Thank You 

Rita Karmiol

With the beginning of the Haverford Township Adult School in 1957, we commemorate 66 years of bringing affordable community education to the Township and beyond. This spring, we celebrate an individual who has given her time and talent to the Adult School Board for 50 of those 66 years. How fortunate Haverford Township has been to have someone with the dedication, skills and leadership that Rita Karmiol has given for these 50 years. No job was too overwhelming for her. If she was needed, she was there with her talent and abilities. From an article in the paper to hosting an Adult School Conference for the Philadelphia area, Rita was there ready to take on the task. When Rita first started volunteering for the Adult School Board, members needed to be elected to serve. It was all very official and Rita was more than qualified. After her two girls were in school, she started her career at Harcum College and then at Drexel University, but still found time for the Adult School responsibilities.

In addition to serving as Publicity Chair the last many years, Rita has been Secretary or Co-Secretary twice (1975-1976, 2000-2001), Vice President four times (1978-1979, 1986-1987, 1996-1998, 2005-2007), and President three times (1979-1981, 2002-2004, 2007-2009).

Thank you, Rita, for being you, and for all your contributions to our community!