Why music??

What does this do for me?

One of the main reasons that seems to go around about why you should not be in a music class is that it does not lead to a job or that it is a waste of time. After having lived through the COVID-19 pandemic it is a hope that people will begin to see the Arts in a different light.

When the regular daily life changed and people were charged to stay in their homes as much as possible many turned to the Arts to help them get by. Many turned to watching streaming services (THEATRE), all of a sudden many learned the latest viral dance on social media (DANCE), some turned to drawing or taking more pictures to show the state of the world (VISUAL ARTS), and many discovered new music to listen to or tried to play that instrument that they were always curious about and had access to (MUSIC). 

The Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) were there to help us through the hard times with our various struggles, but now that the world has reopened we can grow our personal appreciation a little bit more.

We can go to live performances for concerts, plays, musicals, and visit art museums. Students all have the ability to be in person for school again. Most importantly: we have the ability to allow the next generation to begin their journey in the Arts. 

The older we get the harder it is to be a beginner; we begin to compare who we are with where someone else is. What we do not see is the hard work that was put in behind the scenes through repetitive practice to get the non-beginners where they are. 

While it's true that most people will not get a career in music, the other skills that come with participating in it will pay dividends to the career you or your student will come away with. To name a few students will learn how to:

There is a whole world of opportunity waiting for you to learn how to play an instrument. Take that first big step and choose to have a music class as your elective and see where life takes you and the new friends and teammates you will meet along the way.

Schedule Matrix 

As students go through selecting their classes from 7th-12th grade there is a belief that they cannot remain in an Arts class for all six years. Below is an example of how you can make it work! The matrix below shows how you can be in an Arts class for your entire time in our district and still meet all the necessary requirements to graduate. 

Advocate, speak up, for yourself to have your schedule work for you and your participation in the Arts. 

A HUGE help is to make sure you are keeping your grades up as you go; make sure you are passing all of your classes. If you fall behind on your assignments, talk to your teachers to get back on track. It is imperative that you always pass your classes so that you can participate in 8th Grade Promotion and High School Graduation. Failing any of your required classes not only jeopardizes those major milestones, but is also a reason you could be pulled from an Arts class.

You can do it! All schools have plenty of resources in place so that you will pass your classes and keep you in the Arts class that helps you get through your day.

VAPA Course Matrix 7-12.pdf


SUHSD Over 1,000 Voices About the Arts - Over 1,000 students in our district want you to know why the arts matter to them 

ArtsEdSearch.org - The nation's first online research and policy clearinghouse that documents the educational outcomes of arts learning for students and teachers.

How Arts Education Boosts students' 21st Century Skills, published by ESchoolNews 

Music Education is shown to Improve Reading Skills, published by Science Daily 

Adolescence, Music and Algebra, published by the Journal of Adolescent Research