Past Conferences

HSSC 2022 

The 2022 HSSC theme was "Connections and Networks in Social Sciences." As the title suggests, the conference centered around relationships between and amongst humans and non-human actants, systems, methods, data, or disciplines with the aim of exploring and enhancing connections, and their resulting networks, in social sciences research.

The 4th annual international conference was conducted online and included 41 presenters from Kenya, USA, Canada, United Kingdom and Israel. Participants presented their unique works, engaged in discussions and were provided with feedback in workshops managed by leading professors and Idit program representatives. Exceptional participants were awarded with a $700 prize at the end of the conference.   

Following the workshop sessions, Professor Amir Goldberg, an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford's Business School, honored and fascinated us with a keynote speech titled "What can AI teach us about culture?" The conference was summarized by announcing the winning participants of each workshop.

The conference was managed by the 2020 Idit graduate students' cohort: Shulamit Nussboim from the School of Geography and Environmental Studies, Shani Zohar from the School of Psychological Sciences, Miranda Shemesh from the School of Sociology, Danielle Yusufov from the School of Communications, and Avishay Zacharia from the School of Psychological Sciences. The conference was managed with the aid of Dr. Valerie Isaac, Idit program's academic coordinator. Coordination and workshop support was provided by all Idit program members. 

HSSC 2021 

The 2021 HSSC theme was "Beyond the Ivory Tower: Bridging between Science and Society." Social Institutions and Norms in the Digital Age." As the title suggests, the academy is often criticized for being detached from the outside community. The conference centered around interdisciplinary research aimed at bridging the gap between academic research and its application to the community, in hope of promoting greater cooperation between scientists, decision makers and the general public - from the lecture halls and labs to real social change. 

The third annual international conference was conducted online and included 42 graduate students from different countries - representative counties included: Israel, Bulgaria, Argentina, Kenya, France, India, England and the United States.  Participants presented their unique works, engaged in discussions and were provided with feed back in workshops managed by leading professors and Idit program representatives. Exceptional participants were awarded with a $700 prize at the end of the conference.   

Following the workshop sessions, Professor Tali Sharot, a world-famous scientist in the field of brain research and cognition, honored and fascinated us with a keynote speech titled "How people device what they want to know: information seeking and the human brain." Before the award ceremony, participants were also honored to received short speeches given by Professor Baruch Eitam, head of the Idit program, and Professor Daphna Canetti, dean of social sciences at the university of Haifa.  We adjourned the conference by announcing the winning participants of each workshop.

The third annual conference was managed by the 2019 Idit graduate students' cohort: Ronen Shechman from the school of criminology, Efrat Mishor from the school of political science, Alisa Kanterman from the school of psychology, and Lara Mertens from the school of anthropology. Conference was managed with the aid of Dr. Valerie Isaac, Idit program's academic coordinator. Coordination and workshop support was provided by all Idit program members. 

HSSC 2020 

The HSSC 2020 theme was "Social Institutions and Norms in the Digital Age." Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held online and enabled widening the conference's scope and the number of participants. The conference included seven simultaneous workshop sessions on various topics in the social sciences. The workshops were moderated by leading social science scholars from Israeli academic institutions and were facilitated by the Idit Program members. 

Twenty-nine graduate students of various nationalities participated in the conference. They presented their latest work, engaged in discussions with their peers and received insightful and constructive feedback and advice from leading researchers in their field of work. 

Following the workshop sessions, Dr. Liat Yakir, a world-famous scientist who researches the biological basis of stress, honored and fascinated us with a keynote speech titled "Stress and the Human Brain."

We adjourned the conference by announcing the winning participants of each workshop.

HSSC 2019 

The inaugural HSSC conference was held on Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 and was led by Idit scholars.

The event, titled "Haifa Workshops for Interdisciplinary Research in Social Sciences," gathered 26 young and promising researchers from 6 Israeli universities and various disciplines in social sciences.

Participants presented and vigorously discussed their research in four thematic workshops: AI and big data, social media, terrorism, immigration and climate change and age-old questions in social sciences looked anew.

Among the 26 participants, Iftach Amir, Tal Harel , Omer Solodoch , Shelly Ashtar and Danielle Movsowitz-Davidow  received a prize of $1000 each for their presentations, recognized as the most outstanding research projects. As the quality of the research was generally very high, another 2 projects received honourable mention.

The event concluded with a provocative talk by Dr. Roi Sason, the chief data scientist for Waze and a former Economics Phd., titled: "Why Should Social Scientists Fear the Data Revolution?".

This successful event marked the beginning of a tradition. The next conference will be held in summer of 2020.