office Applications (windows):

  • Click on the Start button.

  • In the app Display, You can scroll and find MS Office applications.

  • Or simply Type the application you need to Open, Word, Excel.

Find Installed Office apps on Mac:

  • Press Command and Space bar.

  • It will bring up the exploration bar, Type the application you desire to open, Word, PowerPoint and hit Enter.

  • Or you can go to the Finder and open the application folder and all the installed applications will be available there.

How to Switch from Office Home/Personal/Business to MS Office 365?

It is easily possible, Follow Steps:

  • Go to

  • Now log in to your existing Subscription Office Account.

  • Buy a New MS Office 365 (the one you want to switch to) Subscription.

  • Now the remain time on your old Subscription will be added to your New Subscription and your switch is done.

How to Renew your Microsoft Office Subscription?

You can renew your MS Office subscription by visiting your office account at or you can follow steps:

  • Go to website.

  • You can see renewal price on the page.

  • Select your subscription according to your old subscription.

  • You can renew with a monthly or a yearly Subscription.

  • With whatever renewal plan, review your Cart.

  • Proceed to Checkout.

  • Sign in with the Microsoft office account that you use with Microsoft 365.

  • Check your Order and choose Renew subscription.

  • You can also renew your subscription from a general store by purchase the renewal and entering the office product key of that product in your renewal page.

MS Office Product Key

In XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX Format, a combination of 25 Alphanumeric is usually provided with the package that your MS Office is stored in. It can be a CD, DVD, or an E-mail. If you have purchase MS Office from a local store you can get the office product key on the backside under the product bar code.

However, if you have completed the buy online and the product is linked with your e-mail, you most probably don’t need a office product key. However, if you’re being asked for a Product Key during installation, you can find the office Product Key in your email that you used to make the purchase from. - Get begun with the best profitability suite by visiting and download Microsoft office items. Utilize the 25 digit office setup item key for office establishment and enactment. You can take help from help group in the event that you face any issues in office setup. : Download, Install and Activate office setup

Type or in your #1 program

Sign in to Microsoft account

New clients need to make another record

Enter your 25 digit office setup item key

Presently you need to go as per your arrangement and adaptation

In the event that you have a work or school account, click on introduce Office Apps which you'll discover on the Office 365 landing page.

Select 32 or 64 digit adaptation

Snap on download button

Office setup document will get downloaded in couple of moments.

Double tap on the document to run and introduce office

Follow on screen prompts

Snap concur on terms a conditions

Hold back to finish the establishment of office setup

Open any office application, for example, dominate, word

Snap on initiate button

You need to sin in or enter item key

Enter office setup item key

Snap on initiate button so Microsoft office will be enacted.

Restart your gadget and appreciate office membership

Update Microsoft Office

Microsoft discharges security and quality updates for the Click-To-Run (C2R) Setup of Office 2019 through, which is solely C2R. These overhauls are delivered around once per month, for the most part on the second Tuesday of the month.

Go to for Office Setup.

Sign In or Create another Microsoft Account.

Discover your Office Product Key.

Enter Microsoft Office Product key.

Select your Country and Language.

Download Office Setup and adhere to On-Screen guidelines.

Finish the Installation Process and Run the Applications.

Step by step instructions to Install Office Setup on Windows

  1. Go to for Office Setup.

  2. Open your program, visit or and select the Office item you need to introduce.

  3. Sign In to your Microsoft Office Account.

  4. Sign In to your record at or, to finish the buy and setup office. On the off chance that you, nonetheless, don't have a Microsoft Account, you'll need to make one.

  5. Discover your Office Product Key.

  6. Discover the Product key of your Microsoft Office in your email related with your office or discover it on the container whenever purchased from a retail location.

  7. Enter your Microsoft Office Product Key.

Whenever you have signed in to your record or made another one, you need to enter the Product key in the orange territory. Select your nation and the language you need.

Download and Install Office.

Whenever you have entered the right data, you can start downloading the product. Follow the on-screen bearings and begin downloading your enrolled duplicate of Microsoft Office.

Run the Activation wizard.

When you run the office installer you need to adhere to on-screen directions that show up on the screen. Presently, We simply need to trust that the office setup will experience the establishment cycle.

Open and Run office Applications.

When the establishment is finished open any office application and you will get a welcome screen with a message "No doubt about it" and that office is initiated.

The most effective method to Install Office Setup on Mac

1. Sign into your office 365 record and you will get diverted to the download page. In the event that you're not, you can go to settings and afterward pick the Software.

2. Presently, under Install, Select that catch to begin downloading the installer bundle.

3. Presently, go to Downloads, you will discover the installer bundle under the name Office installer.dmg or some variety of that name, double tap it to dispatch setup. In the event that you can't open and setup office, go to office Support Forum.

4. At the point when the main Office screen shows up, select Continue to run the office establishment cycle and sign in with your office membership.

5. Pick how you wish to introduce the Setup at that point Continue.

What are the advantages of introducing office setup?

Microsoft office chips away at each gadget and each iOS.

Expands the work effectiveness

Brought down security, danger and consistence costs

With an Office 365 participation, you get the latest Office applications—both the work zone and the online structures—and updates when they happen.

Office 365 + your device + the Internet = productivity any place you are.