Haifa Social Science Conference

The 5th Annual Haifa International Social Sciences online interdisciplinary conference for Graduate Students

June 14th, 2023

Registering & Joining the Conference

How to register (for free) to the conference and start participation? 

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Common Questions and Answers:

About the Conference

The 5th Annual Haifa Social Sciences Conference is an enterprise of the Idit program,  a four-year multidisciplinary program aimed at advancing the next generation of social science researchers in Israel. The program is composed of a limited group of Ph.D students at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Haifa. The group acts as a cross-field community to enhance each participant's personal research. The conference offers postgraduate students the opportunity to present their research in a stimulating intellectual environment and receive feedback from a wide variety of interdisciplinary discussants.

An explicit aim of the conference is to build a network among postgraduate students interested in interdisciplinary research. The conference therefore aims to host a vibrant intellectual community where participants can interact with different faculty members from social science departments and their peers from around the world who share this same interest. 

Conference Theme 2023

Incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals in Social Sciences

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by world leaders at the UN General Assembly, call to find solutions for urgent social, economic, and environmental challenges around the world. At the heart of the SDG is the recognition that “ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests”.

The 5th Annual Haifa International Social Sciences Conference seeks studies exploring these societal challenges, offering implications concerning their manifestation and solutions. 

We welcome submissions that show a contribution related to the achievement of one or more of the 17 goals, or to one or more of their 169 sub-targets, from the following social science disciplines: political science, psychology, neuroscience, economics, geography and environmental studies, computer and data sciences, communications and media, business administration, sociology, social work, anthropology, law, criminology, and statistics. 

Conference Funding

The 5th Annual Haifa Social Sciences Conference is funded by the faculty of Social Sciences, University of Haifa.

University of Haifa

199 Abba Hushi Blvd., Mount Carmel,

Haifa 3498838, Israel 

Joining the Conference