This ends our first lesson, we hope you enjoyed it and learnt something. If you have some spare time how about going back through this tutorial and, by yourself, make some amendments. If there is something you did not understand or want to give us some feedback, please send us an email.

Links pointing to other pages of the same website will have a relative path, which does not include the domain (.com, .org, .edu, etc.) in the href attribute value. Because the link is pointing to another page on the same website, the href attribute value needs to include only the filename of the page being linked to: about.html, for example.

Html Lesson

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Should the page being linked to reside within a different directory, or folder, the href attribute value needs to reflect this as well. Say the about.html page resides within the pages directory; the relative path would then be pages/about.html.

I was looking a lot in the moodle forums, for a instructions to embeded a html file insdide a lesson, I found instructions to embed a flash file, And it works very well with my macromedia flash files.

Also I try to create a link to my html file, but all options only give me a two different behaivor, one of them is to open the html file in a new window and the other one is to open the file in the actual window.

Howewer, If you want to embed a DW page inside a "lesson module" page, (lesson module is not a resource and you cannot lonk directly to a uploaded page) you may want to check the use of a tag where you can specify a uploaded source page. This tip come from Andreas Leiser, and works in many conditions.

But, when I close this screen and try to see it in the lesson, this resource is not showed, can you help me? or can you tell me where reach the Andreas Leiser tip?, to handle this files in a lesson resource.

Crescenciano, the first thing i would check is the working environment for tag. In other word, try to load two html pages inside your web space (not in the moodledata folder) and embed one page on the other with . Point your browser to the web space where you uploaded the html containing the iframe and check whether it works or not.

All lessons in this course are listed below, organized by unit and module. Lessons and their assignments are also listed in the Student Assignment Checklist, which must be completed regularly and turned in to your instructor.

I hope this is solved now if any future developers are facing this issue. Please check the URLs (like https:// mistakes) in your code (index.html) so that you can build your website on a local server.

There are also printable worksheets, assessments and lesson plans for individual learners and English teachers. We encourage you to follow the weekly lessons and share your progress with us through comments and email.

Looking to bring the U.S. House of Representatives into your Grade School classroom? Visit our For Teachers section for resources, activities, and lesson plans that complement the material on this site.

Hint:  Active learning is most frequently used in the Bridge, Pre-Assessment, Post-Assessment, or Participatory Learning, but really creative instructors have also used active approaches to communicate lesson outcomes to students, or get students involved in providing a summary of the lesson.

You can try creating some HTML code. In your text editor, createa new file. Copy the code below into the editor. The first line tellsthe browser what kind of file it is. The html tag has the text directionset to ltr (left to right) and the lang (language) set to US English.The title tag in the head of the HTML document contains material that isusually displayed in the top bar of a window when the page is beingviewed, and in Firefox tabs.

OHRP offers this comprehensive training on human research protections based on the requirements of the revised Common Rule (or 2018 Requirements). A printable completion certificate is available at the conclusion of each lesson. Note that OHRP does not collect information about who accesses or completes this training.

When HHS Regulations Apply (Lesson 1)

This lesson introduces human research protections, the Common Rule, and the offices and agencies that oversee human subjects research. It takes approximately 35 min to complete.

IRB Review of Research (Lesson 4)

This lesson describes the regulatory requirements for IRB review and the criteria for IRB review and approval under the Common Rule. It takes approximately 1 hr and 40 min to complete.

Institutional Oversight of Human Research (Lesson 5)

This lesson explains the requirements for research institutions and IRBs for ensuring regulatory compliance and oversight of research to protect human participants. It takes approximately 45 min to complete.

Now, check the files in the current directory. You should notice that two newfiles have been created: quotes-1.html and quotes-2.html, with the contentfor the respective URLs, as our parse method instructs.

When you enable static website hosting for your bucket, you enter the name of the index document (for example, index.html). After you enable static website hosting for the bucket, you upload an HTML file with this index document name to your bucket.

The index document file name must exactly match the index document name that you enter in the Static website hosting dialog box. The index document name is case sensitive. For example, if you enter index.html for the Index document name in the Static website hosting dialog box, your index document file name must also be index.html and not Index.html.

When you enable static website hosting for your bucket, you enter the name of the error document (for example, 404.html). After you enable static website hosting for the bucket, you upload an HTML file with this error document name to your bucket.

The error document name is case sensitive and must exactly match the name that you enter when you enable static website hosting. For example, if you enter 404.html for the Error document name in the Static website hosting dialog box, your error document file name must also be 404.html.

Enable static website hosting for your bucket, and enter the exact name of your error document (for example, 404.html). For more information, see Enabling website hosting and Configuring a custom error document.

This government will learn the lessons of Hurricane Katrina. We are going to review every action and make necessary changes so that we are better prepared for any challenge of nature, or act of evil men, that could threaten our people.

After reviewing and analyzing the response to Hurricane Katrina, we identified seventeen specific lessons the Federal government has learned. These lessons, which flow from the critical challenges we encountered, are depicted in the accompanying text box. Fourteen of these critical challenges were highlighted in the preceding Week of Crisis section and range from high-level policy and planning issues (e.g., the Integrated Use of Military Capabilities) to operational matters (e.g., Search and Rescue).2 Three other challenges – Training, Exercises, and Lessons Learned; Homeland Security Professional Development and Education; and Citizen and Community Preparedness – are interconnected to the others but reflect measures and institutions that improve our preparedness more broadly. These three will be discussed in the Report’s last chapter, Transforming National Preparedness.

Some of these seventeen critical challenges affected all aspects of the Federal response. Others had an impact on a specific, discrete operational capability. Yet each, particularly when taken in aggregate, directly affected the overall efficiency and effectiveness of our efforts. This chapter summarizes the challenges that ultimately led to the lessons we have learned. Over one hundred recommendations for corrective action flow from these lessons and are outlined in detail in Appendix A of the Report.

The Federal government’s dissemination of essential public information prior to Hurricane Katrina’s Gulf landfall is one of the positive lessons learned. The many professionals at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Hurricane Center worked with diligence and determination in disseminating weather reports and hurricane track predictions as described in the Pre-landfall chapter. This includes disseminating warnings and forecasts via NOAA Radio and the internet, which operates in conjunction with the Emergency Alert System (EAS).68 We can be certain that their efforts saved lives.

In the previous lesson, we saw how to use the pipe operator%>% to use different functions in a sequence and createa coherent workflow. We can also use the pipe operator to pass thedata argument to the ggplot() function. Thehard part is to remember that to build your ggplot, you need to use+ and not %>%.

Our son is calm and happy in the water and has shown so much improvement and growth. Our daughter loves going to lessons and has became such a strong swimmer! It's amazing that they both went from not putting their heads under water to swimming unassisted under water!

The skills my child has learned are priceless, the confidence they carry is such a gift. When my 4th child is ready he will be in lessons too giving him the same opportunities we have given our other 3 sons

Our lesson plans are free to use - just click on thelesson plan links below and print. Access to the flashcards, worksheets,craft sheets, PowerPoint lessons, songs and classroom readers, however,require a Membership. 2351a5e196

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