Performance Groups

Procedures for all Groups:

Be on time with all materials ready to go.

· Do not talk without permission once the rehearsal begins - it slows us all down

· Remain in your seat and stay focused on the task at hand - self-discipline

· Be proud of your abilities and maintain a positive attitudes - You matter.

· Work hard—give 100 % of what you have to give - perseverance

· Be responsible and dedicated to our common goals - we are a team

· Be polite and treat everyone with courtesy and respect 

· Have fun and enjoy the music we make, so that others may share our enthusiasm

Do these things daily so they become habits. Then, when we perform, all the skills and techniques which are taught in class will be second nature to you, and you will be able to give yourself totally to expressing the music!!

Music Room Rules:

· All school rules will be adhered to. In additions, these are my music room rules:

· Be prompt: You must be seated and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

· Be prepared: Come to class with appropriate supplies, materials and assignments

· Be polite: Treat others as you wish to be treated

· Do not disrupt the class in any way

· Keep hands and feet to yourself

· NO foods, drinks or gum/candy, Bottled water is okay.

Beginning Ensembles/Courses:

Osprey Band ("Band Beginning")

Osprey Orchestra ("Strings Beginning")

Osprey Choir (Club)

Guitar ("Guitar Beginning")

Intermediate/Advanced Courses:

Falcon Band ("Band Intermediate")

Falcon Orchestra ("Strings Advanced")

Falcon Choir (Club)

Additional Opportunities:

Sweetwater Summer Arts Academy

Sweetwater District Orchestra

Sweetwater District Honor Band

Pep Band